A possibility: global reset

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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Kelemvor » Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:44 pm

The discussion amongst the Immortal team regarding this possible action has been equally lengthy and animated.

I say this, because a number of posts in this thread are making assumptions or basing arguments around finer points that have not been decided yet. Or that have been discussed only recently and not yet caught up with the flow of your own discussions.

I cant tackle every question posed or argument raised above in detail, but here are a few things for you to consider.

- This proposed change did not come about because of perceived imbalances between players. It is the result of a year long discussion regarding balancing the MUD as a whole with the move to 3.5 and making far better use of the glory and feat systems.
- The single most important reason for posting this question was to gain insight into what problems we might encounter if we apply this change.
- Mathematically, we have the choice of applying the reset to all characters or only to those characters who fall outside the expected totals. This is still under discussion.
- One solution currently under discussion would be that the characters affected would have all stats reduced to a fixed number - be it 8, 10, 13 whatever we decide on.
- They would then receive an allocation of points which they could redistribute as they see fit.
- Our preference is to make that redistribution a single one-off activity by the player. ie They would NOT be asked to tour the world looking for relevant trainers or be asked to pay again.
- Stat points which were gained in one-off roleplays or Imm-run areas will be returned if a player requests it. This would probably be a manual process.
- Depending on the exact solution chosen... more than 50 percent of the playerbase would be unaffected or better off if we reset. And of those who won't be; more than half of these characters are recent creations
- Any idea which group of players would see their characters most reduced by this change? That's right, it is the Immortal team.
- A feats reset would include the gaining of proper class linked bonus feats on top of the chance to allocate new ones. This is why we are moving towards 3.5 after all.
- Feats which are linked to the teaching system will be assessed and may not even be included in the total you are allowed.

I doubt that the above will be a completely calming influence, but hopefully I have cleared up a few of the concerns raised.

Some points will not be addressed I suspect and will have to be ignored in favour of the overall benefits.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Dalvyn » Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:55 pm

Re: special advantage due to imm-run roleplays

A lot of things have been said about that above, and I feel it might be necessary to give some insight into the technical aspect of it, that is, to describe precisely what was gained. I am going to mostly speak about the Waukeen rescue roleplay.

- There was only one special stat gain during the whole roleplay, and it was a +1 Int to the participants, after a specially complex part of the roleplay based on "practical puzzles", that spanned 2 or 3 sessions (that's about 10-15 hours of roleplay).

- The participants met some high-stat trainers ... but a few weeks later, high-stat trainers were added for each of the stats in the "normal world". So, all in all, this was not really an advantage.

- The main advantages were: the gain in glory points, the rare objects and mobs/pets, the skills/spells trained, and (hopefully) the experience and the fun.

None of this would be lost to a reset actually. Even though the +1 Int might be lost, it's easy enough to give it manually again after the reset if it happens (which, as Kelemvor wrote, we will do if you send in an application, not only for the Waukeen roleplay, but for other sources too - though I can't really remember other extra stat gains)

Re: another point

Isaldur raised a point that would indeed need to be discussed (but perhaps in a separate topic), which is the problem that old/returned high-level characters have to gain experience to be able to learn new spells/skills. My first gut reaction would just be to grant them free extra XP to learn those spells, maybe as a reward for roleplay or something. The reason is simple: I'd rather see people like Isaldur or Lunette or Tayza or other old ladies (sorry, Isaldur) spur some interesting roleplay, share memories from the past, welcome and guide new players than spend hours on killing giants for no other purpose than gaining coins and experience. But ... that's a separate topic.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Dalvyn » Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:59 pm

Oh yes ... and I forgot ...

I can understand that the "reset" word is the scariest part of my first post. :) But I'd really like to get some feedback on alternative ways to make life interesting for max-level characters ... What do you, once life has given you all the levels and all the skills and spells you could hope for?
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Selveem » Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:43 pm

I'll be honest, I _love_ a move towards real v3.5 D&D, Forgotten Realms. I really, really do.

