Customised Items

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Customised Items

Post by Atraos » Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:44 am


Not sure if this can be done already or if similar discussions have taken place.....

Does FK allow players to make specific magical items or weapons? Obviously they would be costly on money, materials and kismet etc to allow the builders time to construct and test. I just feel this would allow a little more personalisation of characters.
Perhaps also Wizards could be allowed to write their own spells using similar methods?

Just a thought, apologies if this is an old discussion....

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Re: Customised Items

Post by Nysan » Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:38 am

Once upon a time, a bunch of spells were coded but did not have trainers in-game to teach them. Then a bunch of people said "hey, lets take a few really good players, have them RP researching spells, and use them to teach the spells in-game" and thus the spells without trainers entered the game.

On a serious note, we used to do custom spells, way back when, but when we branched out into the current spell system we gave up custom spells and started giving researched or rare spells to established characters to teach. There might be a few spells without trainers or player teachers, have to ask more informed folks. I'm not exactly sure how one is picked to 'research' a spell not in game either, again have to ask more informed folks. But you can see examples of it in spell helpfiles like:

Mirror Image
Illusion (Figment)
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Syntax: cast 'mirror image'

Several illusory duplicates of you appear around you and follow you. It
is impossible for your opponent to know which one is you and which one is
an image. Each image that is hit will disappear. The number of images you
create depends on your skill level with this spell.

This spell was originally researched by the mage Myn Cimril.

This spell cannot be learned by a necromancer

(A) 2nd Level Bard Spells (B) 2nd Level Wizard Spells
(C) Illusion Domain (D) Myn Cimril

As for special magical weapons... eck. My advice is take a current magical item and apply for an item rename. Folks like me have been riding various subjects like this for years. Wand/staffmaking skills, masterpiece items for characters with GM weapon/armoursmith trades, minor/major item enchanting skills/spells... we've talked about it from almost every side. Alot of good discussion and ideas, but coder/builder time is a percious resource. Rather see them work on a new city/dungeon than a custom magical pick for me. :mrgreen:

Not trying to discourage you. I know I can be depressing. So, I'll stop typing now. :wink:
-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-

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Re: Customised Items

Post by Atraos » Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:30 am


I fully appreciate your comments and agree with what you say. I am in no position to request anything new as of yet as i consider myself still a "Newbie" it was just a thought i had.
As you say builders time is best spent creating new areas ect at the moment.
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Re: Customised Items

Post by Nysan » Tue Dec 01, 2009 2:57 am

Atraos wrote:No,

I fully appreciate your comments and agree with what you say. I am in no position to request anything new as of yet as i consider myself still a "Newbie" it was just a thought i had.
As you say builders time is best spent creating new areas ect at the moment.
Request away. Ideas and applications are not the sole property of old timers. Mostly sharing my experience. :mrgreen:
-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-

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Re: Customised Items

Post by Dalmil » Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:01 pm

From what I understand of magical items in-game is that you can not have them resized or restrung(renamed) and you have to take them as is.
-Dalmil the Magician
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