Two Ideas - Request and Eating

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Two Ideas - Request and Eating

Post by Sithiel » Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:35 pm

1.I don't know if it already is like this, but Charisma should affect request/demand.
And I don't know either if it is supposed to be this way, but I think you should be able to request items the mobs are wearing. Currently I am not able to do that at least.
2. Then I thought it would be cool that how much you eat/drink, could alter your weight and in the end maybe stats. If you drink a lot of beer, you grow some fat etc. I have no idea how this would be coded or anything, but I just thought it would be cool
Sithiel Greenleaf, Moonlight Ranger
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Re: Two Ideas - Request and Eating

Post by Jaenoic » Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:06 pm

I think your ideas are great, but if I may suggest something it is a good idea to give separate ideas their own thread. That way it keeps the discussion focused on one topic, and one idea is not lost in the discussion of another.

Request/demand: Last I heard(which was a while ago) request and demand were not working. This could very well have changed since then. However before that, I believe both commands were affected by charisma.

Gaining weight: This is an idea which I think is really fun and a cool way to interact with the world around you. Weight is something which goes up and down in a person's life, and I don't think anyone weighs the same at 55 as they did at 16(and shouldn't). Of course, you can always take liberties with what it says on your score sheet and roleplay your character as losing/gaining weight.
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Re: Two Ideas - Request and Eating

Post by Skeas » Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:07 pm

Perhaps there should be a difference here in the stat feeds for request and demand;

I wouldn't see a "friendly" character benefitting much from demand, where he would benefit better from request. Maybe a strength check, to see how big, bad, and intimidating your character is? Some mages may find this idea to be in poor sport, but how's the npc you're demanding from to know that you're the most powerful war wizard alive just by looking at you?

As per your second idea; Have you been playing Fable? :D
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Re: Two Ideas - Request and Eating

Post by Jaenoic » Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:18 pm

I wouldn't see a "friendly" character benefitting much from demand, where he would benefit better from request. Maybe a strength check, to see how big, bad, and intimidating your character is?
Well even intimidation is a charisma based skill check. A charismatic person can still intimidate someone if they are small, so long as they know what they are doing and saying(hence, the high charisma). An uncharismatic but strong person can fail to intimidate someone if they present them self as a bumbling fool. Of course, what happens after the fight is initiated/avoided, is a different matter. Then strong man win.
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Re: Two Ideas - Request and Eating

Post by Skeas » Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:33 pm

Then perhaps the adjectives for charisma checks should be altered, to more fit this IC standpoint? Not that it's a big deal, I suppose.
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Re: Two Ideas - Request and Eating

Post by Sithiel » Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:31 pm

Skeas wrote: As per your second idea; Have you been playing Fable? :D
Exactly where the idea came from
Sithiel Greenleaf, Moonlight Ranger
Nadaun, Beshaba's Bard
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