More helpfile errors

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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Raona » Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:27 pm

Thanks for both of these, Namic. I've updated write, and am confirming the change in Teacher II.

Does anyone know whether write can be used by other spellcaster classes, besides wizards and clerics? (Druids, Rangers, Paladins?)
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Aldren » Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:49 pm

Rangers cannot use scrolls, so I would assume they cannot write them. I'll need to test it out, though.

Possibly amend the help file for scrolls, currently it states:
SCROLLS are magic put on paper. Only those who cast spells (arcane or
divine) and rogues trained in the Use Magic Device skill can 'recite' them.
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Cret » Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:58 am ... hp#CLASSES

Paladin - In order to become a Paladin a warrior follow either of the following gods: Tyr, Torm and Helm. Only a human may become a paladin. They must have a high charisma and a fairly good strength and good wisdom to become a paladin. A paladin can only be Lawful good in alignment and always remain so. If they change they will lose all their special powers and lose favour with their god. He will be reduced to the skills of a warrior.
The above should be changed to incorporate other faiths and elvin paladins of... that one elf guy.

Barbaria - In order to become a barbarian, one must be a warrior who joins the barbarians guild. Barbarians must have a chaotic alignment.
Barbarian... needs an ending 'n'
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Vibius » Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:12 pm

Does anyone knows if Rangers can learn spells by writing scrolls? Is it possible?

About Paladins: I think that Helm, Tyr, Torm are application free, but other options like Mystra, Lathander, Ilmater and Corellon must be applied for, am I right?. Also does anyone knows if half-elves and aasimar can be paladins?
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Larethiel » Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:35 pm

From the helpfile about Paladins:
Note that only humans and aasimar can become paladins, with one exception:
the small order of paladins of Corellon, which has a very very limited intake
of elves and halfelves.
And, after some digging around in the How-To-Section:
If you wish to become a paladin in one of the minor orders (The deities are Corellon, Ilmater, Kelemvor, Lathander Mystra) you will need to apply to This is because those orders are limited in numbers and spaces may already be taken.

Those wishing to become paladins of Tyr, Torm or Helm should follow the guidance in the Help Files quoted above.

For the smaller orders, here is the current situation as at 20th Feb 2007

Current squires inactive, one paladin active with two spaces open for new squires which have now been allocated leaving NONE remaining.

Current squires inactive, two spaces open for new squires with one already allocated leaving ONE space remaining.

Current squires inactive, two spaces open for new squires with one currently allocated leaving ONE remaining.

One inactive squire, two spaces open for new squires which have both been allocated leaving NO spaces currently available currently.

One inactive squire, one paladin active, two spaces open for new squires with one already allocated leaving ONE space remaining.
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Vibius » Sat Dec 27, 2008 6:21 pm

Thank you kindly :D
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Raona » Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:25 pm

Thanks for pointing that out, Cret. That content is on the website, which I can't change, but I will put in a change request with the website team!

To confirm: Only humans and aasimar can become paladins, save for elf and half-elf paladins of Corellon, by application only, and the two available spots for that are currently filled.
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Lysha » Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:52 am

Orders Wrath
Evocation [Lawful]
Range: Close
Target: Offensive
Syntax: cast 'orders wrath'

You unleash lawful power to smite your enemies. The power takes the form
of a cubic grid of energy. Only chaotic and neutral (not chaotic) creatures
are harmed by the spell.

The spell deals full damage to chaotic creatures (more to chaotic outsiders)
and gives them a penalty to combat and armour class.

Neutral creatures are only dealt half damage, and do not suffer the other
penalties of the spell.

The spell affects all creatures that are not grouped up with the caster.

Note: This spell can only be cast by a lawful spellcaster.

Is it supposed to say chaotic twice?
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Raona » Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:59 pm

Lysha wrote:Is it supposed to say chaotic twice?
Ah, indeed, no it should not! Thanks for the catch, it has now been fixed!
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Horace » Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:01 pm

This is very minor, but a quick fix.

