Weapon proficiency and weapon focus
Weapon proficiency and weapon focus
I was wondering, can you train weapon focus on a weapon skill you aquired with the weapon proficiency feat?
Ahh well, this isnt exactly an answer, but maybe it will help.
Whenever you have an old character, and you get a weapon skill before they revamped the guilds and took it off the list, its stated below in the other catagory. I think weapon focus does something like this. Now, the question is...can you train weapon proficiency on these other catagory weapon skills?
Whenever you have an old character, and you get a weapon skill before they revamped the guilds and took it off the list, its stated below in the other catagory. I think weapon focus does something like this. Now, the question is...can you train weapon proficiency on these other catagory weapon skills?
Glim asks Gwain 'Can I be on the watch?!?'
Gwain raises an eyebrow.
Gwain seems to display a look of complete horror for a second...
Gwain raises an eyebrow.
Gwain seems to display a look of complete horror for a second...
Thats what weapon proficiency does, it allows you to train a weapon that your guild doesn't normally allow, such as double-edged blades for a priest. So the better question would be, can you train weapon focus on one of those weapons listed as "other skills known"?
Weapon focus gives you a better skill with a certain weapon, which improves your damage potential with that weapon.
Weapon focus gives you a better skill with a certain weapon, which improves your damage potential with that weapon.