Where orcs are/aren't allowed

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Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Xryon » Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:14 am

Would it be possible to get a complete list of places orcs are/are not allowed? From talking with Glim, I know there are very few places that allow them, but I am interested as to how far this extends. Are there places we would not be allowed to linger, but we could pass through? Where would we be killed on sight? So on, so on.. I know alot of people already know these kinds of things, but my knowledge is somewhat limited, and I don't want to lead other players into an area they could get in truoble for being

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Alvirin » Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:12 am

I guess that this is going to become a long interesting discussion :D

In FR the natural approach to orcs is kill on sight, or run on sight, regardless of it orcs are rarely seen within a city unless they are slaves.

In FK seems that orcs are allowed in neutral to evil aligned cities (Westgate, Zhentil Keep, Skullport) and it would be reasonable expect consequences if a orc tries to enter/enters a settlement in which good deities have strong influence, also I think that they should avoid those settlements/places that host a ranger encampment.

Also I think that most of those small settlements of the realms would call the militia if they did detect an orc approaching, orcs and no without reason are considered a danger and people would likely be more hostile to him than even to a tiefling.
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Xryon » Mon Oct 13, 2008 5:18 am

I have to wonder though.. Does EVERY settlement have a militia strong enough to stand up to a fully decked out orc, blessed by their God's power? I would certainly think not. Perhaps some of them, but I would think a lot of small settlements would probably run into their homes and lock the doors while they waited for the orc to pass through
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Lathlain » Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:38 am

I must admit I've never been terribly fond of that approach to areas. You'll probably be able to enter most places without the mobs reacting violently anyway due to soft-code limitations, but I'd be inclined to ask why you'd want to enter such a place in the first place! Human settlements won't react favourably to an orc visitor at the best of times, and it wouldn't take many militia (in real terms, not necessarily in game mechanics) to bring down even the burliest of orcs.

My suggestion would be to keep out, if in doubt. If you only plan to pass through, don't enter in the first place.

(Mind you if worst comes to worst and you -do- get attacked, you probably won't have any trouble beating the guard senseless and simply walking out. Trial and error in its truest form! :wink:)
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Xryon » Mon Oct 13, 2008 8:52 am

Maybe I should clarify.. By passing through, I literally mean going from one side out the other. Another orc and I walking across a road, and suddenly were inside a city/settlement. We turned around and left. ICly, though, Garumsh would not do that. He would walk right in and beat the arse of anyone that stood in his way. But, from my understanding of such things, this goes against the area rules.. If you take the mindset that I could beat down anyone that comes against me, I should probably be able to make it halfway through Waterdeep before a PC comes along to stop me. This question originally arose because I want to take the other orc somewhere he can learn some spells, and I thought Tantras a good place (From what I understand, they're fairly neutral in most things) but was told they probably wouldn't let me in either.. Is this the general stance on the city? As I stated earlier, my knowledge is somewhat limited, and I do not really know these kind of things.
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Oghma » Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:01 pm

Places an orc can and should be admitted:
Zhentil Keep
Orc Village

Places an Orc should not linger but is not necessarily unwelcome
High Castle

Places an Orc should avoid (Does not count if invisible or hidden etc)

Reasoning: They are orcs that look like orcs, that are trying to enter cities that have strong druidic hierarchies or Paladin guard forces. Going into these places or 'passing through' in order to learn or train spells, skills or quests seems to be skirting the rule that 'just because the code lets you, does not mean you should'. Its far better to accept the limitations of your rp and reap the other bonuses then to compromise your orc for a few parlor skills. Otherwise the other solution is to send in an email to the builder's email suggesting these skills for other places or even building an area with these skills available to your race.
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Selveem » Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:07 pm

Thanks Oghma! I really appreciate this list, too.

I had an Orc (that I think was deleted because it was level 1 and I never played it) that I didn't play often for fear of walking somewhere and getting insta-killed. :P

Orcs are a very interesting and dynamic RP to me. Ritualistic scarrification, distrust of magic (shared by most races of Dwarves, high five!), racial enemies, tribal, etc.

