Thank you

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Thank you

Post by Sparlow » Fri Aug 22, 2003 8:11 am

This is going to sound like some shameful plugging, but I don't really care. I honestly mean what I have to say, so you can post this or not, as long as it gets seen.

I want to say thanks to everyone in the MUD, but especially, the admins. I just realized I've logged over four hundred hours on this MUD since I began playing, and I've loved almost every minute of it. I'm hooked.

This is due in no small part to the efforts of our awesome coders, builders, and admins. Even with all the amount of gamework they do, they still manage to find time to work through all of our personal IC problems with us, as well as continue to make this an incredible game. Even with all the dumb things I've done (and almost constant attention I need), the admins have done eveything to make me feel welcome.

Anyway, here it is. Thank you, to the admins. You make this game possible, and I wanted to let you know it's appreciated.

My hat is off to you,

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Continuance of thanks

Post by Rorix » Fri Aug 22, 2003 6:09 pm

I would like to extend this thank you further. I would like to thank the admins for issuing out rewards (glory points) for rping. This helps to keep us smotin' away to make the most interesting rp possible no matter how large, important, small, or not important. Thanks again. :D lateaz

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Post by Lathlain » Fri Aug 22, 2003 9:20 pm

I too would like to echo this shameless boot licking of a sort :P
My play hours with Lathlain are nearing 4 figures, and I still find myself completely and absolutely compelled to keep going. I owe it all to the player base and to the immortal team... Thanks for giving me a reason not to go to bed at night, and thanks for a great game :)
We really do appreciate the amount of work that goes into running FK!
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Post by Opia » Sat Aug 23, 2003 4:47 am

I would like to join in boot-licking good times! Despite all the times I should have been doing other things *cough*homework*cough*, I've always found good reason to sneak in for "just a few minutes." Thanks so much! I've had such a blast for I don' t know how many hours and would probably be just a boring person rather than a boring person with something to talk about without it!! So thanks for all the hard work from everyone. :lol:

Post by Lukian » Fri Aug 29, 2003 6:50 pm

Well...I for one, will not be seen doing any...."boot licking" or anything of the like...but I will, however, take this time out as a representation of the amount of time I, myself owe the theForgotten Kingdoms coding/administrating community. I feel that they have put on a hell of a show, and deserve all of our applause. Well done guys...and thanks

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Post by Isaldur » Fri Aug 29, 2003 7:24 pm

For all the good times, and all the bad. For all the times I've mouthed off, for all the times you've dropped divine beatings on my head.

Thank you. :)

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Post by Urival » Sun Aug 31, 2003 4:53 am

While we are on the note of thanking people. I recently created a mage and played int he guilds for the first time and i would just like to say thankyou to everyone that was involved in the questing in the school of wonder! The endless serch for the items they so far have sent me after has been the most fun Ive had in a while. Thanks all you builders and coders, thanks to you i learn something new about everyday :D

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Post by Rhianon » Mon Sep 01, 2003 11:55 am

I must agree, even through all the temper tantrums and eye rolling the staff has been very patient and has tried their level best to help and encourage people, so I also want to put in a thank you, even though at time I am very difficult to get along with being the blunt and out spoken person I am. just another cranky old person. :roll:

A word of thanks

Post by Septa » Sun Sep 21, 2003 1:25 am

I'd just like to take this time to say thanks to all the people who participate in roleplaying on this mud. Dieties and mortals alike, its very rare that I run into a group of such hardcore RP'ers. You really enjoy it, and its a rare treat to stumble onto such a fine group of people.

So thanks for making this mud so fun. Thanks for making it stand out above the rest. Its inspiring, it really is. In fact, I just got myself a copy of the Complete Book of Elves, just to learn how to roleplay an elf properly. I plan on reading it all the way through, front to back, word for word. 128 pages of nothings but facts on elves. For this community.

In my deeply sincere, honest opinion, you guys are one group in a million. Its an honor to be able to say "Yeah, I roleplayed with them."


