Funny moments!

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Skeas » Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:58 pm

The sliced-off right arm of a yuan-ti sorcerer is lying here. (superb)
The sliced-off left leg of a yuan-ti sorcerer is lying here. (superb)
( 2) The sliced-off right leg of a large rothe is lying here. (superb)
( 2) The sliced-off left leg of a large rothe is lying here. (superb)
( 2) The corpse of A large rothe lies here. (superb)
(13) A pool of spilled blood lies here. (superb)
The spilled guts of a large rothe makes you lose your appetite. (superb)
The sliced-off right arm of A yuan-ti warrior is lying here. (superb)
( 3) The corpse of A yuan-ti warrior lies here. (superb)
( 5) The corpse of A yuan-ti sorcerer lies here. (superb)
A perfectly weighted green-handled dirk lies here. (perfect)
The sliced-off left arm of A yuan-ti warrior is lying here. (superb)
The sliced-off right arm of a goblin slave is lying here. (superb)
( 2) The corpse of a black rothe is here. (superb)
The sliced-off left leg of a goblin slave is lying here. (superb)
The corpse of a goblin slave is here. (superb)

[88% HP][57 MP][9% SP]You must be tired.

[88% HP][57 MP][9% SP]You sit down and relax.

[88% HP][57 MP][9% SP]
The spilled blood slowly seeps into the ground.
The spilled blood slowly seeps into the ground.

[94% HP][57 MP][23% SP]Christoph sings to himself, 'I got sunshiiine..'.
Zorinar murmurs 'We need a fighter if we ever attempt that again'
Anya murmurs 'If Christoph were around, he'd be enough, I'd be willing to bet.'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Aunala » Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:13 am

I was having a great day too..

Daunyelle gives a coy smile towards Xanroas, 'Think the men like those pants, do you?'.
Xanroas glances at you and Tarrin 'Did you catch them looking?'.
You ask Xanroas 'When has lookin' hurt?'
Tarrin facepalms.
Daunyelle snickers into a hand.
Xanroas chuckles at you 'I suppose not. You like the pants then?'.
Wrok grins slightly, nodding his head softly, 'Dey no bads.'.
Xanroas snickers and says to Daunyelle 'Someone with as much taste as you.'.
Daunyelle nods her head in agreement with Xanroas.
You Hmmmm out loud.
Daunyelle says to you 'I'm sure I could hook you up.'
You say to Daunyelle 'Extra extra larges. Dah stretchy kind.'
Daunyelle says to you 'Oh, I'd meant romantically.'
You say to Daunyelle 'Oh, Wrok meant clothes.'
You shrug.
Xanroas chuckles.

Some RP and a few minutes later:

The purple haze
S-South Market St
The outer edge of this large dining hall is slightly elevated from the dining
floor by about two feet. Around this walkway is a railing of sparkling
silver. There are two sets of stairs leading down the two foot drop to the
dining area, one in front of the bar against the north wall, and the other
just in front of the exit, centered to the south. The depression has been
arranged with several tables made of darkly stained tables, with chairs made
of dark wood, and many of them padded for comfort, and easy cleaning. Each of
the tables are equipped with tall black candles poking out of fresh floral
arrangements of dark reds, blacks, and purples. The floor of the dining area
is made of dark gray stone, with several lighter gray stones, which you
realize are arranged to look like a spiral, which centers around a small,
circular stage in the middle of the dining room. Set against the north wall
is a very large wooden bar with several dark stools before it. Behind the
bar, you can see quite a selection of beverages sorted out upon levels of

( 2) A fine Cassan sword lies here. (perfect)
Xanroas sits here.
Tarrin sits here.
Daunyelle sits here.
Bisky, the small hairless dog yips incessantly.

The first thing you notice upon glancing upon this male is
his height, standing six feet seven inches tall he is a towering figure.
The next thing you notice is his size. He is
solidly built weighing two hundred and fifty pounds he has
very little in the way of body fat. His head sits atop a
thick neck sandwiched by large traps that lead into broad
defined shoulders. His arms are well defined and
proportionately sized to fit his body. His hands are rough
and callused but show very little in the way of scarring. He
sports a large chest and cut abdominals. His back is just as
defined as the rest of his body. His hips are narrow and if
he is standing facing you they make a V with his shoulders,
His has thick thighs and large calve muscles.
After you are finished staring at his muscles you will notice
a few things different about him. Firstly you will realize he
is not human, or not fully human. {10)Ram horns the color of
dried blood protrude from his forehead that curl back the
tips of both horns ending parallel to his ear lobes. Next
you notice his eyes are a little different, they are as black
as a night sky devoid of star and moon and just as cold and
forbidding. His face is as stern as his eyes are cold, if you
{80)ever catch him smiling you will notice perfect ivory teeth.
If you see him in the sunlight you will see that his skin has
a crimson tinge to it much like you would find on a man with
into a thin rope that falls to the middle of his sternum.

