Suggestion regarding racial skills

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Suggestion regarding racial skills

Post by Alvirin » Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:44 am


In order to minimize the *bling* stolen from other classes, I propose the following:

From now all races would lose their racial skills like discern or sneak, rather than that from now such races at character creation would be given a free feat which would give a bonus to those skills when using them, but if your class hasn't that skill you would not benefit from it at all, nor you could use that skill.
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Re: Suggestion regarding racial skills

Post by Larethiel » Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:02 am

I am against that suggestion. If you follow this thought, you would eventually have to ask for removal of boni on attributes, too, because Bob, the centaur wizard gets better strength than Joe, the human fighter. *Bling* stolen from the fighter and human. And I think that some of those racial skills reflect part of the culture those races come from, f.e. bows for elves and the racial differences in comparison with humans, f.e. the ability to discern for elves/halfelves or hide for tieflings. Aaaaand....why do many races have kismet costs if not for the rp and the things they bring with them?
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Re: Suggestion regarding racial skills

Post by Moloch » Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:36 am

I completely agree with Larethiel on this one.
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Re: Suggestion regarding racial skills

Post by Alvirin » Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:18 pm

I always have thought that the kismet cost is more related to how rare is a race rather than the boni of such race (ie: aasimar/tieflings vs genasi)

In D&D bows is a proficiency, no a skill, thus (all?) elves get it, they also get a bonus to spot and search becuse their keen senses, but in no way the sun elf wizard that has devote all his life to the study of the arcane suddenly becomes an adept at scouting, just because they have the bonus spot doesn't become a class skill for them (and they must pay hard if they want to increase it)

Raci boni, resistances and so on is ok, CLASS SKILLS is not, some classes have to give up too much in order to have those skills.
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Re: Suggestion regarding racial skills

Post by Moloch » Sun Nov 16, 2008 7:07 pm

Ah, but the skills that come with the race are simply skills that are granted to the race as per the setting, just as resistances, stats, and bodily features. I feel like the skills are so few, it matters little anyhow. What skills are really given? Discern? Hide? Nothing that could start a paradox, really.
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Re: Suggestion regarding racial skills

Post by Sszaghar » Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:13 am

Currently the races do not get all of the racial skills/bonuses they normally would via tabletop and if you were to remove the few they do get in FK, they would be no different from a human other than appearance and language. I don't know about you, but I do not think I would spend 700 kismet to play a tiefling just because it "looks cool".

Some races are naturally going to have an advantage over others, its the way it is supposed to be.
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Re: Suggestion regarding racial skills

Post by Vibius » Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:33 am

Is +2 DEX +2INT , 3 different types of resistences and darkvision, a small bonus in your eyes?

Is fine and ok to me having races more powerful & rare, but if you want the specific skills/advantages of a class it's fine, just play that class.
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