Post by Barlo » Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:50 am

I should join in with the praise and gratitude. I have played on other MUDS, and Forgotten Kingdoms is, by far, the most detailed. The hours I spend on this game are some of my favorites of every day. I feel almost a part of an enormous family, through all the PC's I have met here. to all the coders, builders, admin, and other ppl involved that I have left out through simple poor memory, I give my heartfelt thanks, to join in with all those who have done so here.
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Post by Jadom » Mon Dec 15, 2003 9:28 am

You lie Opia, I haven't seen you in forever :wink:

But to add, while I can never settle on a character and have gone through more than I can count, I have been on Forgotten Kingdoms for a little over two years now and it just keeps improving. So I would like to thank all the players who have helped me through my various incarnations. :lol: And the IMM's for providing an absolutely fantastic game that has helped me wile away countless hours that would otherwise have been spent doing something silly like working. :twisted:

Bravo Zulu!
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Post by Tandria » Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:40 am

I, too, would like to say thank you. I have only been playing about a month (not even; my first month is nearing it's completion still) and still consider myself to be a noob, but every time I had a question people have been nothing but friendly and have been nothing but friendly from the very beginning. I thank not just the admins (although they deserve all the in-game praise they get ;) and out-of-game, mind you), but also the players, because without you guys, newbies like myself would likely feel left out. Thanks to EVERYONE! :D
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Post by Bugoron » Mon Dec 15, 2003 3:56 pm

I'll bite on this as well.
I'd like to issue a thank you to the Admins of this MUD, as well as the players. I've been around on FK since at least 2000, and I've never once stopped enjoying it. After 5 years of awesome roleplay, I hope to see this game enjoyed by many newcomers for many years to come.

Also, a thank you to the players, who have helped make the game what it is today. Without the well-played characters and roleplay you guys put in, this MUD would be just like all the rest of the MUDs out there, which all seem pointless after being here.

May you all continue to enjoy FK, happy RPing, and thanks for the memories, may we make plenty more.
Last edited by Bugoron on Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Leyva » Sat Dec 20, 2003 1:50 am

I think just a couple weeks ago was my one-year anniversary with my one true love, Forgotten Kingdoms. Perhaps I should get an anniversary gift... :roll:

I'm quite confident in saying that almost every opportunity I have had to roleplay on this mud has been truly wonderful - and I have all of you to thank for it. The quality of the game itself is just as remarkable as the players that make their homes in it.

So, here's to another spectacular year of cheerful bouncing and tart-eating and riddling. :D

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Post by Nysan » Sat Dec 20, 2003 2:18 am

Though I do not have a talent with words like some other posts on this thread, I have spent a year or two with FK (in one form or another) and do not regret any of it. It is a small return for everything this place has given me, but I too wish to thank the admins and players alike for every moment I have been here.

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Post by Glim » Sat Dec 20, 2003 6:38 am

Ide like to express my gratitude as well...

If I added up all my chars, they would probably be well past the 4 figure range, and I beleive Christmas about two years ago was when I started playing, and I must say, that you have given me something to enjoy and have fun with and, because of your hard work, the IMM team and the players, this mud is the best i have ever played.

Sharni, I know things have probably been hard, there have probably been times when you just wished to take a baseball bat and just take it all down. But I wish to express my immense gratitude, to you and the rest of the builders and coders, that you have worked hard on this game, put up with all my annoying characters and my really strange ones, and you have made this a game one that I will never truly forget. I cannot truly tell you how much I appreciate your work, I can only say...

Thank you
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Thank you

Post by Echet » Tue Dec 30, 2003 8:26 am

I think the 2400 odd total hours I've spent playing here have been completely worth it, it's just too bad my friends wouldn't let spend the other 5k+ doing the same thing :-p

I, too, would like to thank our staff for providing us with such a great place. And of course the players for making the atmosphere, too :-)


Post by Tierney » Tue Dec 30, 2003 2:53 pm

The way Sharni so quickly takes player ideas and implements them is amazing. In one day I read three threads that end in her saying 'added to TODO' Its Imms like her that make this mud so wondertastic.

Post by Sorondil » Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:31 pm

This is my first experience with a mud, I've never played online before... but I was completely addicted in a few minutes. I've been playing AD&D Forgotten Realms campaigns for a long time, but I've never had the sense of "reality" I can feel in FK. Sometimes, when my ranger wanders in the wood, I can nearly hear the howl of that wild animal nearby! :)
English is not my first language - I am Italian - so I need a little more time to write down what I want to say or do, and sometimes I lose the meanings of some dialogues or descriptions (I must thank many players for the help they give me). But still, I'm enjoying every moment I am logged in.
Thank you so much for all the great work you've been doing here.
And happy new year! :)

Post by Agralath » Fri Jan 23, 2004 5:21 pm

I know that I'm late on this post but I didn't want to open a new one since mine is also a thank you. I just wanted to thank everyone involved with the mud for making it such an enjoyable experience. This is the first mud that I've found that I really enjoy. I was a complete n00b to Forgotten Realms and all other fantasy when I started playing and now only 4 months later I have bought and read over 10 of the books and I'm hopelessly addicted to the game and the books. So .....

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