A tall, ram horned male tiefling is in perfect health.
Xanroas is using:
<worn around neck> an amulet of communication (perfect)
<worn as symbol> a symbol of faith (perfect)

<worn on legs> tight black leather pants (perfect)

<worn on feet> polished leather boots (perfect)

Xanroas looks at you.
Daunyelle asks you 'Do you want me to hook you with Xanroas?'
You shake your head in response to Daunyelle.
Xanroas glances at Daunyelle and chuckles.
You say, OOC, 'And as I look at Xan... I see those pants. I am just realizing that you meant it was his pants and not Daunyelle's skirt.. Darn.'
Daunyelle says, OOC, 'XD'
Xanroas says, OOC, 'ROFL'
Daunyelle says, OOC, 'You just accidentally hit on Xanroas, that's hot.'
You apologize to him.
Tarrin says, OOC, 'ROFL that made my day'
Xanroas accepts the apology.
Daunyelle says, OOC, 'Giggity.'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Melusine » Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:40 pm

Beware the hazards of dazing out in the square!

You gaze thoughtfully at him and say 'Hmmm.'
Gwain asks you 'Is he asleep?'
Melian says to Gwain 'Most likely.'
Melian says to Gwain 'Watch with your ears.'
Gwain gets a string of cat gut from a wide black leather tool belt.
Gwain holds a string of cat gut in his right hand.
A tiny, golden-eyed female baby places a thumb in their mouth and snuggles into you.
Melian plucks a chunck of hairs from Jarris's leg.
Gwain begins to floss Jarris's teeth.
Nikolas Hmmmms...
Melian says to Gwain 'You're good at that.'
Gwain says to Melian 'I'm a dentist.'
You say to Gwain 'Maybe'
Gwain finishes flossing Jarris's teeth.
Melian says to Gwain 'I am a gnomeogic process.'
You say to Gwain 'Just please don't remove anything vital..'
A tall handsome male aasimar is in perfect health.
Gwain feels Jarris's chin.
Gwain Hmmmms...
Gwain gets a golden-handled platinum scalpel from a wide black leather tool belt.
You say to Gwain 'Or maim my husband'
Gwain quickly shaves Jarris.
Jarris blinks.
Vantessa pats Jarris's cheek in appraisal 'You do good work though'.
Melian moves to the other side of Gwain and rubs the sugar into Jarris's leg and plucks some hairs out.
The day has begun.
Gwain says to you 'Blind men learn to shave carefully.'
Gwain puts a golden-handled platinum scalpel in a wide black leather tool belt.
You exclaim to Gwain 'I bet so!'
Jarris blinks at Melian in disbelief.
Melian starts to rub a bag of sugar cubes on Jarris.
Melian starts to rub a bag of sugar cubes on Jarris.
Melian starts to rub a bag of sugar cubes on Jarris.
Anastacia Syria, Truescar of Loviatar
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Damyanik » Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:55 pm

< HfElf > Gwain Rambash, Demonblade of the Gin
< Unknown > Icerion Rhade, Demonblade of the Port

Cause Gwain is just awesome like that.
Life is a theatre of tragedy, so learn to laugh at the ills, or you'll never laugh much at all.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Estrild » Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:23 pm

You say to Enig 'Crazy forest animals! That's why I stay in *here*.'
Estrild gestures around.
Enig exclaims to you 'Exactly!'
Enig says 'Bears'nd boars're dangerous.'
Enig says 'But there're wolves'nd hyenas'nd jackals'nd lynxes'nd foxes'nd all kinds'f things that'll bite you's soon's look't you.'
Estrild nods in rapid agreement, 'Don't forget snakes!'.
Enig gets a snake tongue from a silk spell component bag.
Enig says 'At least they can't lick me without this.'
Estrild scoffs the rest of the bread before it can come up with a response.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Anya » Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:52 am

The corpse of Catfight is in the last stages of decay. (superb)
A stag munches on greens here.
Vantaniael is hovering here.
You blink.
You see nothing special.
Little more than bones, there isn't much left of this corpse.
It is large in size.
a ruby rose on a silver chain glows briefly as Vantaniael activates it.
You regain enough power to cast bulls strength.
You ask 'What....IS that?'
The corpse of catfight decays into dust and blows away.
Vantaniael glances at you, 'I d-dont know, but w-whatever it was.. it attacked me.. and now.. '.
You say to Vantaniael 'Wow.'
Vantaniael nods.