I notice, though, that one primary thing I mentioned still hasn't been addressed:
  • Con - I don't believe it's retroactive. Is it?
I think it's important, however, to know exactly what to expect of this intended migration to 'true 3.5 standard.' I think it would be unfair of us to undergo this intentional change and then find out later that what we envisioned WOULD be happening... really isn't and, instead, something else is. Only the few 'in the know' can make informed decisions while the rest of us scramble in the dark grasping at straws? Let's ask a few pertinent questions, first, then:

Are skills going away?
By that, I mean are we going to a skill point-buy system instead of training everything? If so, we need to know because that will make most people have to re-allocate their new "less stats point balance" into Int where they probably wouldn't otherwise.

Are stat requirements for quests going away?
Is it really fair that Wisdom and Charisma have such a heavy cost for some quests? That people who invest in those are the only that get to do certain quests at all? Will we not be eligible to join our local Enchanter's guild because our...charisma...isn't high enough?

Are feats going to be allocated appropriately?
Right now, we have a ridiculous amount of feats for all classes. Customization is not required at all for casters because, well, they can already get pretty much all metamagic feats they want (and a few other feats, to boot). In normal D&D, you get a feat every three levels (not including special ones you get for your class and/or, in the case of Humans, race). Total equals 7. We get 11 no matter class (though bonus feats are coming in). Humans get 1 more.

Will stat bonuses from spells and equipment work appropriately?
I know this would be hard with Mnemonic Enhancer, but having temporary intelligence grants temporary skill bonuses. After the spell wanes, they are removed. Effects from equipment bonuses to Int (if enough to warrant additional skills) remain persistent until removed. If you've your constitution buffed during a quest to walk on nails, will the quest now start to recognize your total constitution or will it only take into consideration your natural constitution (as currently)?

Will our characters be assessed before the change?
There's a lot of talk about 'refunding' special gains granted through special RPs. No offense to the powers that be, but I'd say a good 80% (if not, far more) have absolutely no clue what their current stats are. They know they're good enough for what they used to want to do. Okay, so I was in a special RP. After that RP, my stats were raised - woo! How would I know except if I were specifically told they'd grant me +1 Int? What if that 'lucky coin' I brandished gave me a permanent +1 Luck before it poofed? I'd be completely none-the-wiser. Is that fair to me? "Well if you don't know you're missing it, it's not important?"

I'm sure I have more questions, but these are what I have for now.
Last edited by Selveem on Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Isaldur » Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:01 pm


First off I want to say I'd even wear a dress if it meant finding a way to address that issue, but one battle at a time.

This will be my last post on the subject of this psuedo-wipe.

For those of you I have talked to that are thinking of jumping ship because of this, please reconsider and at least wait to see how it all turns out. The Iceburg may have melted somewhat due to global warming and will not sink the S.S. Forgotten Kingdoms.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Lerytha » Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:31 pm

Eek. I also want to add my own voice to Isaldur's, there. I think this debate as grown very heated, in a very short amount of time. Despite my earlier post (which I accept may have added petrol to the firrreeeee!), although I am not 100% convinced of this path (yet!) the post of Kelemvor and Dalvyn has actually made me feel a lot calmer. If it is going to be bad, then it will be a mild change rather than a major massive upheaval to our characters.


I think if we combine the effect it will have on older characters (losing stat points) with possible changes for high-level characters that Dalvyn is asking for our opinions on... well, the two might just balance each other out? If, for example, I lose that extra +1 for Int (from the Waukeen RP), I might be a bit upset. BUT... if it is then made up for with the idea of making high-level play more worthwhile, I can highly appreciate why this is happening.

So, anyone who's thinking of leaving, please don't. :D I think focusing on one part (albeit the nastier part) distorts what is actually happening (I admit I did that myself!), and stops us from hearing about the other good things that will be happening.

Anyone got any ideas for high-level play? :D I think giving the older women more XP will help a lot (I don't really need it, because I was too cowardly to levelup!), because then older characters can finally get involved again with the new spells, and actually RP being those powerful players they used to be (I focus on spells here, because they have been the major changes, although in time if fighter changes are introduced some system of "XP aid" could be introduced for fighters too!)

So... basically this post is now an appeal for calm, and for seeing the positives in this situation as well as the negatives. :) And one final point....... at least it's being debated, and not just forced on us. We've got to be thankful for that.

