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Sword Bumbler
Sword Bumbler
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Joined: Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:09 pm
Location: Cormyr


Post by Langley » Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:35 pm

Starting from the North Gate, going south to Immar street, and east until just before it meets with Horn street.

Wall Gate
N-Gate gates S-High Road
This gate is an inner gate for the North Gate. In times gone
by it was extra security before the city grew and was no longer
in need of such security.

{70}The great wall that circles the city of Waterdeep opens into an
often busy gate here, which is guarded by a steady patrol of city
guards along the walls in the two guard towers on either side of
the great gate. The exit to the city leads in a northern direction
from here, while a great road of tended, yet worn cobble leads in
it's opposite, making it's way deeper into the bustling metropolis
that is Waterdeep.

High Road
N-Wall Gate E-Immar Street S-High Road W-Skulls Street
This street is one of the main streets in Waterdeep. It is heavily
traveled and the cobbles are well worn. Many shops and taverns line
the way. The street is well lit and patrolled heavily by Soldiers.
Above the shops are the homes of the store owners.

{70}This wide, and heavily traveled road forms a pair of intersections
with two smaller side streets. The northern most T shaped junction
leads west, looking to leave a small cluster of buildings between
itself and the great wall to the north that surrounds the city.
The southern intersection, a mirror image of the northern, leads
east into an affluent looking part of town. Dominating the north
view from here is a bustling gate that leads out of town, and to
the south is a continuation of this wide road.

Immar Street
E-Immar Street W-High Road
The street is clean and soldier patrol the streets on a regular
basis keeping it safe for its noble denizens. Lanterns hang
above doorways keeping the street well lit. The houses are large
and grand. Shops are few and far between, as are Taverns.

{F0}Steady patrols by the city guards and street sweepers alike keep this
medium sized road up to the high standards of the upper class citizens
that live here. Several medium to large estates line this road, and
spanning over a rather large plot just north from here is a {30}grand villa{F0},
which consists of two manor houses, one of two stories and another of
three, both contained within a low carved stone wall that proudly names
the villa "{B0}Brossfeather{F0}" in golden lettering above the gate through the

Immar Street
E-Immar Street W-Immar Street
The street is clean and soldier patrol the streets on a regular
basis keeping it safe for its noble denizens. Lanterns hang
above doorways keeping the street well lit. The houses are large
and grand. Shops are few and far between, as are Taverns.

{F0}This immaculate street houses several wealthy families in {30}villas{F0}
of varied sizes. It's rare to find a place on this road that fails
to have at least one guard in sight, making this part of the city
one of the safest. In the middle of a cluster of modest {30}villas{F0} to
the south of this street a large {A0}grassy plot of land{E0}, dotted with
{20}trees{F0}, has been allocated to house the two magnificent buildings
of the Thunderstaff {B0}villa{F0}.

Immar Street
E-Immar Street W-Immar Street
The houses in this part of Waterdeep are grand. These are the
homes of the nobles of Waterdeep. They are made of fine stone
and marble. Each house has a sconce above its door so that
this part of town is well lit, discouraging thieves.

{F0}By the appearance of this smooth cobble road, very few days go
by without someone making rounds cleaning up any debris that
finds itself this way. No doubt, the highly affluent residents
of this section of the city have something to do with the never
failing cleanliness of this road. Immensely expensive {B0}mansions{F0}
and {30}villas{F0} can be found on either side of this road. They range
from modest, in a relative term, single floored manor houses to
vast multi-building estates, like the Anteos and Phull {B0}villas{F0}
to the north of here. To ensure the safety of the citizens of
this area, seeing a guard pass through the streets is hardly
a rare occurrence.

Immar Street
S-Immar Street W-Immar Street
The street is clean and soldier patrol the streets on a regular
basis keeping it safe for its noble denizens. Lanterns hang
above doorways keeping the street well lit. The houses are large
and grand. Shops are few and far between, as are Taverns.

{F0}The fine cobble of this road makes a gentle bend as it nears the
city walls here, though it still leaves plenty of room for a number
of {30}villas{F0} to fit on either side. The amount of wealth in this area
is almost palpable in the air that mingles through the prominent
{B0}mansions{F0} that house Waterdeep's nobles. To the north east is an
exceptional looking {B0}villas{F0}. Windows line the single multi-story
building, and a elaborately wrought iron sign declares this magnificent
place the "{E0}Snome Family Villa{B0".

Immar Street
N-Immar Street E-Immar Street
The houses in this part of Waterdeep are grand. These are the
homes of the nobles of Waterdeep. They are made of fine stone
and marble. Each house has a sconce above its door so that
this part of town is well lit, discouraging thieves.

{F0}The fine cobble of this road makes a gentle bend with on end leading
gently northward, and the other slightly to the east. The cobble is
perfectly clean, as well as regularly patrolled by the city guard.
It is evident that the typical citizen of this area is among the
affluent nobility of Waterdeep. This assumption is easy to make by
the grand scale of the {B0}mansions{F0} that line the sides of the road,
which continue all the way to the city wall a small distance to the
east. Dominating the other grand {B0}villas{F0} of this section of the street
is the Hawkwinter Villa on the southern side of the street. Both of
the two buildings reach higher than those around it, and proudly house
a number of masterfully crafted {70}statues{F0} near their roofs.

Immar Street
S-Immar Street W-Immar Street
The street is clean and soldier patrol the streets on a regular
basis keeping it safe for its noble denizens. Lanterns hang
above doorways keeping the street well lit. The houses are large
and grand. Shops are few and far between, as are Taverns.

{F0}This section of Immar street is part of a long, gentle curve that
seems to eventually turn this fine cobble street from a east-west
to a north-south leading street. In a westerly direction from here,
one can see a number of magnificent sprawling {B0}villas{F0}, though this
area features tightly packed multi-story {70}row houses{F0} that seem to
house a wealthy class of Waterdhavians.

Immar Street
N-Immar Street E-Selrin Street
The street is clean and soldier patrol the streets on a regular
basis keeping it safe for its noble denizens. Lanterns hang
above doorways keeping the street well lit. The houses are large
and grand. Shops are few and far between, as are Taverns.

{F0}The fine Immar street joins suddenly with the much smaller Selrin
street here. While both are made of fine, well maintained cobble,
Selrin lacks the width of Immar, appearing as a glorified alleyway
in comparison. Forming a sort of natural wall to the streets of
the intersection are grand looking {70}row houses{F0}, all tightly fitted

Selrin Street
S-Horn Street W-Immar Street
The street is clean and soldier patrol the streets on a regular
basis keeping it safe for its noble denizens. Lanterns hang
above doorways keeping the street well lit. The houses are large
and grand. Shops are few and far between, as are Taverns.

{F0}This narrow street connects Horn street to the south, with Immar
street to the west. Both are fine cobble stone streets, which by
their appearance house some rather wealthy Waterdhavians. Dense
lines of {70}row houses{F0} come up against the road here, and seem to
continue for some distance in either direction from here. One
could also make out with some ease over the {70}row houses{F0} the city
wall a small distance to the east, as well as a grand watchtower.
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