[Idea] Tea

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[Idea] Tea

Post by Larethiel » Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:42 pm

Today Sandric and I were discussing the possibility of expanding the cook-command for a way that allows a PC to produce tea. Therefor you would need herbs, a cooking/tea-pot, water and a source for heat, of course. Thinkable commands could be INSERT for the herbs and ADD for the water as well as BOIL to cook it all up. With honey you could SWEETEN your tea. The herbs needed for tea could grow on bushes/shrubs/trees/etc. to be pluck or found or be sold by storekeepers such as apothecracies/cooks, already in game. Due to those storekeepers being present in mostly every major city, everyone would have access to the items.

Please let us know what you think!
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Re: [Idea] Tea

Post by Sandric » Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:52 pm

I think it would be convenient to have some way of sharing the tea with other PCs. So if there was a teapot item that could contain enough tea to be poured into several drinking containers that would be good.

Or maybe, when making tea, the character would need some kind of waterskin, mug, or whatever in the inventory, for the tea to be poured into.
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Re: [Idea] Tea

Post by Magda » Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:37 pm

That sounds really nice. One more reason to play FK. I'm a teaphile.
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Re: [Idea] Tea

Post by Mariela » Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:05 am

I like-a! Can we?
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Re: [Idea] Tea

Post by Duranamir » Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:58 am

Yes please :)

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Re: [Idea] Tea

Post by Peverell » Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:55 am

This has got my vote :) I like the idea of actually being able to boil up an infusion. I can imagine woodsman types gathering around the campfire and making a big deal of this - could be used in various ceremonial/religious RPs as well. And for genteel afternoon chats in the Square as well, of course.
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Re: [Idea] Tea

Post by Alvirin » Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:07 pm

Different herbs could be boiled in a pot in order to get different infusions/brews; Coffee, Tea, Camomile Tea and so on.
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Re: [Idea] Tea

Post by Nearraba » Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:53 pm

I love this idea!
Amazing thinking Sandric and Larethiel!
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Re: [Idea] Tea

Post by Dovan » Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:15 pm

Though I'm not familiar with it (sorry, just haven't played the class), that this skill can be crossed over into making some more of the most nastiest poisons? That being said... not always thieves have been known to make poisons. They make for nice little assassination tools for those that don't like to get their hands dirty. A little something in a glass at a party where no one is paying attention...

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