Revised teaching system

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Re: Revised teaching system

Post by Nysan » Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:24 am

Before I commit feat/stat points and start bugging people for recommendations, I want to make sure I am reading teacher/scholar correctly. Teacher 1 and Scholar 1 will allow me to teach skills/languages/weapons as well as trades at adept or higher, correct? I'm a little fuzzy on trade teaching requirements...
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Re: Revised teaching system

Post by Dalvyn » Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:15 pm

We are currently rediscussing the teaching system, and its costs ... so, for now, it's on hold.
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Re: Revised teaching system

Post by Nysan » Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:16 pm

Good to know before I committed any points in feats or stats. Appreciate it.
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Re: Revised teaching system

Post by Alvirin » Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:28 am

Just a thought regarding these feats in case they continue being related somehow to stat scores.

While I can see why the teacher feats are associated to charisma, I think that having intelligence and wisdom related for the scholar feats in some cases doesn't make much sense ICly, while I can see intelligence and wisdom playing a very minor part qualifying for scholar 2, I think that in order to qualify for scholar feats the required stats should change according the class.

Something like:

Priests: Wis/Cha
Thieves: Dex/Int
Wizards: Int/??? <- perhaps it would change according their school of magic?
Squires/Paladins: Cha/Wis
Bards: Cha/Dex?
Fighters: Str/Con?
Rangers: Dex?/wis?
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Re: Revised teaching system

Post by Hviti » Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:15 am

<c 'summon Spaki's soapbox'>
Dalvyn wrote:We are currently rediscussing the teaching system, and its costs ... so, for now, it's on hold.
I'd appreciate it if specialist wizards (perish the thought! :D ) could have some modifications to their teaching abilities if the system is revised. Why?

Compared to mages, specialists can train fewer spells to lower levels (except their guild spells).
(As discussed here: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=7552&start=0)
Dalvyn wrote:Specialists can cast 1/8th of the spells up to 25 -> 25 (their speciality school) and 5/8th of the spells up to 23 -> 19.

An average on all that is: 17.5 -> 15, meaning that, if we consider all the spells, the average maximum ECL (for level 50 characters) is 17.5 for level 1 spells and 15 for level 9 spells.

Compare the 17.5 -> 15 with the 25 -> 21 for mages. That's quite a big difference, that even the +1 slot/level might not make up for.
Thus, specialist wizards not only can't train their spells to as high levels, they can't teach their spells to as high levels. Ultimately, except for their guild spells, they have less teaching potential than a mage and thus are fairly redundant teaching-wise. This redundancy makes it difficult to justify spending 4 feat points/80 glory when there are plenty of available teachers who can teach more skills/spells to higher levels.

What sort of modifications could help specialists be effective teachers? Raising their nonguild spell caps to the same level as mages' caps would be a start, though even then they'd be able to teach fewer spells than a mage. Allowing them a bonus in teaching their guild spells would potentially help: specialist teachers might be in demand if they could raise their guild spells even higher.

Thanks for reading. Suggestions and 'curse soapbox' spells welcome.
</gets off soapbox>
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Re: Revised teaching system

Post by Rhiel » Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:59 pm

Wow! This new system is, IMHO, going to be an extremely beneficial advance. I remember when we were yammering for a "student/teacher; master/apprentice" system many, many moons ago. Well, folks, here it is, and in force! Thank you!!
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Re: Revised teaching system

Post by Hviti » Sat Apr 04, 2009 8:03 pm

Any updates on the teaching system? Are the upper level teacher/scholar feats still unapplyable for?
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Re: Revised teaching system

Post by Athglor » Sat May 23, 2009 9:34 pm

This is sort of a random idea,

But what about the possibility leaving the feats as they are, with the possibility of buying the four of them, in-game through the expenditure of kismet? (each feat would have a minimum level requirement but that's all)

That would give kismet something more of a use.
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Re: Revised teaching system

Post by Dalvyn » Wed May 27, 2009 3:26 pm

No precise update yet ... but I've brought the topic back up for discussion.

As a side note, I'm in favour of indeed making those "feats" cost something else than feat points. Kismet is actually a poor measure (what it means exactly is not very precise), but the general idea would be to "give them to those who are going to use them well" (whatever that might mean).
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