Experience and Training

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Re: Experience and Training

Post by Raona » Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:19 pm

Travis wrote:I think something along the lines of a rat mountain was mentioned by Dalvyn?
For anyone told legends about this area by Raona IC - it's not actually yet in game, so don't bust your hump looking for it! It is a hoped-for area, though, one more accessible to players just starting out. It's waiting for a builder, I believe.

I log at times when I (used to, for the most part) find myself the only player online. And yep, when that happens you have little alternative but to limit your interaction to with the NPCs. But even in those twillight hours, nowadays, you are rarely alone. If you interact with others when you do have the chance, I think you don't have to get stuck in a grind-delay loop. I'll add that you'll experience nearly the same level of challenge finding others to RP with as your character gets stronger, if you log exclusively during those times few others are online.

I think one can do a good bit of exploring with a <level 10 PC. You just have to think differently! You don't fight the bandits, you avoid them - only travel by day, look a square ahead before moving. Yes, it's harder, it's slower, and one-mis-step can end your life...but the consequences of that aren't as dire as a new PC, either.
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Re: Experience and Training

Post by Enig » Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:58 pm

Speaking as someone who spent quite a considerable time travelling as a low level fighter and then an even lower level wizard (without the ability to fly or levitate) I can say with some experience that it's pretty much posible to get to most cities as a level <10 PC, albeit with some additional constraints, ie. not travelling at night, being stocked up with food/water/lanterns, never travelling off the plains/roads, and etc. Movement points are really the only limiting factor and they'll come back if you sit down in a field and rest long enough. A little tiresome if you're alone, but manageable, and if you're with a companion or two it's a great opportunity to break out the campfire songs and roast some rat over an open fire :)

Oh! I do have one suggestion, though. Regarding the Express Deliveries and the abuse thereof, what about the possibility of giving the different tiers of membership different level restrictions? Ie. level 3 for tier 1 (local) deliveries, then level 8 before you can be promoted, and etc. Those levels are arbitrary ones that I picked out of my head, but it gets the idea across :) I do think that even if the rewards were diminished and made insignificant, the local ED quests would still be useful to acquaint new players/characters with the lay of the city, and to get them feeling involved with things.
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Re: Experience and Training

Post by Velius » Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:21 am

Enig wrote:Oh! I do have one suggestion, though. Regarding the Express Deliveries and the abuse thereof, what about the possibility of giving the different tiers of membership different level restrictions? Ie. level 3 for tier 1 (local) deliveries, then level 8 before you can be promoted, and etc. Those levels are arbitrary ones that I picked out of my head, but it gets the idea across :)
Like the idea Enig! I don't think the rewards given should be lowered though if thats what you meant in the following sentence, but other than that, it'd beneficial to the MUD if the quest was allowed to be given to those under level 10, but in a way that it wasn't abusable (if thats a word). Its also a very popular line of quests.
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