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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Elenthis » Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:36 pm

I'm pro-reset. My reasons have already been stated above, and though I've a few to add, I wont. I'm pro-reset, and I trust the current imm-staff to make the game better, and move carefully. Since having returned to FK a few years ago (I'm going on 10 years of FK) I havent seen them make one major decision that wasnt carefully planned and moving us in a positive direction.


I think some positive uses of glory (maybe kismet), and so on...

1. More renames! Make them expensive, make them cost lots of glory, and make me the rename-immortal. I'd even volunteer, but for goodness sake, RENAMES!

2. Dwellings. I know they are already in existence, but some of those old OLD characters who just need a warm place to put thier shoes have been waiting a while. The dwelling system could use a re-vamp, but its a WONDERFUL way for an old player to feel like a real piece of furniture in the game. (that's permanent, not something to put one's feet on.)

3. I like the idea of NPC's giving PC's titles. Who doesnt want to have some real feeling of accomplishment?

4. I was trying to think of something that older PC's might apply for via glory system that would LINK them to newer players (and newer characters) So in keeping with the previous suggestion, I'd like to see characters able to attain real-time ranks in NPC guilds and organizations to a greater degree then is possible now. Example:

~Bob LOVES the idea of the Delivery service. Bob spends X glory renaming his EQ to show thier symbol, then spends X glory and sends in an app, and becomes "Commisioner of Delivery Personel". Now he gets to put effort into 'hiring' people into the deliveries service, and really feel like a part of the cogs.~

5. Since some faiths seem to be stagnating, I suggest making glory exchangable for faith-titles to a MINOR EXTENT.
If you RP your faith well, and everyone likes you, but for some reason, no one ever bothers to promote you, or you are an "initiate" for 7 years in the same faith, you can buy the title "Favored soul", or "Zealot" or "Accepted outsider" and so on. This does go along, somewhat, with #3.

Last. Money! One theme I noticed from this "reset" business is that a lot of us oldies rely on "grinding" cash out instead of welcoming new characters and so on. Why not have an exchange-rate? Old players "make use of" thier past accomplishments to "call in favors" that are owed to them in a monetary way. I'm sure Lord Pieregiron owes Waterdeep 1/3 of the Waterdeep treasury by now...why not call some of that in? Exchange-rate would have to be CAREFULLY thought out though...maybe something escalating. Who knows?

Pro-Reset. The end.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Alvirin » Thu Dec 04, 2008 3:38 pm

Characters who have mastered all what his class has to offer are in the unique position to be great masters of their trade and teach other pc's, also (hopefully) because his experience in roleplaying and that they haven't any need to kill giants in order to improve a skill, they can dedicate all his time to RP be either their church or their guild, and they could try to organize it and push their objectives.

Because once you have GMed ever single skill/spell and you have visited all the areas that FK offers (Like in any MMPORG or when you hit level 20 in D&D) there is little to do, but having those characters becoming a source of RP and giving others characters to do would be a good thing, and also by administering your guild/church you would have fun as well, also if guilds/churches with opposite objectives try to push their objectives and those entering in conflict with those of other churches, it would be an additional source of RP and fun
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Lerytha » Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:10 pm

Just one point though. Certainly very, very, very few (I would venture "no-one") has ever GMed all their skills/spells. :D

Elenthis, I like your ideas, although lots of it would have to be done IC. Whoever wins in the Council elections for example, could give titles out to heroes of Waterdeep? Influential people in the Keep could give titles out? Rangers already have titles to work towards. :) I know personally as joint-FM I try to give people in the faith clear roles and often titles to back up those roles. So, Mak for example, is the "Warmaster of Oghma's Church". Tayza is the "Arcane" (although that titles has been there for years and has nothing to do with Ynaura and I.

-I like the idea of dwellings for glory.
-I would also suggest a system of enchanting magic items as (I think?) has been suggested above.
- Easier renames definitely.Even if there's a special team of "rename imms" who have no other command than renames, and are forced to stay in one room and never anywhere else. Sort of like a sweat-shop for the MUDs' renames run by volunteers?
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Kelemvor » Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:17 pm

Selveem wrote:Con - I don't believe it's retroactive. Is it?
I dont know as I entirely understand this question, but I'll give what I think is the right answer

The effect of constitution on hitpoint totals (I'm guessing that this is your interest) is fluid.

