E-mailing publications

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Sword Grand Master
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E-mailing publications

Post by Tandria » Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:48 am

I know that each chapter is to be no more than 25 lines and 70 characters per line, but should we send a separate e-mail for each publication, and have the chapters in separate txt files? Or, if there is more than one publication, should we put all the chapters in the same text file and send all the books (in separate text files) in the same e-mail?

Just so I don't waste anyone's time :).
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Sword Grand Master
Sword Grand Master
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Post by Nysan » Tue Feb 10, 2004 8:16 am

Please forgive if this is incorrect, but from personal experience all chapters should be on one file (with a clear separation between each other such as Chapter 1, 2, ect). As well as a separate email for each publication. This is what I have been told, hope it answers your thoughts.

-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-

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