I'm not sure if something like this is already in the game but thought I'd sugegst it.
Is it possible to bring in the bardsong ability for bards? In essence, a bard would have to be grouped with companions, and when they were involved in combat, if the bard was not actively fighting (back row, killmode nofight, etc) they could initiate a bardsong, that would affect members of the group within the same room. It would probably give all members a +1 THAC0 and +1 Damroll, or various songs could be learned and sung to very slightly give an improvement to members of the group. A song of luck giving +1 luck, for example.
Songs would be stopped (and all affects cancled instantaneously) if the bard moved to another room at any time, even following the leader, or if the abrd engaged in the combat in any way. Pretty much the bard must stay static for the song to continue to work (a full-round action) bards could stop the song by attacking, moving, or the command "stop".
Any feedback or ideas?