Vant doesn't just stop catfights, he MURDERS them! :twisted:
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Gwain » Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:41 pm

Gwain pokes Darien in the stomach.
Darien says 'Hoo hoo'
Gwain pokes Darien in the stomach.
Darien says 'Hoo hoo'
Multiply that by ten.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Gwain » Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:29 pm

Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
A caravan departs.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur snores loudly.
Gwain pokes you in the stomach.
Isaldur snores loudly.
You say 'Hoo hoo'
Isaldur says 'Bugger.'
You shrug.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Mele » Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:52 am

Telnier rises from his rest.
WHAAAAM!!! Telnier bashes against the wall, but it holds strong.
Telnier's hit powerfully beats Telnier's chest.
Telnier is incapacitated.
Realms of the dead
You see no way out.
You must stay here to determine your fate. Your mortal body lies
upon Faerun, slowly rotting away. You float around here in a spirit
like state awaiting to see what the gods determination of your fate
will be.
Telnier is incapacitated.
Staffmember> How did that happen?
Me> Doorbash I think?
WHAAAAM!!! You bash against the wall, but it doesn't budge.
Your hit brutally pulverizes Yujie's right leg.
Me> Yep. Doorbash.
Beshaba potatoes.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Anya » Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:30 am

A curlicue-horned ram is here.
Enig is hovering here.
Kelsandra flies in from the west.
Enig exclaims 'Ooh, what'n interesting animal!'
Enig looks at you.
Kelsandra says to Enig 'You are looking at Anya...'
Enig exclaims 'I meant the ram!'
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Post by Anya » Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:47 pm

Drenn has been raised from the dead.
A snake slithers in from the south.
Keth'thar, A giant eagle steps back, out of range of a snake's jaws.
Dovan steps back, out of range of a snake's jaws.
Lirith steps back, out of range of a snake's jaws.
A snake's bite grazes your chest.
A snake's bite deeply stabs Drenn's abdomen.
Drenn is stunned, but will probably recover.
A snake's bite pierces Keth'thar, A giant eagle's chest.
Dovan steps back, out of range of a snake's jaws.
Lirith steps back, out of range of a snake's jaws.
A snake's bite pierces your chest.
A snake's bite penetrates Drenn's left leg.
Drenn is stunned, but will probably recover.
Dovan's punch nearly removes a snake's abdomen.
A snake is DEAD!
You hear a snake's death cry.
You get a blank look on your face.
Lirith peers intently about the area.

Stoopid snakey! :evil:
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Enig » Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:17 pm

This happened a while ago but I forgot to make a copy of it so I've been translating from a copy Drenn made! Harder than it probably sounds, but I think I've got it almost exactly right now :)

Enig says 'In.. Sm, I suprqsc I'll snend mx tikf npycvgchng'rh mysdkf.
Rfpsif's's a bjt dorini.'
Translation: Hm.. So, I suppose I'll spend my time practicing by myself. Rather a bit boring.

You say to Enig 'Exactly so.'

Enig asks you 'Ag! Zou ayl'obgptucnd ld?'
Translation: Oh! You understand me?

Drenn nods and smiles.

Enig says to you 'Il tgat dcse, I'll iicnan wou rn nqaatiee wkrh.'
Translation: In that case, I'll kidnap you to practice with.

Drenn nods and smiles.

Enig asks 'Sq xhzr do yms ujhok'h vig weysidr lzsenx? Sste ias bdeo wooldbqblt,
Translation: So what do you think'f the weather lately? Been too many rainstorms, huh?

Drenn nods and smiles.

Enig nods at you.
Enig says 'Well, tgzt'q vhw tiea dakl't Ubsdpdedp, tgquhj. It'q eggo'n xztfr.'
Translation: Well, that's why they call't Waterdeep, though. It's deep'n water.

Drenn is acting like he understands every word Enig says.

Enig doesn't catch on, 'Clwwazs, tjougi, I rhink I'lk gp'nb fp a cit'f ggshinf
Translation: Actually, though, I think I'll go'nd do a bit'f fishing later'n.

