PG-13 Clarification and Other Stories

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Re: PG-13 Clarification and Other Stories

Post by Gwain » Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:26 pm

Go with what the applications team currently requests before the information in this thread. The most recent updates are usually the correct ones. Also the helpfile in the game specifies that it is something that should be applied for.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

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Re: PG-13 Clarification and Other Stories

Post by Peverell » Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:50 pm

Under which helpfile...?

The helpfile titled "same sex relationships" says
The staff of Forgotten Kingdoms acknowledges that there are a wide variety of
alternative lifestyles in the world and makes no judgement moral or
otherwise on those lifestyles, but as Forgotten Kingdoms is a family oriented
game, the staff has a certain obligation to protect the minors that play here
and allow parents a reasonable certainty that their children are not exposed
to any situation that might make them uncomfortable.

Due to these obligations the staff has deemed that same sex relationships are
acceptable roleplay on Forgotten Kingdoms providing they are roleplayed
within the constraints outlined in help sex. We ask that like any
relationship in Forgotten Kingdoms that participants in a same sex
relationship be discrete and present the relationship in a non-overt manner.
I don't see any mention of applications in there, just a request to follow the "help sex" guidelines, which state "no overt sexual behaviour." I also don't see it mentioned in "help applications."
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Re: PG-13 Clarification and Other Stories

Post by Gwain » Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:24 pm

The applications email address serves a number of purposes. Most involve
asking for permission from the game administration for something special.
Please note that an important exception to this general rule is that
requests to have multiple logins from the same IP address should be
submitted to the "complaints" process, rather than to applications.

Issues appropriate for sending to the applications email include:
* Applications for special character roleplay
* Applications for groups or character bands that require applications
to exist
* Roleplay ideas, summaries and suggestions
* Applications for marriages (this process is currently being revamped)
* Applications to follow unregistered faiths or faith related
applications that cannot be brought to an immortal or faith manager's
attention in-game
* Applications for pregnancy and babies/adoptions (which are handed
over to separate pregnancy and baby administrators)
* Applications for glory-renamed items (This will generally not be
undertaken right now, since the glory system is under review and
most renames will be done at intervals to benefit players depending
on the situation both ic and ooc by the imms and admins involved.)

If your request falls into one of the categories above, or something similar,
please direct an email to List the
name of your character at the start of the message's subject line, followed
by a summary of what it is you are asking for - something like "Gorby -
Application to Follow Shaundakul."

At this time the application-process is put on hold and no applications will be accepted.
Please do not send in applications to, anymore. For further
information, please see:


(A) Age (B) Character Deletion
(C) Contact email addresses (D) Kismet costs
(E) Player dwellings (F) Players logging in from the same IP
(G) Playing Siblings or Twins (H) Pregnancy, Babies and Children
(I) Same sex relationships
(J) Special character and special roleplay
Regardless, if it was requested in the CURRENT application forums then it really should be applied for unless specified otherwise by an admin.

For now, I'm following the examples cited in viewtopic.php?f=131&t=9467
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

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Re: PG-13 Clarification and Other Stories

Post by Kelemvor » Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:42 pm

The list posted under Application examples was created on the fly; from memory; reference to past applications; and without access to Help Files.

The addition of 'same sex relationships' as something needing to be applied for was, consequently, unintentional.

However, I'll probably be amending the list to state that inter-racial relationships (opposite or same sex) where significant physical differences exist are not something we feel we can allow.
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Re: PG-13 Clarification and Other Stories

Post by Balek » Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:59 pm

I'm of the opinion that any same sex relationships should be allowed without application. I'd also probably change 'inter-racial' to 'inter-species'. Calling them interracial relationships carries some baggage that we probably don't want to get involved with. I think we'd rather not give the impression that we don't allow people of different skin colors or ethnicities to have relationships.
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Re: PG-13 Clarification and Other Stories

Post by Gwain » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:02 pm

Aside from my misunderstanding of specification, I'm in agreement with Balek. Though inter species could use the aid of an application in certain situations.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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