I may make one again soon, after my next character. :)
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Xryon » Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:19 pm

I also greatly appreciate this. I did not mean to imply that I would be purposely breaking any of these rules, for skill gaining.. I actually wished to know for the opposite. I would hate to lose Garumsh because of that.. I logged about a hundred hours on him, this month alone. I've just recently been taking a newer orc around, and I do not want to get them into trouble because of wandering into an area. Also, it's worth noting, I just discovered a new area (at least to me) where orcs are welcome.. And yes Selveem, you should make an orc.. immediately.
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Nysan » Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:15 pm

Would it be safe to say that mindset would apply to goblins, Oghma? Took my lil worty buddy into Westgate and the Keep before because I felt they were more... open minded settlements. But a touch of doubt always stuck in my head every time I took him anywhere not crawling with orcs, goblins, or Skullport (such a special place).
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Xryon » Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:34 pm

Generally, I would say goblins are similar in this. Though, also generally, they are probably not considered quite as dangerous.

Regarding Oghma's list.. Daggerford seems to be coded to kick orcs out as soon as they enter. Just thought I would point that out
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Re: Where orcs are/arenhil

Post by Ooma » Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:46 am

Id like to say...
That, in addition to staying OUT of the goodie cities, lingering JUST outside any of the goodly areas that Oggie mentioned is not a very good plan. There used to be a very specific post about this my Mystra which I have not been able to find. But, basically it said that Orcs really have no business hanging out between Waterdeep and Daggerford or just outside cities like Silverymoon. There is IC justification.. that you should KNOW if you are an orc.
If you are PASSING... on your way from point A to point B then I would imagine it is alright to be "near" a city. But, posting your orcie JUST outside a goodly city for no other reason than to be a grouch and stir up stuff with goodies, really is just bully RP in my book and has no "point" other than to get people riled up or afraid. Bear in mind, I am speaking in general and not targeting any particular rp.

Admittedly, it is frustrating rp at times to be an orc because goodly people tend to think " AAAAHHH orc!! its gonna eat me!!!" they instantly imagine that you are stronger than them or else they imagine that you are a ripe for PVP PKill. :P and sometimes, as an orc, you just want to get from point A to point B in one piece ( Particularly if you are a level 15 orc with very little on your plate) That being said, I caution young orcs to not get bigger than their britches! Try to buddy up if possible. Maybe PM your buds who have orcs and try to log at the same time so that you are not alone and unprotected BUT.... do ... not... go places that are not allowed! It is a simple set of rules to follow and I can promise you, there will be IC consequences at the KAMP for those who do not follow the guidelines. There is a treaty... and we are ICLY not supposed to be in certain places! AS a result, orcs have a more challenging road in training ( particularly those who have to train spells and spell feats) Be aware of it and dont gripe...SORRY it is just a fact of life for orcs.... period.( lol and if the HP can live with it so can you :P) There are DISADVANTAGES to making an orc! Bottom line... and there is no way to candy coat it and it is not gonna change any time soon as I see it. Honestly, straight up, if you follow allll the rules for where an orc can go and can NOT go you will not be able to train as many things as other evils.
BUT... we have fun!!!! :) and we get to eat Gnome toes with honey.... *mmmmmhoneyyyy*

Off topic " There will be more Orc RPs posted as soon as the dust settles for me OOC. ( 10-14 days) make your orcs and get some levels under your belts and keep your eyes out on the rp board ;) Ooma is NOT gone, as some have rumored :P

Thanks for enduring my rant...
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Sithiel » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:15 pm

I stumbled upon this and though I'd ask something. Wouldn't it allowed for orcs to camp near cities such as Daggerford, in order to pillage travellers? I know that that might be somewhat consired as "bully RP", but that's what orcs do. Maybe not one Orc, but If there are multiple Orcs online It would probably be IC for them to wait in ambush along the trade way. Might be interesting RP to run into Orcs in full-armor, laughing about how "they're goin to eat the next puny traveller who doesn't give them pass through payment" I don't mean they should camp like a room away from the entrance, but still close by. So wouldn't that be reason enough to stay near good aligned cities, at least far enough from the influence of town guards, but still near because there are many travellers passing through.
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Re: Where orcs are/aren't allowed

Post by Lerytha » Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:32 pm

If you're willing to camp that close to a city with a standing army, -fairly- close to Waterdeep, with its own standing army, and Ardeep with many long-ranging heroes of the Realm...

...go for it!


It might be fun RP, I know Grafghur used to do it a lot. I'd just recommend making sure your orcish character is prepared for possible consequences that might come from that. And reading more in-game around a few things might dissuade some orcs from that approach. Just ask any old orc about a treaty.

Mind you, it might be nice for the treaty to be broken finally, so all blimmin' heck hell can be unleashed on you nasty greenskins. :D
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