Faith Population

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Faith Population

Post by Yevel » Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:06 pm

I was wondering if there were any limitations in faith admittance, it seems like everyone follows either Tyr, Mystra,Selune or Tymora- Then you have racial Corellon or Garl. Its rare I come across the other gods followers.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Horace » Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:08 pm

Nope, there isn't. But I get the feeling this may be more of a complaint than a sincere question.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Saranya » Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:10 pm

Actually, all faiths are currently closed except Lathander. Please faith apply or contact a Lathandite in game.

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Re: Faith Population

Post by Hviti » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:19 am

There aren't restrictions on joining faiths (except squire/paladin orders). Some faiths may be more popular simply because more active players regularly play members of that faith. A lot also seems to hinge on whether higher ups/FMs are actively played (this can offer more chances for faith advancement, more faith specific events, etc.). Also, when new or current players start characters or decide to try out different race/class/faith combinations, swings in faith popularity can occur. Some faiths' popularity levels are heavily tied to class popularity as well - e.g. Mystrans will be more common when lots of wizards are active, Tempurians will be more common when lots of fighters are active. Honestly, last time I was active I saw maybe 2 Tyrrans regularly. These sorts of swings seem common enough.

P.S. The Mystrans could totally take the Lathanderites in a tavern brawl.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Isaldur » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:27 am

I would just like to add that even some faiths with active FM's have low populations. This can be attributed to gods that have a more exacting dogma for their followers compared to others, or just how the FM (Or FM's if multiple) expect it to be followed. I've seen many faiths go through huge changes compared to how they were when I started based simply off the style of the faith manager.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Saranya » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:47 am

Hviti wrote:P.S. The Mystrans could totally take the Lathanderites in a tavern brawl.
In fact, this was recently tested out at a Spires Reception and the result was a disappointing draw. The Mystrans drank all the wine until they fell over, while the Lathandites kept being distracted by pie and sunbeams. Maybe I'll make the next event a Tourney and draft a Helmite to keep things focused? :lol:

Back to the topic, I concur with Hviti and Isaldur. Wasn't everyone an Oghman last month? :P I can certainly remember periods of inactivity with all the faiths you mention, Yevel. Like the rising and setting of the sun, it all comes around eventually.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Yevel » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:06 am

It wasn't a complaint as much as a honest question, I do not believe it matters which faiths are more populated or not. But it is nice to see a variety. Thanks everyone for their responses. Since I've started playing I've been told religion plays a big part here in FK and that people butt heads over the matter quite frequently.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Isaldur » Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:27 am

I don't believe anyone took it as a complaint, and trust me when I say things are much better now.

Back when I first started a faith was popular based off what kind of weapons/armor their biggest temple sold, their clerical spell list (Varied greatly from faith to faith way back when), and what kind of supplicated items you could get with favor. Based off those three factors you saw most folk gravitating towards only certain faiths just so they could keep an "edge" mechanics-wise.

I would say that type of mentality is almost nonexistent now actually thanks to dedicated builders making more temples, areas, and the revisions to the clerical spell system that were implemented.

If I were a betting man I would say Waukeen will be the next big faith boom, but then Tymora and Beshaba would curse me.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Briek » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:34 am

It really is all peaks and troughs to be honest, just to use the Tyrran faith as an example, sure there are alot of us now but a while ago it really was just Raona, Maybel and Briek heh what can I say, we got popular!

Sometimes it makes me very irated when I hear from someone "Yeah I really want a Tyrran priest because they have fireshield and stoneskin" which gets me thinking, I don't think any character ICly joins a faith because he thinks the prayers are really good, players that become priests/paladins etc all must have had some motivation to do so because dedicating your life to a God is a big thing. It would be great if people had a story behind that motivation, something that we can really pick up on when we are RPing with you towards faithing.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Raona » Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:33 am

I just want to second Briek's comment, above - When Raona tried to join the Tyrran faith, very very few active players had Tyrrans, and they rarely played them. It seems everyone was a Tymoran back then. Faiths do go in ebbs and tides, and while to some extent it is tied to factors one can point a finger at (active players in the faith, how easy it is to get into, and the temperament/preferences of new players coming into the game), it is also, to some extent, just a natural cycle. It can be just as much, or more, fun RPing the sole active emissary of a faith as it is playing a part in a big group, if your mindset and interests are compatible with it.

