Bards - Bring them on!

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Sword Grand Master
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Post by Nysan » Sat Jan 31, 2004 12:04 pm

Always thought there were too few bards in the game. I never get tired of the songs, stories, and preformances of the few bards we have wandering about. I have a great personal respect for players of established bards, and those with bards in the making and hope to see a great many more works published, designed, or whatever.
Bards of Fk, keep on entertaining the realms...

-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-

You do not need to change the world, merely leave it a little better than how you found it.
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Sword Grand Master
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Post by Isaldur » Sat Jan 31, 2004 4:46 pm

I would also like to add something to this about already established bards. Try to think about how they might react OOCly before you go insulting anything about them IC or OOCly. Bards put themselves on the spot and leave themselves open when they perform, write, or express and sort of artistic following they decide to take up in FK. Insults can bother, but sometimes they really can damage a player's want to even play a bard anymore. Always consider outside circumstances before you insult anyone is the general rule, but especially with bards or other players that write their own work and put it out to be judged by the other players. If your judging is negative, just keep it to yourself or with others who feel the same because not everyone will think that same bard is horrid at what s/he does.

I don't think any player should recieve negative comments about any form of artistic work they have put into FK, even if it's a joke it still may hurt.
A sapphire haired male aasimar replies to you 'What would you get Tanya for a wedding present?'
You reply to A sapphire haired male aasimar 'A swift kick to the head. '


Post by Selveem » Sat Jan 31, 2004 6:22 pm

I too have a character who wishes to be a full-fledged bard. He has at least three works that I have unfortunately lost since my installation of Win2K (from WinXP). I had spoken with two Immortals about my intentions for him and both seemed fairly open to the idea but explained that there was a lot of work involved - especially on the Immortal side too. I soon began to abandon the character as I was told on several occasions that there were too many bards, like paladins, in the game and that my chances of being accepted were slim-to-none. Luckily, I do not remember a single person who told me, but now I do have a feeling of regret because I did not persue it as I'd wished.

I have read many of the current bards' works (some, unfortunately had to be done a bit OOCly as my only real character at the time would only read about wars and the like :twisted: ) and found them to be more than impressive.

I have witnessed many performances by many different bards. Some new, some older and I must say that the work they do _IS_ appreciated and enjoyed. To those of you who have bards and put yourself out on the line, my hat goes off to you (if I wore one). :lol:

Thank you for the information, Mystra, I will see what I can do to get back into the character I had so nearly forgotten.