Listen Check
Listen Check
Was wondering if a check could be installed for listen? I was walking around and I heard another sneak in with the rank of Master, while i was meerly an apprentice in listen. I knew that the other PC also had high dex. Anyhow, thank ya =)
RE: Listen Check
Perhaps not the proper forum for this reply, but I have noticed that sometimes, my char "hears" someone sneaking in from another direction. My question is; What is the proper way to RP such an event, I know that my Elvenchar could possibly "hear" even the lightest of footsteps. But my Human chars would probably not hear a thing, so if I see the echo " Someone sneaks in from the east" or whatever, do I ignore it, or rp Hearing a twig snap or whatever is right for the situation?
Your human character would still have heard something alerting you to their movements, be it footsteps, a twip snapping, or perhaps breathing. You dont have to be elven to succeed in listening to someone who is sneaking really bad. And also, having a master rank in sneak doesnt always mean your sneaking that well. You could have rolled really high on listen and they rolled low on sneak.
Glim asks Gwain 'Can I be on the watch?!?'
Gwain raises an eyebrow.
Gwain seems to display a look of complete horror for a second...
Gwain raises an eyebrow.
Gwain seems to display a look of complete horror for a second...
I have noticed this as well with several characters. I'm uncertain as to how it works, but I have noticed that many of my characters have listen about at the same level and the higher level ones hear the mid-range and lower level characters sneaking all the time, but the check seems to work properly vs people of the same level. Whereas the lower level characters I possess nearly never hear the higher levels sneaking, nor the mid-range. But sometimes hear the lower level characters.