From the pregnancy helpfile:
We have in place a series of policies and objects that will be used for those
who will roleplay approved pregnancies and these can be found on out emailing
I sent an e-mail requesting more information over 4 weeks ago and haven't received a reply. This is NOT me being pushy, I am not complaining about this, I understand if my e-mail isn't a high priority/got forgotten/hasn't been read yet because whoever deals with that e-mail account is busy. It's OK. But I thought I would open it up to the floor to see if anyone else can give me some information. Can someone give me some guidance about kismet cost, rules on minimum number of hours on the character(s) applying, information that should go in the application, useful policies? Stuff like that?
And if this is somehow breaching rules, and information like that is supposed to be secret, then I gracefully apologise; you can just use this thread to share funny anecdotes and insights from your own in-game pregnancy experiences.
Pregnancy Applications
Re: Pregnancy Applications
Pregnancy has no kismet cost.
Pregnancy is an application that requires both a mother and father to collectively apply by both sending emails detailing roleplay background to how it could happen(Not as in, "we've faded a lot!" as in, these characters are married and have been together for however long, these characters are engaged and have been together for however long.)
There is no laid out hour requirement, but it is a VERY in depth roleplay I can't imagine they would want less than 300+ hours from a character applying. This is ONLY speculation.
Pregnancy leaves your character unable to adventure for no less thant fifteen real life months. Likely more. If it is a new character or a low level character you may want to consider whatever guilding or faithing or leveling aspirations you had FIRST.
Pregnancy applications often take a good while to be approved in the first place, as well. :)
Pregnancy is an application that requires both a mother and father to collectively apply by both sending emails detailing roleplay background to how it could happen(Not as in, "we've faded a lot!" as in, these characters are married and have been together for however long, these characters are engaged and have been together for however long.)
There is no laid out hour requirement, but it is a VERY in depth roleplay I can't imagine they would want less than 300+ hours from a character applying. This is ONLY speculation.
Pregnancy leaves your character unable to adventure for no less thant fifteen real life months. Likely more. If it is a new character or a low level character you may want to consider whatever guilding or faithing or leveling aspirations you had FIRST.
Pregnancy applications often take a good while to be approved in the first place, as well. :)
Beshaba potatoes.
Re: Pregnancy Applications
Currently, pregnancies are being brought up to date. This means that current pregnancies are being brought to term, this means that timeframes are being refocused and re conned to make the experience fair to all parties and practical. This means that any recent applications for pregnancies will either be undertaken when current situations are under control or there will be a general call out for a resending of applications.
I am a bit busy, but I plan to take care of most pregnancy issues by the end of 2008. The best course of action would be to wait for an update to be posted or a reply to your application. All applications received are cataloged and stored. Some take longer to administer or are involved in detailed future plans. Pregnancies are currently being looked into. If you have not received and reply to your email it is more than likely because pregnancies are currently being reevaluated and timed out for future use. If you have questions or concerns relating to the rp, you can reply to your current email and you will be answered.
I am a bit busy, but I plan to take care of most pregnancy issues by the end of 2008. The best course of action would be to wait for an update to be posted or a reply to your application. All applications received are cataloged and stored. Some take longer to administer or are involved in detailed future plans. Pregnancies are currently being looked into. If you have not received and reply to your email it is more than likely because pregnancies are currently being reevaluated and timed out for future use. If you have questions or concerns relating to the rp, you can reply to your current email and you will be answered.
May you find the knowledge you seek. If you find something else, it is still knowledge, and as such, still a gain.