If your constitution increases and your bonus to hitpoints increases because of it; then so do your hitpoints (either temporarily with a spell or permanently with a stat increase.

The increase or decrease is applied across all of your levels, not just for those levels you gain after the score changes.
an example wrote:Player A and Player B have the same starting CON score and are the same class
Player A increase their CON twice at level 1 but Player B waits until level 20 to increase his twice.

Between levels 1-20 Player A will have more hitpoints, but after level 20 they will both have the same.
Selveem wrote:Only the few 'in the know' can make informed decisions while the rest of us scramble in the dark grasping at straws?
I'm not sure what to make of that statement so I'll reserve judgement for now.
="Selveem"Are skills going away?
At this time, no.
Selveem wrote:because that will make most people have to re-allocate their new "less stats point balance" into Int where they probably wouldn't otherwise.
I disagree with the emphasis on 'makes' someone do this. This is only true if that player feels that being able to improve skills at a faster rate is more important to them than more hitpoints, greater Ac, more prayers etc etc.

My personal opinion only, but reducing the number of stat points available increases their value. You can not be all things in/to all situations, you pick and choose and in so doing create variety amongst characters.
Selveem wrote:Are stat requirements for quests going away?
Is it really fair that Wisdom and Charisma have such a heavy cost for some quests?
Stat requirements during quests are useful on many levels, so I doubt we will do away with them. If the levels set for some quests are deemed too high after a reset (for example, if the charisma and wisdom scores across the game dropped dramatically) then we would certainly look at that.
Selveem wrote:Are feats going to be allocated appropriately?
Right now, we have a ridiculous amount of feats for all classes. Customization is not required at all for casters because, well, they can already get pretty much all metamagic feats they want (and a few other feats, to boot).
In comparison with 3.5 we have barely any feats at all, but I think I understand your point.

I don't think I agree with the 'customisation is not required' comment though. Currently, a caster will have to sacrifice in other feat areas to gain all of the metamagic ones. Whereas in 3.5 they receive bonuses to metamagic feats so that they can take advantage of non-caster feats.
Selveem wrote:Will stat bonuses from spells and equipment work appropriately?
I know this would be hard with Mnemonic Enhancer, but having temporary intelligence grants temporary skill bonuses. After the spell wanes, they are removed. Effects from equipment bonuses to Int (if enough to warrant additional skills) remain persistent until removed. If you've your constitution buffed during a quest to walk on nails, will the quest now start to recognize your total constitution or will it only take into consideration your natural constitution (as currently)?
Took me a while to find your question in that one... but no, I do not believe that we will change quest code to look at a characters current stat score rather than their 'natural' one.

Being able to add up to +4 to a stat might mean upping those quest requirement triggers you alluded to earlier, for example. Players without access to enhancements would be penalised further in that scenario, no?
Selveem wrote:How would I know except if I were specifically told they'd grant me +1 Int?

In my experience, granting of a permanent stat increase from roleplay does indeed echo a message advising the character of this. Perhaps you've never been in a position to experience this?
Selveem wrote:What if that 'lucky coin' I brandished gave me a permanent +1 Luck before it poofed? I'd be completely none-the-wiser. Is that fair to me? "Well if you don't know you're missing it, it's not important?"
Another point I'm not sure I'm clear on. The ability to ICly identify the benefits of an object allows players to know this doesnt it?
Selveem wrote:I'm sure I have more questions, but these are what I have for now.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Nedylene » Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:26 pm

There is only one "reset" I would be pro for. Reverse every single glory - stat conversion then set a limit of something like 4 conversations. I've spoken with a few others and many of them even say my characters wouldn't be effected or if they are one would be. But... It doesn't make me FOR a reset.

