The FK Nooby Experience So Far

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Re: The FK Nooby Experience So Far

Post by Rhiel » Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:31 pm

Well, there's a lot of talk! What's actually being /done/?? Anything new, exciting and/or promising happening to address the aforementioned issues?

Granted, the system is frustrating, time-consuming, and totally unlike the days of yore...but one thing remains constant: It is STILL Forgotten Kingdoms! Best damn community, staff, and RP video game experience out there! ¡Arriba FK!
Raona wrote:
Bug testing follow-up: I just took a look at a dead shield dwarf, and it showed up as made from mithril.
Balek wrote:
This is not a bug. Shield dwarves are actually made of mithril.
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Re: The FK Nooby Experience So Far

Post by Ssinurulynn » Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:11 pm

Hello Everyone,

I am new to the game and the forums, and am hoping I'm posting this in the right place.

I was reading through a couple of threads pertaining to "newbies" (that would include me) and I had the urge to share my own experience. The first thing I would like to say is that I absolutely am loving my experience here. I started playing MUDs as a teenager, and have done it off and on for the last ten years. I have never really settled so to speak in any one of them because, aside from the 'minor' time constrains associated with life in general (work and graduate school) I have often times been discouraged by them. I have started and given up on many MUDs because none of them met all my criteria for something that is worthwhile pouring hours of effort and creativity into. I am very, very, and did I say very? pleased to say that Forgotten Kingdoms fulfills all my expectations and more, and I am completely addicted already. But to be more useful to you as a source of information about what makes this game so wonderful to a plain 'ol newbie like me, I will be more precise:

1) As trivial as this might seem to some, this one point has often made me give up in disgust on a MUD after spending hours in the creation screens. I feel there is nothing worse than spending time and energy dreaming up and creating your character only to finally get into the game to find out that all the world KNOWS your name right away, whether you would like to share it or not, and what is more when you type WHO you are treated to such colorful and imaginative names as EvilKIllerXXL or dreamysugarqueen, well you get my point. Thank you staff and players for actually caring about this aspect of RP.

2) Again, minor to some, but I appreciate such things as being able to layer clothes, having real consequences for not eating, drinking etc.. and all the various elements that add to in-game realism.

3) Another major quitting point on other games has been the lack of originality associated with class based systems. I've never expected nor wanted to be 'special', to be the toughest, meanest, most attractive nor talented character, but I have wanted to be different. I appreciate greatly the intricacies that (as of now I've only read about since I'm so puny) are in play in Forgotten Kingdoms went it comes to classes, feats and skills. I truly feel like I can have a character which will be reasonably different from most others. In addition, I actually very much like the concept behind kismet. Even though I would typically prefer to play a rogue, rather than deter me, the requirements associated with it have encouraged me and given me something to look forward to. I really do want to play a rogue, but I am willing to put forth the effort and time required to get to the point where I can win that privilege. I think it's perfectly sensible to limit these things and make them difficult to achieve, and the mere fact that this is a part of Forgotten Kingdoms only emphasizes to me that this is where I should play.

3) The activity that I've observed on the boards and the number of players in-game, as well as the interest in accurately depicting the Forgotten Realms are perhaps the most important elements of all. I feel from the little I've been able to see, that the community of players and admins involved in this game are simply great. The conversations about the game are interesting and eloquent. Thanks again, this is so refreshing.

4) Finally I wanted to mention the newbie training area in Waterdeep. Here again, and though I've seen some concern about it, I think the game is strong. I personally tend to be very self-conscious about my RPing and typing abilities. I often am very intimidated in MUDs where I'm simply thrown into the fray without having had the chance to get my familiarity with all the commands, aliases, and smotes to the point where I feel comfortable. I have been enjoying my time with the dummies :). I happen to feel like this is a wonderful place to just go and read up on help files while trying to level, and most importantly to me, practice with emotes and smotes on NPC's. I usually don't really know what my characters' traits and quirks are until I've played them a bit, and this has given me the chance to experiment with different habits, expressions and personality traits in a very comfortable atmosphere. Hopefully when I actually meet another PC I won't get all flustered and make a mess of myself, but at least I've had the time to feel more comfortable in my character's skin.

I could go on and on, really, about the things I've discovered so far (the combat system for one) that I am absolutely loving, but I think there's no need for that. I would simply like to thank all those involved in the mud for offering such a great game. I can't tell you how excited I am to dust off all my old forgotten realms books and read up and develop my character! I also feel like I want to help out some way. I don't have too much to offer, I'm not much of a creative writer, but I can draw, illustrate and design, and play some music too, if that can add anything at all to the game, well I would be very happy to do it.


just a little newbie
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Re: The FK Nooby Experience So Far

Post by Selveem » Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:08 pm

Thank you for your post, Ssinurulynn.

What I also think is important to mention, though obvious, is that each of us were 'just a little newbie' at one point. We all go through the process, though I must admit the new one is much more streamlined, efficient, and more effective than the previous.

We're glad you're sticking with us. :)
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Re: The FK Nooby Experience So Far

Post by Lathander » Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:39 pm

Thank you for posting your opinions. I have been awol a bit lately working on those "little" real life issues myself, and missing FK the whole time. Your e-mail made me miss it more and definitely added to my feeling of contribution to FK. Welcome, we are pleased to have you.
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