New Identity

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New Identity

Post by Blug » Tue Dec 30, 2003 2:07 am

Alright, assuming that a thief was to have greeted a few people, and then change his name. Now, the people he's greeted he's likely only met once or twice but they somehow know him very intimately and know him by sight. But, my character now introduces ihmself as a different name and doesn't greet, so...what would be the thing to do there, is there a way to "ungreet"? or what?
And they ran through the bush
And they ran through the bramble
And they ran through the briars where the rabbit wouldn't go
They ran so fast the hounds couldn't catch 'em
And I stumbled on my beard and I had to let 'em go.

Post by Tazmin » Wed Dec 31, 2003 3:20 am

You can't ungreet as far as I know, but I would like to see a addon to the greet command is greet as or greet all as.

Greet would work as normal giving your name, but greet as would let you use an alias. Ie greet andreas as Lucky Threetoes, and forevermore our paladin freind would know you as Lucky Threetoes. This would work well for our more famous ungreeters, such as Wolf, because you would not have to wade through a horde of unknowns to emote to or cast spells on them.

Post by Tychina » Wed Dec 31, 2003 5:28 pm

This interests me also, as I have met someone and they consistently tell me that I do not know their real name. Which would all be well and fine, except I can send tells to this person. And from what I have read, I have come to understand (and I may be wrong) that you have to know a persons real name in order to mind speak with them. Which always leads me to the question, if that isn't your name, how can I mindspeak (send tells) to you?

The idea of ungreeting someone I don't particularily like, even though there are plenty of folk I wish would (forget) my name, I don't think it would be right for you to be able to decide that they have forgotton you, and that is pretty much how I see ungreeting someone as.

Maybe an application, to change your name, and then whomever knew you as the original name can no longer send tells to you etc, but they would still know you on sight, by the old name, and not know the new one unless you re-greeted them?
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Post by Echet » Sat Jan 03, 2004 5:16 am

Perhaps it should work in reverse order, then, using a forget command. As in, after not seeing someone for a long time, you could decide to 'forget' them and no longer recognize them as greeted.

By the way, would that number of maximum greets be dependant on a base number plus an intelligence and/or wisdom mod?

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Post by Solaghar » Sat Jan 03, 2004 9:49 am

On one MUD I played on they had an excellent system where you would never actually greet anyone, you would simply use a command called recognize. It worked as such, the recognize command allowed you to choose to recognize someone by whatever name you wanted. If people give you their real name, then that's what you knew them as. If people gave you a false name, you could recognize them as that too. And similarly, you could choose to recognize people who've never given you any name at all the same way, hence if I, Joe Paladin, see a suspicious looking guy walking the streets of my town, a creepy looking mage in the inn, whatever, I might recognize them as, "SuspicousMage" or something to that effect, that way if I see them again I'd notice that we've run into each other before. This also allowed you to never notice if someone had given you a false name... if someone tells you their name here and then refuses to greet, OOC'ly you know they're lying to you and it's hard to pretend you don't know IC'ly no matter what people will try to say, it just goes contrary to human nature, everything that person does or says from then on will be suspect in your mind. They also changed it so that even OOC commands used the name you had been given, you wouldn't be able to finger someone, etc... until you had a name, it was basically impossible to know if any name anyone had given you was real or not, just like in real life, and it made things very nice for the people who had a reason to hide their names.

Post by Tychina » Sat Jan 03, 2004 11:18 pm

My character gives folk her real name, but does not always greet them. I find it rather amusing, to watch them get all suspicious of me then later realise they had no reason. So not all who refuse to greet while giving a name are lieing about their name, they could just not want to be remembered, they could just be trying to limit the number of folk whom have access to mind speak to them giving them head pains ;) They could just be in a disagreeable/playfull mood etc.

I like the idea we can choose to forget someone that has greeted us, as I have several people who chose to greet all and I have no clue who they are. But I am not sure about recognizing someone by a false name, as that would defeat the purpose of giving real names to folk, as it stands now you have to have the real name to send a tell, and I know I personally get annoyed with tells sometimes from folk I HAVE greeted, I would go positively nuts if people could just assign me a name and then send me a tell. Unless of course tells did not work with the name a person "assigned" you.

Anyway, I do not have a problem (usually) with recognizing someone again later if I need to, look at the short description, then I look at the long one, and if it is someone I wish to remember and they do not greet, then I make a little note about them, something from their desc, thet my character would remember, in rare cases, I make up a name to call them, but only if I am dealing with them a lot, as it is easier then saying/yelling "hey you" and hoping the right person listens.

As for forgetting people you do not wish to know.. it would be nice, I would enjoy it, but I do not need it.


Post by Sparlow » Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:51 am

For those who've played on Rauvyon (man, I'm dating myself) they had a system like Solagher described with a database for each player, where you could add a person to your personal system under virtually any name. As was mentioned above, that way you could easily remember that no one calls Joe Paladin by his real name :)

I think that the code is available for use if you could get a hold of the old IMP there. He'd probably let the team use some of it if we asked. Andreas would know.


Edited to remove IC reference.

Post by Rhelian » Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:05 am

The mud I played on before coming to FK had a similar system. Personally I think it's bad, and I hated it while I was there - names like "SneakyMage" cannot be good for RP, and if you really need a reference for past actions then get a notepad and jot things down in it.

Personal naming of people isn't what I would consider, personally, a good idea - I can see the reasoning behind it, but don't agree with it. Similar problems exist with the greeting with any name idea. The option to forget people at your own descretion has merit, but I would think the limited number of remembered greetings would cause more problems than it would fix.
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RE: Greeting & Database

Post by Andreas » Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:27 pm

While I do miss the DATABASE command from the now defunct Faerun/Rauvyon MUD, I can see both sides of the argument. Having proposed the database system here in the past, I have no idea if it made it on the TODO list for the coders or not. Personally, I rely on a combination of good memory and notes that I take.
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Post by Cyric » Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:29 pm

Just a question: If we allowed a tag system I've heard about before, what's the stop someone from going through the who list and just tag people they don't know?
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Post by Aegir » Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:38 pm

I think about the only good way something like that could be done on FK is if you can tag them anyway you want, but the tag doesn't change any of the things that greet does.

Example, when a person greets you, you can send them tells, it makes using transport spells to get to them easier, things of that nature. If a tag didn't change any of that like greet does, and remained completely private (you could use the tag in an smote, but it wouldn't show that tag to anyone other than you), then it could work fine.

So, using a tag system to replace greet would be bad; using it to add to it, that could be of use.
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Mistaken Identity

Post by Ursan » Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:46 pm

I think the concept of being able to 'tag' characters with your own personal descrip is a useful one so far as roleplay and such is concerned.

In the form that Aegir suggests I think it would overcome the more obvious problems with a database such as Rauvyon had. For those who have not the inclination for Rhelians pen and paper approach it would be a nice addition to smote/emote roleplay.

It would overcome something that even a pen and paper system can not... which is the difficulty in differentiating between all those 'young elves' 'tall slender half-elves' and 'ugly, powerful dwarves'.

As an RP tool it would certainly help my character sidestep a difficulty in his greeting. One which is precisely as Tychina spoke of above... she may even have been referring to me :P

Ursan never introduces himself as Ursan. He uses only a pseudonym of 'Longstrider'. Other than those who were present at his wedding to Lea and perhaps the Gods, no-one has ever been told what his real-name is.... apart from the OOC knowledge that greet imparts.

The reason for this relates to a background that I should really submit so he makes a little more sense... but the way the game is coded I had a choice between giving a pseudonym and never greeting or greeting and hoping that my fellow players would play along with the RP.

By and large, people respect this little quirk and it allows me to greet all and sundry without ruining a fun bit of character background.

As to mindspeech requiring a 'real name'... I would disagree. To me, the amulet seeks out the thoughts of a person by dint of recognition - not by the fact that you ask it to find 'Joe Paladin'.

Funny thing is, though..... in 12 months of playing.. no-one has ever asked me why I use an assumed name.... a little less reliance on the OOC nature of 'who' and 'greet' is not necessarily a bad thing.
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Post by Aegir » Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:05 pm

The main reason I say tag shouldn't let you mindspeak with a person is that is one of the main reasons some people are choosey about who they greet. When you greet someone, you open the door to getting tells from that person, and allowing a tag to serve the same purpose would take that choice away from the player.
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'Tag' for smotes and emotes only....

Post by Ursan » Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:51 pm

I agree...

I merely added the last part to indicate that if someone chose to go by a name other than that to which you would send a 'tell' it should not be taken as an indication that the true-name was the thing upon which mindspeech acted
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RE: Greeting Etc.

Post by Andreas » Tue Jan 06, 2004 12:01 am

Biggest reason I would like to be able to "database" or "tag" people is just like Ursan stated: to differentiate between all those "young" whatevers in a crowded room and facilitate roleplay.

It wouldn't let you just go down the who list and name people. They'd have to be in the room with you and only you would see whatever "tag" you give them. A GREET would supercede the "tag."
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