I have stated my views before and it seems like only one other remotely agrees with them. I would be heartbroken if I had to figure out how the HE double hockey sticks to duplicate how my character currently preforms. We are not all mechanic geniuses. We do not all know how many points are in each stat or how they got there etc etc etc and just wipeing every last one of them down to 13 is hogwash in my opinion. Why not just reduce them down to 20 then see where everyone stands?
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Jaenoic » Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:27 pm

Having had the benefits clearly explained to me, I can now say I am for a reset. For the older characters, it boils down to either stats or feats. If you want the new feats, you can't keep your old stats. If you want to keep your old stats, no new feats for you. Personally I want the new feats, since there will be reimbursement of stats anyway. =D

I must admit, when I first read "GLOBAL RESET"(Dun dun duuuuuuun) it scared me a little. Step in the wrong direction, I thought. But I get it now. Seems like a good idea, when you understand the reason behind it. :lol:
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Selveem » Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:53 pm

First, Kel, remember I love you and don't hate me for my responses. <3
Kelemvor wrote:
Selveem wrote:Only the few 'in the know' can make informed decisions while the rest of us scramble in the dark grasping at straws?
I'm not sure what to make of that statement so I'll reserve judgement for now.
What I mean by this is below:
Selveem wrote:Are skills going away?
Kelemvor wrote:At this time, no.
What I mean is that if we take this opportunity to train our stats like they should be, then later we change to a point-buy system for skills such as tumble, concentration, etc.. Those who knew those changes were coming have a very natural advantage unless, again, stats were reset.
Kelemvor wrote:
Selveem wrote:because that will make most people have to re-allocate their new "less stats point balance" into Int where they probably wouldn't otherwise.
I disagree with the emphasis on 'makes' someone do this. This is only true if that player feels that being able to improve skills at a faster rate is more important to them than more hitpoints, greater Ac, more prayers etc etc.

My personal opinion only, but reducing the number of stat points available increases their value. You can not be all things in/to all situations, you pick and choose and in so doing create variety amongst characters.
Actually, it does 'make' them. If the function in the stat changes, those who expected skills like weaponsmithing/armorsmithing/etc. to remain unchanged will suddenly have no ranks in those skills because they don't meet the intellect requirements to put extra points into those.
Kelemvor wrote:
Selveem wrote:Are stat requirements for quests going away?
Is it really fair that Wisdom and Charisma have such a heavy cost for some quests?
Stat requirements during quests are useful on many levels, so I doubt we will do away with them. If the levels set for some quests are deemed too high after a reset (for example, if the charisma and wisdom scores across the game dropped dramatically) then we would certainly look at that.
(Ties into also where you said stat bonuses from equipment and spells won't affect quests) How does this make sense, ICly, then? Also, if the use of stats are changing, why would it be fair that only people with high charisma/wisdom get to benefit from restrings and the like (AKA, whatever benefits Glory will bring) via Glory? A Dwarf stats with -2 Charisma. So, they have 8 charisma. There are quests that require 15 Charisma even. That's 7 stat points. If they have pumped 3 of their (now precious few based on proposal) stat points into Charisma are affected by a maximized "friends" spell to bring them to 15 Charisma, why wouldn't they be able to sweet talk the person just like anyone else?
Kelemvor wrote:
Selveem wrote:Are feats going to be allocated appropriately?
Right now, we have a ridiculous amount of feats for all classes. Customization is not required at all for casters because, well, they can already get pretty much all metamagic feats they want (and a few other feats, to boot).
In comparison with 3.5 we have barely any feats at all, but I think I understand your point.
I am talking sheer number. Not feat selection availability. We have more feats than D&D as I pointed out. The number difference is 4. FK has a large number more.
Kelemvor wrote:I don't think I agree with the 'customisation is not required' comment though. Currently, a caster will have to sacrifice in other feat areas to gain all of the metamagic ones. Whereas in 3.5 they receive bonuses to metamagic feats so that they can take advantage of non-caster feats.
Yes, but in D&D they only get the normal 7 feats (unless Human) - the rest HAVE to be metamagic feats and get an additional +4 for that purpose only.
Kelemvor wrote:
Selveem wrote:Will stat bonuses from spells and equipment work appropriately?
I know this would be hard with Mnemonic Enhancer, but having temporary intelligence grants temporary skill bonuses. After the spell wanes, they are removed. Effects from equipment bonuses to Int (if enough to warrant additional skills) remain persistent until removed. If you've your constitution buffed during a quest to walk on nails, will the quest now start to recognize your total constitution or will it only take into consideration your natural constitution (as currently)?
Took me a while to find your question in that one... but no, I do not believe that we will change quest code to look at a characters current stat score rather than their 'natural' one.

