Spell pouches and weight

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Spell pouches and weight

Post by Elke » Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:00 am

I'm not quite sure this is the right place to put this up, but weight seems to be the order of the hour, so here goes:

I just read through some old topics and found out that apparently objects that are specifically components should weigh nothing when in a component pouch. Well, a quick check today reveals that the main spellpouch Elke carries weighs, uh, 31.4 lbs. It is a very full pouch and I'm not sure which of the many components in there are counted as multi-purpose objects rather than components and so adding to the weight...but I know she's not the only wizard character out there who feels they need a component wheelbarrow rather than spellpouch.

Now I haven't experimented very far with this, but it doesn't seem to be the case that moving them in or out of spellpouches causes any net change in weight carried...at all. Of course I could just be picking the multi-use objects? Either way, 31.4 lbs is a far cry from the standard D&D weight of 2lbs. I'd love to hear about any plans, solutions, ideas or suggestions on this.
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Re: Spell pouches and weight

Post by Glim » Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:29 pm

If they are components, usually they will weigh .1 lb per object. You can see this when you examine an item and it will say something like "This weighs next to nothing!". So that means that 10 items weigh 1 pount. 300 components would weigh 30 lbs. The best way to find out which items are taking up the most space currently is simply to take them out and examine them one by one.

Btw just taking them in and out of your spell pouch will not affect your carry weight. You are still holding them. They must be dropped to see a difference.

I am in the same boat as you, I recently went through one of my character's items and started throwing out all the extra stuff I would never use but was keeping because it looked cool. My spell pouch also weighs about 30 lbs and it's too much effort to examine each one to find out.
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Re: Spell pouches and weight

Post by Elke » Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:49 pm

I did also take them out and dump them in a floating disc. Still no difference. I'd assumed that coding meant that the weight would be non-existent in the spellpouch and the 0.1 in inventory, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Also, wouldn't the 0.1 would still show up on the score sheet? It doesn't seem to be doing that...
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Re: Spell pouches and weight

Post by Glim » Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:06 pm

Just tested this a bit. Seems that it really depends on the components. Them being in the spellpouch or not did not seem to make a difference, but compared a feather and a shining pink gem and they both report with examine as being "next to nothing" but the feather has no weight and the pink gem is .1 lb.
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Re: Spell pouches and weight

Post by Ruilwyn » Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:22 pm

I'm not entirely sure, but I think I remember that.. </disclaimer> the game currently attempts to compensate for spellpouch weight by making every ten items of the "component" type weigh 0.1 when stacked. Most of the rest weigh 0.1 individually. A rarer few can weigh more (hides being the most prominent example.)

I'd suggest the component stack-size be increased to 20 per 0.1lb and/or more components being typed as such, and we can see how much of a change those make.. And of course characters can often do a lot of spellpouch optimization as well. :)
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Re: Spell pouches and weight

Post by Elke » Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:20 am

Not -again-! ;)
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