Enig says 'I dmujd ttbnd to have uome fjrh eor svrpdr. Tfmugf H'll hcte uq ger
uomfthjng clre fmr Cve. Sgf's nqt too eqnd nd't.'
Translation: I would like to have some fish for supper. Though I'll have to get something else for Ave. She's not to fond of't.

Drenn nods. 'That sounds good to me.'.

Enig says 'Me tom! It's oa haxmvqise.'
Translation: Me too! It's my favourite.

Enig asks 'Yqu fcxdp'u seen Ibrip nyselz, hcue wou?'
Translation: You haven't seen Garin lately, have you?

Drenn nods. 'Yep.'.

Enig asks 'Wnx, qebklw? Uas't peccltmy? Hqw was he?'
Translation: Wow, really? Was't recently? How was he?

Drenn looks like he's trying to remember something. 'Umm... I forget.'.

Enig hmms, 'Zpv'd bgtveq not sell Ave ugbt.'.
Translation: You'd better not tell Ave that.

Drenn nods in agreement.

Enig says 'xh'
Translation: Ah.

Enig says 'Er, sm I've aeen ynpmiog'n c nfw tyoe'e wbrd lyvcly.'
Translation: Er, so I've been working'n a new ward lately.

Enig says 'Zl yovh-lyggc vyrb. I rfknj'u'll bg a big tucceqs kf'v vprmq tgfhv.'
Translation: An anti-magic ward. I think't'll be a big success if't works right.

Drenn nods and smiles.

Enig exclaims 'Jr'u gojnf tp rpnrdcr bgyhmut oyfiean zusacks'of vhe lhke. Lgr's
ude a wibard tipow a hgtcacml'prm a gate wirh mne'f rgdse ufhngs rpmugbsime'u!'
Translation: It's going to dissolve hostile magical energies 'nd the like. Let's see a wizard throw a fireball't a gate with one'f these wards protecting't!

Drenn nods enthusiastically. 'Good idea!'.

Enig says to you 'Tiznks! Hg'u unrkr nut'v covld bd vfty nmoslcr.'
Translation: Thanks! It's tough but't could be very useful.

Enig says 'I'o twrf't'mm oake qlfmuz'g opnfz for tje cfssah'g Nartsa. We'vc bden
sfhnkkmg'd dvryndiog tjg Fmwse'h Uondgp mavelx.'
Translation: I'd hope't'll make plenty'f money for the church'f Mystra. We've been thinking'f expanding the House'f Wonder lately

Drenn nods.

Enig says 'Kt'd be mice to ydd a myiiczk mabqqcvotx, ymu jnox? They have mng'n
tfe Rqveq'd Dalaoce.'
Translation: It'd be nice to add a magical laboratory, you know? The have one'n the Tower'f Balance.

Drenn nods thoughtfully. 'That's true.'.

Enig speaks in a language that you do not recognize...
Enig says 'Lor'u's'u a aplqethtion, dut'u'e be mhce vp faxe uome mmre hbagljtget
heqe, tno.'
Translation: (Isn't) a competition, but't'd be nice to have some more facilities here, too.

Drenn nods.

Enig asks 'Ag, xell. I'm rupg't'kl wmtk out hmr she bcsv nnf wzy'r rfg other,
Translation: Ah, well. I'm sure't'll work out for the best one way'r the other, huh?

Drenn looks thoughtful. 'Maybe so.'.

Enig says 'Tocckgpg'h mzutrcn thhogs, I've beel aricd to kzke a ljst'g essggs
fnt caeg'd thf tymls, ats I eal't cpmg'p uiuh mwch.'
Translation: Speaking'f working though, I've been asked to make a list'f things for (ranks)'f the church, but I can't come'p with much.

Drenn nods sympathetically.

Enig says 'Wdml, ngrfzor xjile Axe's byay I can vori ol't a zgt.'
Translation: Well, anyways since Ave's away I can work on't a bit.

Enig tilts his head politely towards you, 'Ymyuzau, J'll ze'n my uay tm get solg
wnql fppe'n. Imod caa!'.
Translation: However, I'll be'n my way to get some work done'n. Good day!

A caramel-eyed, slender female human walks in from the north.
Drenn waves.
Enig speaks in a language that you do not recognize...
Enig says 'Oj! Noqis like Avd's ferd, to I'mj upqk'p that kasfq.'
Translation: Oh! Looks like Ave's here, so I'll work'n that later.

Enig smiles and waves towards A caramel-eyed, slender female human, 'Ave! Are
you feeling better...?'.
A caramel-eyed, slender female human glances at Enig.
A caramel-eyed, slender female human stops using an open-faced helmet.
A caramel-eyed, slender female human stops using embossed silver gauntlets.
Enig says to A caramel-eyed, slender female human 'I was just practicing my
celestial here, with Drenn.'

[Drenn, of course, didn't know a lick of celestial. ]

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Peverell » Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:41 pm

Ellette tells you 'Hey Pevypoo. Ellette is in teh inn feedin baybees'
You tell Ellette, OOC 'Was that meant to be an otell?!'

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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Isolrem » Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:32 am

Enig exclaims to A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf 'Congratulations! Hello there, Kaylie!' .
You say to Enig 'Kaely.'
A thin, wavy-haired female halfelf whispers to Enig 'Kaeley'.
Gwain says to Enig 'Caily'
Enig nods self-assuredly.
Enig nods, 'Right! That's what I said!'.
Chars: Aryvael et all.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Gwain » Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:36 am

You get an embroidered golden silk handkerchief from a wide black leather tool belt.
Gwain sniffs the handkerchief and ponders.
You Hmmmm out loud.
You ask Tasha 'Tasha?'
Tasha asks you 'Susan?'
Percius looks at you.
You ask Tasha 'Smell this?'
Tasha leans over and sniffs.
You give an embroidered golden silk handkerchief to Tasha.
Ukkoa stands a little closer to Tasha, a breath of air blowing dirt from Tasha's clothing.
Tasha sniffs the handkerchief.
Sigen grins at Ukkoa.
You ask Tasha 'Does that smell like chloroform to you?'
Tasha says to you 'Smells clean to me.'
Xryon glances at you.
Sigen blinks.
Ukkoa eeps!
Tasha asks you 'What does that smell like?'
Xryon chuckles.
Tasha sits back down.
You ask Tasha 'Give it another sniff?'
Tasha sniffs it again.
Tasha snores loudly.
Justice is not neccesarily honourable, it is a tolerable business, in essence you tolerate honour until it impedes justice, then you do what is right.

Spelling is not necessarily correct :)
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Anya » Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:34 pm

You slam yourself into the wall.
A temple priestess begins to chant.
You guess a temple priestess is casting bless.
A temple priestess utters the words, 'bless'.
A powerful blessing is laid upon you.
You shake your head.
You say to a temple priestess 'Thank you'
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Bregga » Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:17 am

Oswyn holds out the bowl to you 'I um, would you like?'.
You say to Oswyn 'Nae Ah be good Ah think. Hid enough goblin brian tae last me a while'
A bear walks in from the north.
Azaias peers intently about the area.
Azaias asks you 'Think that's what made your stomach hurt?'
Oswyn says to Azaias 'I think, I think that made the air hurt'
Bregga bears down a little testing, 'Maybe.'.
A bear walks north.
Azaias nods his head in agreement with Oswyn.
Oswyn eats a hearty stew.
Bregga says to Oswyn and Azaias ''.
You say, OOC, 'bah'
Bregga says to Oswyn and Azaias 'Ye two should feart mair often. Its healthy fur ye.'.
Azaias stares at you.
You exclaim to Azaias 'Try et, ye'll feel better Dwarfs honour!'
Azaias says 'No thanks...'
Oswyn blinks a few times 'What did he sa... wait, nevermind!'.
Oswyn begins to chant.
Oswyn utters the words, 'qawstoralpunsoe raiojaozg'.
Oswyn's face brightens with understanding.
Oswyn nods.
Oswyn says 'I think, I think I should be able to understand'
You say to Oswyn 'Feart'
You say 'Jist dae et'
Oswyn glances at Azaias.
A blonde, blue eyed male halfelf flies in upon Douglas, a brown griffon from the west.
Oswyn shrugs.
A blonde, blue eyed male halfelf nods.
Douglas, a brown griffon descends and lands.
A blonde, blue eyed male halfelf dismounts Douglas, a brown griffon.
You say to Oswyn 'Lift a leg it'll help.'
Azaias stares at you.
Azaias says to Oswyn 'Break wind.'
A blonde, blue eyed male halfelf raises an eyebrow, glancing around.d still'
Azaias rubs the back of his head some.
A bear walks in from the east.
Oswyn raises an eyebrow.e push.'
Azaias says to Oswyn 'He's trying to get you'
Oswyn shakes his head 'How do you break it?'.
A bear walks east.
Azaias says to Oswyn 'I don't htink you do. I think you murder it.'
You say to Oswyn 'Try et like this.'
Bregga lifts his leg a little pushing down and letting out a roaring fart.
Azaias stares at you.
Oswyn blinks.
Azaias covers his nose 'Gods!'.
A bear walks in from the east.
A bear walks in from the north.
Azaias exclaims to you 'You attracted bears!'
You say 'They know whit they like.'
A blonde, blue eyed male halfelf takes a step back away from the group, muttering quietly.
A bear walks west.
Oswyn bunches up the edges of his robe around his nose and winces.
You hear a flock of birds taking sudden flight.
A bear walks north.
Azaias backs up.
Azaias says to you 'You should see a cleric about that.'
Bregga peers at Azaias and Oswyn 'Ah promise it'll make ye feel better.'.
Oswyn says, OOC, 'eep, phone'
Oswyn walks southwest.
Azaias exclaims 'No thanks!'
Radgar Warrior of Tempus!
Bregga Warrior of Moradin!
Allistair Priest of Tyr!