Being able to add up to +4 to a stat might mean upping those quest requirement triggers you alluded to earlier, for example. Players without access to enhancements would be penalised further in that scenario, no?
No, it wouldn't. Because these are checks, not absolute numbers (or should be). In FK, I honestly don't see any reason you can't start or complete a quest based solely on stats. The reward may be more handsome for someone with a natural charisma of 18 or something, sure! But that doesn't mean others shouldn't be able to complete it in some fashion.
Kelemvor wrote:
Selveem wrote:How would I know except if I were specifically told they'd grant me +1 Int?

In my experience, granting of a permanent stat increase from roleplay does indeed echo a message advising the character of this. Perhaps you've never been in a position to experience this?
This makes it sound like favoritism which I don't believe was intended. It really shouldn't be about that at all. Every player should have the same opportunities as the others. Your RP isn't any more important than mine. :)
Kelemvor wrote:
Selveem wrote:What if that 'lucky coin' I brandished gave me a permanent +1 Luck before it poofed? I'd be completely none-the-wiser. Is that fair to me? "Well if you don't know you're missing it, it's not important?"
Another point I'm not sure I'm clear on. The ability to ICly identify the benefits of an object allows players to know this doesnt it?
No, there are many, many items that identify is useless on. :)
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Mele » Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:09 pm

The reason is simple: I'd rather see people like Isaldur or Lunette or Tayza or other old ladies (sorry, Isaldur) spur some interesting roleplay, share memories from the past, welcome and guide new players than spend hours on killing giants for no other purpose than gaining coins and experience. But ... that's a separate topic.
Another offbase point to this here. These characters were all once level 51, with tons of stored exp(Atleast my end was stored.). Now they've already lost -that- which means all of their stored exp. Another former 51 I have lost about a million levels because she lost her stored exp. Years and years of exp stored from fighting while 51, woosh.

Back to relevence, I, in no means, was eluding stats are not important. They are for all the reasons listed. But they are numbers in the game that do some things but nothing to make such a big dramatic deal as this over "new" people or worth standing so strongly against losing them. I can do things just as well, if not better, with a new character as I can with an old.

Now would I -like- to lose the things from years past? No, of course not. I'm obviously still upset about the exp lost mentioned above. But this one, like Balek said, is a matter of circumstance. I -earned- that exp, these stats, I just happened to create seven years ago in a luckier time(As in, when you could distribute into luck, hoho!).
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Lerytha » Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:13 pm

Selveem, I'll only comment on one part of your post, because the rest of the detail is a bit beyond me, really.

Who actually knows about this in advance? The imms.

How is anyone else, everyone of whom found out the moment this post was made, going to rush to take advantage of the system? It may be overly forthright of me to tackle this point, and I should probably just let it slide, but could you clarify what you meant?
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Selveem » Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:51 pm

Lerytha wrote:Who actually knows about this in advance? The imms.
I can assure you many more did than just the Imm staff. Even I heard this was coming before the post.
Lerytha wrote:How is anyone else, everyone of whom found out the moment this post was made, going to rush to take advantage of the system? It may be overly forthright of me to tackle this point, and I should probably just let it slide, but could you clarify what you meant?
I already mentioned a few back there. The re-assignment of stats is easy to do it with. Those who previously had high Int and low other stats now have the benefits of Int who won't need it as much anymore. It becomes a stat dump.

People who have already had high Charisma and Wisdom who took advantage of that (including myself!) could just as easily opt out of those stats as they aren't as important to me anymore and keep the armor, glory, and prestige.

I'm sure there are other ways, but I haven't the time nor inclination to be more creative right now. :(
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Boe » Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:47 pm

So the idea is to set everyone back to flat 10's-give or take for racial bonuses-and give them some amount of stats, which would be regarded as starting stats and based on level a rough estimate would be something near 30 total stat points to be allocated to the players discretion? And also to reverse all glory feat and glory stat exchanges and take that system out of the game? I've been watching this thread but I'm not sure I fully understand the reasoning behind the idea. Is glory making the game unfair because one can change their glory into an extra stat or feat point? I thought this system was available for everyone; not just new gen characters. Where is the issue, is it simply based on bringing the game closer to a true 3.5 rule set? I just don't understand really, why?

