[SKILL] Rescue

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[SKILL] Rescue

Post by Taerom » Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:15 pm

The functionality of rescue has for some time been a bit of a pet peeve of mine with regards to the combat code. In its current implementation, it does work fine. However, I have this to say: when rescue is being used, it is most usually because the target needs to be rescued right now. What is annoying is that instead of just being able to type rescue, you have to provide a target to be rescued, even if only one person in the room is being attacked.

What I propose is that rescue be made to work like most skills do in combat: with a target being an optional parameter. So, if you are a fighter and are grouped with a wizard, who is being attacked by mob X, who is in the room with you, all you need to do to rescue the poor, defenseless weakling (ahem, I mean wizard) from the large and scary X is type rescue, with no parameter, to have the mob engage you instead. In the event that multiple group members are being attacked, I suppose it could just rescue whichever one has the least health, if given no parameter.

What is nice about this additional functionality is that it increases the ability of a more tank-ish class to actually be a tank for their group. You don't have to look all around the screen to figure out who is being attacked by what, you simply rescue them. The lag time that occurs when you have to identify which character is to be rescued takes an unrealistic amount of time (even with a rescue alias and a fair amount of practice), and can make or break an encounter.
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Re: [SKILL] Rescue

Post by Zynarc » Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:00 am

How about having an "auto" that works for skills as well, so that rescue can be put in "auto" mode?
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Re: [SKILL] Rescue

Post by Taerom » Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:22 am

Auto previously did work with skills - it was removed for some reason or other.
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Re: [SKILL] Rescue

Post by Selveem » Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:15 am

Not that I am in ANY way endorsing Fighters become more tank-ish, I really think the suggestions of guard can also be rolled into rescue.

I believe auto was removed because, in the past, offensive spells were far less potent and thus fighters already had a natural advantage in dealing damage. The tide has since changed greatly and I would like to see it able to be toggled for non-caster classes again, but there are few _skills_ worth turning auto.

Maybe Rescue is a set option. Say, I'm grouped with a lowbie who I am helping leave an area they got themselves into without realizing how dangerous it was.

Upon meeting said character, I could type: Rescue <Character Name>.

In this, it will be like an auto command that works upon entering combat.

It could also be set for others, too, by typing: Rescue <Character Name1>, <Character Name2>, (etc.)

The order in which the names are input would determine who got rescued first.
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