[FEAT] Improved critical
[FEAT] Improved critical
Just like in D&D I propose being modified this feat so you have to choose the weapon type in which you wish the improved critical, of course you would be still of training this feat more than once for different weapons.
Re: [FEAT] Improved critical
Sounds good. Would cut down on my current crit rate, but it'd be a good excuse to specialize more.
-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-
You do not need to change the world, merely leave it a little better than how you found it.
You do not need to change the world, merely leave it a little better than how you found it.
Re: [FEAT] Improved critical
The problem with this is unlike in D&D where you can talk to your DM and explain what you want to end your character with and build them towards, it doesn't work that way in the MUD.
I have more than one character I'd love to take this on with a single weapon, but the higher end weapons for some weapon types are nonexistant.
Also, in D&D, it's possible to have your weapons enchanted with greater degrees of enchantments. In FK, it simply is not possible. You get what you get - nothing more.
*shrug* Just something to consider.
I have more than one character I'd love to take this on with a single weapon, but the higher end weapons for some weapon types are nonexistant.
Also, in D&D, it's possible to have your weapons enchanted with greater degrees of enchantments. In FK, it simply is not possible. You get what you get - nothing more.
*shrug* Just something to consider.
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights