Hi there, I would like to suggest this small suggestion to how formation and rescue works, so it would be more interesting in order to play those who don't want to be in melee with mobs.
The way is the following, a character can be in the back (and thus not being able of be attacked by mundane means) if there is just another member on his group in the front, so you can have a pc in the front and another in the back.
The downside of this is that a pc can only rescue those who are in his rank or one step beyond, so someone in back couldn't rescue someone in the front and the other way around.
Formation | Rescue
Re: Formation | Rescue
This seems fair to me. Someone in the rear rank should never be attacked, no? Though I suppose if they are, your suggestion seems suitable to me, the fighter would effectively be "cut off" from rescuing the party member in the back of the formation.