Wake Early if you want another man's life or land. No lamb for the lazy wolf. No battle's won in bed.
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Atraos » Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:26 pm

It starts to sleet
<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
N-Melee-Magthere S-Melee-Magthere W-Melee-Magthere
This large pyramid shaped building has been set up expressly to train drow
in the art of fighting. The building is dimly lit with spatterings of
faerie fire in enough spots to keep it from being completely dark.
( 2) A slice of burned meat is here. (superb)
( 8) A wooden training longsword lies here. (perfect)
A drow mistress saunters along shopping for prized goods.

Wow its sleeting in Menzo, whatever next???
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Dapher » Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:54 pm

Just to set it up for you, Ukkoa is an air genasi, and You (me) is an earth genasi. Sets you up for the jokes

Ukkoa says 'I am torn at the moment. I might have a meeting with the Heartwarder of Sune to speak of her lady'
Falgorn coughs and looks at Ukkoa again with a short chortle.
You say to Xerser 'Air head may have been an understatement.'
Xerser says 'I have talked to the blowing wind. Seems you did not hear.'
Ukkoa quirks an eyebrow at you.
Xerser smirks at you.
Ukkoa says to you 'Head full of rocks seems to suit you perfectly'
You say to Ukkoa 'Atleast there is not a whistle through my ears when the wind blows.'
Xerser chuckles shaking his head 'Now now lets keep it nice.'.
Ukkoa says to you 'I would rather have a whistle, than plugged ears.'
Falgorn chuckles and glances at Xerser.
Xerser coughs loudly.
You ask Xerser 'How did the blonde break her leg raking leaves?'
Ukkoa says to Xerser 'Have you been speaking of my airy tendences, darling? Perhaps you should be the one evaluating nice words'
You say to Ukkoa 'Nae, I was the one that called you an air head'
Xerser says 'We all walk our own paths no matter how small it is.'
You say to Xerser 'At any rate, the blonde fell out of the tree while raking the leaves'
You ask Xerser 'What do you call three blondes standing shoulder to shoulder?'
Ukkoa smirks at you.
Xerser chuckles shaking his head.
You say to Xerser 'Wind tunnel'
Falgorn offers a sly wink.
Xerser looks over at you 'That will do.'.
Ukkoa says to you 'Everything you say just seems to clatter like rocks down a hill.'
Xerser sighs 'Enough already..'.
Ukkoa asks Xerser 'Have you ever noticed what happens with air, and earth?'
Dapher Dullthumb- Garl's Chosen Illusionist
Telnier Talmar- Master Ranger of Mielikki
Jarris Taril- Warpriest of Tempus
Falgorn Felldew
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Re: Funny moments!

Post by Lysha » Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:15 am

Names are changed to protect the innocent

Male elf says to female elf 'We will meet them, in full I promise. A short time in the grand scheme of the centuries we will share'
The bluechat bird flies away in a higher branch and hides, scared.
Male elf slips off from and lays down next to female elf 'If there ever was one thing I was sure of, it is that and us.'.
Male human walks in from the west.
Male human waves in passing.
Male human walks north.
Female elf can't help but burst into laughter.
Male elf looks up quickly and glances north 'Was that... oh what a fool was I. I am sorry, melamin'.
The bluechat bird flies away in a higher branch and hides, scared.
Male elf asks female elf 'I think that was a sign, yes?'
Female elf hasn't stopped laughing yet.
Your punch viciously hammers a shark's abdomen.
A shark is stunned, but will probably recover.
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