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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Nysan » Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:12 pm

Mmm, player housing for high end characters... One of those long-term dreams I've had for a certain character, if player shop coding works again. Nice to dream...

Definately support some sort of exp boost for high-level characters. New skills/spells are fun and all, but so painful to grind (especially if you hate grinding) on the back end of the level hill.

Still find this reset a bit confusing, but we have lived through much, much larger changes than this. I'm sure this bump in the road won't be the last straw. :wink:
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Dalvyn » Thu Dec 04, 2008 10:55 pm

I think that the thought process went something like this:

1 - The glory to feat/stat exchange thing is a system that has existed for quite some time (it used to be on the Aurora's shopkeepers, then was simply moved to the amulet of communication).

2 - But we found out that, recently, many players used up all their glory points to convert into stat points (feat points were not that "successful"; actually, the glory to feat point exchanges were very rare).

3 - This produced characters with high stats "all around", which kind of makes all characters alike, and which also means that you can have everything, no choice needed. (One of the base principles of D&D is that you have to choose, and that once you've chosen an option, you miss on other options) At this point, it might be subjective whether or not this is actually a problem to have characters like that.

4 - We consider at this point (I think that's mostly agreed on) that the glory -> stat point exchange system, as it is (i.e., unlimited), is not a good idea, because it makes all those choices characters have to make when they have a stat point to spend useless. So, the idea is to remove it or, at least, to modify it (adding restrictions for example - but that's kind of out topic).

5 - We have no record of the glory -> stat point exchanges that were made. That means that we do not know who did what and how many times. That means that we can't revert only those glory -> stat point exchanges.

6 - The best we can do is check how many stat points each character should have normally (starting stats + stat points obtained when leveling up) and compare this number with the stats the character actually is. BUT ... "how many stats points a character should have without buying extra stat points" has changed over the years: older characters got more stat points (one every 2 levels maybe ?) than new characters; and starting values changed too at some point. So ... the best we could do is reduce the stats to what "they should be", assume that all extra stats were bought with glory, and reimburse 20 glory for each of those "extra stats".

7 - But, at this point, the question is ... should we do this or not? Are there better ways to do it? (and a few other questions)

Note that ... at the same time (or soonish in the future) we also plan to introduce new options to spend glory ... so, the lost stats (which would be converted into glory) wouldn't be just lost: the glory might then be used on those other options.
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Re: A possibility: global reset

Post by Mariela » Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:41 am

After some thinking I have decided!

I am pro-rest.

I am part of a group of characters that were made while people were going, "OMG THAT WAS BROKEN!" and often my stuff when it comes to special applications and the like fall through cracks like crazy. That's because of the generation of my character and what time I am online vs when the current gods are online. A reset would allow me to make sure my character is inline with the current game so I am not thinking I have what I need, and come tof ind out that I need 12 more skills to make one thing that used to work work.

It would give the overarching gods time to go through the entire base of characters and find out things like... is so and so logging on anymore. Is this vnum worth having around, ect.

I think I am in a very high favor of a complete wipe out and re-tooling of the game world. Sometimes I grow very tired of what the game is because it seems like every other update we are being told we need that one last thing. Or this doesn't work any more on our characters. (By the way, Handess was the coolest idea ever....)

I do not think I am in favor of giving characters "special" treatment though. If we do a wipe, we either go character by character and adjust them so they are inline with the system, or we do not adjust anyone. Period. I do not think just because someone is a high priest of a faith they deserve special treatment. They know the game just as well as the rest of us do. ON their own they can gain their abilities back up to where they were. THey don't need XYZ to RP their faith. It's unfair to give a certain group the big cookie if you are making everyone else start at ground zero. So the re-tooling either needs to be for everyone, or no one.

Thanks guys, by the way. You do such great work on the game and constantly update it and so forth, I've always had fun!
Confusion heard his voice, and wild uproar Stood ruled, stood vast infinitude confined;
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