I appreciate the challenge for new players, who when they first start FK generally choose a faith without knowing how active it is, who's the FM, if the Imm is active, and how hard it is to be faithed; or at least without regard to such things. Which is probably as it should be, but it seems the reason behind much of the faith angst new players experience. For we older toots, it puts us in a difficult situation when it comes to faith guidance. If an eager new player asks, ICly, about joining the (insert faith here)s, and ICly they seem a perfect we mention that the Imm is not played, the FM is rarely on, and the faith quests tend to be long, drawn out affairs? Even with a player that is clearly the impatient sort, I tend not to do so; I try to stick with the IC aspects. But I'm keen to hear from new players if they wish it were otherwise, if they would prefer an effort was made to inform/warn them of the OOC aspects of a prospective faith.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Elke » Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:49 am

Wasn't everyone an Oghman last month?
I'm sure I remember that! ;)
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Ramirus » Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:52 pm

Resistance is futile. The Oghmans will assimilate you.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Peverell » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:24 pm

Saranya wrote:Wasn't everyone an Oghman last month?
Baby, I'm an Oghman *every* month.

But, yeah. Swings and roundabouts. The popularity of faiths ebb and flow for various reasons. Certain classes and races favour certain deities. As a personal example I am part of a group of 4 characters who have recently joined a faith that hasn't been hugely active lately, but is quite possible that will change due to our "new blood." :) As another example, a character I created nearly a year ago is yet to meet anyone of the faith they plan to pursue. When I first started playing it seemed like every 2nd character was a Tymoran. These days I see a lot of new Mystrans and Selunites. Personally, I tend not to pay too much attention to "popularity" when creating a new character, but others may see things differently. As long as we're having a good time, it's not something I worry about :wink:
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Leveran » Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:15 pm

Well, persuant to a previous conversation that due to my own poor word choices got out of hand, I agree with what Peverrel is saying, very much, that new faith members are going to head towards faiths with active members, and especially active FMs. It does only make a certain degree of sense. The reason behind it is pretty self-evident, but the question is, what are viable solutions?

With so many faiths out there, and only so many players to occupy them, and out of those, only so many that can be trusted with Faith Manager's duties... I propose this:

For Initiate level, that is, basic entry into any given faith, couldn't there be an automated/coded quest? I know this would be construed as a major change to a system that a lot of people like, but there's a few reasons why I think this is a viable option:

For one, becomming an 'Initiate' into a faith really, to my mind, means you're just begining your journey in that faith. You know the basics. The holy days. Enemies and friends. Maybe part of the Origin of the deity and the Dogma, of course. Even for a priest/cleric as an 'initiate' you're basically a couple steps above choir boy/girl. Again, this is to my own mind, and others are entitled not to agree. The thing is, I think this would alleviate a lot of the pressure on FMs, to not have to deal with every new scrapper that comes along personally, only to have that character/player not stick around. That would get daunting to FMs I imagine. It would also free them up to RP with those who -are- in the Faith, and are active members, and not those who are only in to casually play that Faith.

Finally, I think it would reduce (though of course not eliminate) people who're only joining a faith because it's easy. Joining any faith will be 'easier', though advancing in that Faith will still require a great deal of RP and dedication.

Now, I don't wish this to spark a heated debate, though I know it's going to be met with mixed thoughts. I hope we can keep it to a nice friendly discussion. If you out and out disagree with the idea, feel free to say so, but please don't disparage others who might think the idea is a good one, who might have constructive suggestions as to how to make this work.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Briek » Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:17 pm

I think the important thing to remember her is, if -you- want to play that faith because -you- like what it offers, then who cares? as long as you are willing to put the effort into the Roleplay I have no doubt the staff on this MUD will help you towards the goal.
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Re: Faith Population

Post by Belose » Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:23 am

If you enjoy blowing things up, become a Gondar! We don't need no prayers or spells to blow things up! Gond loves us and gives us smoke powder! Uhm.. that's because we need to remove a building to build a new one.



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