New Prog Wish List

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New Prog Wish List

Post by Kregor » Mon May 05, 2008 7:51 pm

Not certain this is the best place to put this. As it pertains purely to builders this seems the logical place, we can always link it into staff suggestions later.

There are an assortment of mudprogs that I think would make a good addition to the game and allow for more versatile programming on the part of the builders. I am going to start with a few offhand that I either want to see myself, or I've springboarded from questions in builder discussions of "I wish a mobile could...."
  • group_greet_prog: This prog would be a greet prog that triggers only once when a group enters the room with the prog, be it a mobile or room prog. The advantage would be not getting spammed by the same line over and over as a group goes through a quest together, also for group quests, would allow for one event trigger to advance the quest.

    desc_prog: This prog would intervene between an obj/char/room's normal desc field, and instead execute the program. Useful applications would be descriptions that should change as a quest progresses. Examples being: the quest where the player casts friends on the hag, using a prog like this could literally change the desc of the mobile, subject to the onlooker. Or a room that needs to show up as crumbled and collapsed after an earthquake. These would be lines of mpechoat $n of course, but other commands and checks could trigger from the look action as well. Though most things could trigger with a exa_prog, the difference would be the interception of the actual desc of the prog holder.

    kill_prog: kill_prog would be, plain and simple, the opposite of death_prog. So that when a mobile kills a player, it triggers the prog. This would make it possible for the mobile to do things like set a failure bit if the player loses the battle, or even something as simple as cackle in victory as a taunt for the rest of the party. Or, perhaps even something more sinister, like a mobile that grows more powerful as it slays victims.
All for now.
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Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
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Re: New Prog Wish List

Post by Kirkus » Tue May 06, 2008 5:08 am

In the spirit of 'I don't know where else to ask this..."

This may be asking for a bit much, like hard code change, but you know how it is... the unasked question never gets something....

What about making mobs more pclike, as in being able to give them names so pc's can greet them.
I always wanted to have quests where the pc has to go around to mobs and interact more. Something like where one mob says 'hey go talk to Bob about such and such. You know Bob? He's that guy, gangly with big front teeth. You know, Bucktooth Bob, thats what we all call him.'
Then the pc goes and greets Bob and Bob greets the pc and his description goes from 'a tall gangly human' to 'Bucktooth Bob'.
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