Corellon - Chauntea?

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Corellon - Chauntea?

Post by Pring » Mon Feb 09, 2004 11:30 pm

Hey, My ranger is having some trouble deciding which Diety to follow. I have decided I want Chauntea or Corellon. Both appeal to me for the same reason, I just don't see why one is better than the other? I have never seen either of them on, so that may affect my decision as well. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Post by Timaeus » Tue Feb 10, 2004 12:19 am

When you choose to follow a Deity it should be a decision based on the roleplay of your character, what he or she holds as beliefs and that your character lives by those beliefs. Its not a question of which Deity is better or which Deity you see more often (just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't there). I am willing to bet that if a Deity on the MU* believed you were only trying to follow them for which one gives you the most benefit that you would find your character would not be in any faith, its a privilege to be in a faith not a right. Its not a matter of doing a token prayer to some Diety and once you get the symbol you can forget about the beliefs of that faith. I would suggest finding more information on each deity and then roleplay your character to follow the dogma and beliefs of that particular deity.

Timaeus Valierius,
Warrior of Kelemvor.

Post by Pring » Tue Feb 10, 2004 12:39 am

Thats not what I meant by asking that question. I'm just wondering if they both still exist? I heard the diety of Lloth was non-existant, and I don't want to be on a wild goose chase for a diety that's not there. Based on belief's, I would rather go with Chauntea, but merely wanted to clarify if that was a wise decision, as it wil change my char's life forever. I know it's probably not sufficiant for RP standards, sorry about that. :cry:
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Post by Selune » Tue Feb 10, 2004 1:04 am

Yes, both deities are in the game.

Corellon will not turn away elves wishing to follow, but experienced players are encouraged to follow other deities.

For more information on which faiths are full and which are accepting followers (and of what type), look here - ... .php?t=438.
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Post by Pring » Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:54 am

Ah, thank all of you..I have made my decision and a prayer. Before I do something I shouldn't, do you only need to pray once?
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Post by Belose » Tue Feb 10, 2004 3:10 am

Yes, only pray once to follow a deity.
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Post by Nikkos » Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:50 am

While you should only pray once, you can still smote prayers to the appropriate deity. Also, seek out members of your chosen faith and RP with them because you never know who is watching.
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Post by Valacktor » Fri Apr 02, 2004 3:56 am

this topic ended a long time ago.. but i think it is better to ask my question on here then make another topic for it. Now, as only praying once is said here, I have done this before with my character(s). An though, you will probably just tell me to be more patient, I always grow impatient.. defently when there is no response and no way of knowing that your chosen diety actualy knows of you praying to them. (thats more of an ic concern, because i believe it is possible in an ic situation for a diety not to hear the prayer, though I may be incorrect. Also, I feel a personal concern when my character choses a diety that for whatever reason he/she will not be able to and I do not know of this. But i think the chosen diety would tell me, as I once had sune tell me that one of my characters charisma was not high enough to follow her. Of course I made an attempt to make my characters charisma higher.. but im not sure if it ever reached a suitable level.)

Also, and time for my question. What if your character prayes to his/her chosen diety, and the diety has not yet said anything to your character and say for whatever reason you have no way of returning to fk, for weeks/months at a time, but you eventualy do return and your character of course still wants to follow the diety. Is the prayer kept for that dieties player remembers that that person wishes to follow the diety. Or would it be better to pray again once you return, to freshen the dieties memory?

I am curious as to this, because one of my characters has been wanting to follow his chosen diety for a long while, and for reasons beyond my control I keep losing my ability to get on FK. I am tired of these problems interfering with my characters rp, as I am sure the people affiliated with my character are. And I hope that there is understanding that I have no control over these problems.

Of course as I am about to submit this I realise that this has nothing to do with the topics title.. but when I read this and Pring's last question it sparked this question in my mind to life.

Post by Pring » Fri Apr 02, 2004 4:05 am

Great qustion, as I am wondering some of the exact same things...

Post by Rhelian » Fri Apr 02, 2004 7:28 am

You'd need a god to concur, but as far as I know, when a character is accepted to be faith-quested, when they have finsihed this quest and need a symbol, or just bear watching, their name is added to the appropriate god's thread on the Faith Thread board (forget proper name) that only the gods can see :) That way a god knows whom to look out for, who's been bad, who's been good.

If you pray and don't receive any response for a long time, it's best to email to let Mystra know of your situation, incase your name was overlooked and not added. A god should be with you when they are available and deal with your problem, or if you are well outside their timezone, something else is arranged :)
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