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Great chains are weapons using long lengths of chain. They are used
mostly by warriors and priests. Great chains include:

nunchaku flail


nunchaku are just regular chain type when examined, and in practice with your PC
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Raona » Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:34 pm

Ah, thanks Horace! It was actually double-listed (in both great chains and chains), so I just had to remove it from great chains. That is now done. Thanks a bunch!
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Lysha » Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:42 pm

Lysha wrote:Orders Wrath
Evocation [Lawful]
Range: Close
Target: Offensive
Syntax: cast 'orders wrath'

You unleash lawful power to smite your enemies. The power takes the form
of a cubic grid of energy. Only chaotic and neutral (not chaotic) creatures
are harmed by the spell.

The spell deals full damage to chaotic creatures (more to chaotic outsiders)
and gives them a penalty to combat and armour class.

Neutral creatures are only dealt half damage, and do not suffer the other
penalties of the spell.

The spell affects all creatures that are not grouped up with the caster.

Note: This spell can only be cast by a lawful spellcaster.

THIS time, I have this trained on a non-lawful character, though this conflicts with the help file. Does this mean I can learn it but not cast it? I have yet to try to use it.
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Raona » Tue Feb 03, 2009 3:02 am

Lysha wrote:Note: This spell can only be cast by a lawful spellcaster.

THIS time, I have this trained on a non-lawful character, though this conflicts with the help file. Does this mean I can learn it but not cast it? I have yet to try to use it.
Sorry, that one's above my pay grade. But the helpfile doesn't say you can't learn it, just that you can't cast it.
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Selveem » Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:17 pm

I don't believe Chaotic beings should even be able to learn it, much less train it.

It's a Domain spell, from what I can see:

Evocation [Lawful]
Level: Law 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Nonlawful creatures within a burst that fills a 30-ft. cube
Duration: Instantaneous (1 round); see text
Saving Throw: Will partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Cret » Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:44 am

Someone removed the 'help ok' helpfile.

So the random encounter with said file when you type ok in a say.. now gives you:

Help files related to 'ok'
The help you were searching for does not exist, however some of these links
may help you find what you are looking for:

(A) Books, Stories and Tales
(B) Chester Muddlebrook, priest of Yondalla
(C) Cook (D) Invokers
(E) Look (F) Smoke
(G) Spellbook (H) Tokens

Not the:

Please dont say ok.. use other words more fitting... etc
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Gwain » Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:57 am

I think its alright to say ok now if you are inclined in game. Okay is actually a word from the eighteenth century if not earlier.
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Raona » Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:25 pm

Hmmm. It does indeed look like someone munched that helpfile. Completely! All gone.

As Cret points out, this is problematic in that several programs (including one on the market square mob) force reference to it when someone says "OK." I'm not ready to make a policy decision about the appropriateness of using a term coined in well after the middle ages in the MUD, but how did the helpfile get completely deleted?!? I think that is something only high-ups can do.

If this policy is changed, other helpfiles, such as
"The proper use of thee and thou, and other dialect"
should also be modified. Anyone know the backstory here?
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Gwain » Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:20 pm

It was a policy of the mud owners from 1999 until 2004 to emphasize the absence of Okay. I'm guessing that when the helpfile was exorcised, that the program placed on the guard might have been overlooked.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Raona » Sat Apr 10, 2010 2:31 am

Ah, I think we've got what happened...and I think there is a policy change behind it...but won't be sure until the discussion is concluded. At that point we'll clean things up (and I'll try to explain more fully)! Thank you for reporting this and bringing it to our attention, Cret!
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Re: More helpfile errors

Post by Liandria » Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:15 am

Help Expertise

Expertise feat
This feat means you are trained at using your combat skills for defence
as well as offence. This feat increases your armour class when in battle.
When fighting defensively (combatmode +defensive), the penalty to hit
is reduced with this feat.

This feat has a pre-requisite of a high intelligence.

(A) Combat Mode
It's not exactly an error (hope its ok that I post this here), but "high intelligence" is really vague, even vaguer than the current word-stat system. I doubt one needs to be Omniscient in Int to get this feat, but that is the highest listed in the Intelligence help file. Would it be possible to replace "high intelligence" with the description actually appearing on the score sheet? Thanks!
Liandria, Servant of Mystery
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