Waterdeep Sponsored Education

A place to announce forthcoming events and roleplays, organised by imms or players.
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Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Takket » Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:02 pm

To all goodly citizens and friends of the city of Waterdeep,
The city will henceforth be sponsoring regular public lessons. These lessons will cover a wide variety of topics such as history, geography, cultural studies and zoology to name a few. Furthermore, this program will be adaptive to the wishes of the populace. If someone wishes a lesson on a particular (reasonable) topic, it will be organized and presented. Anyone permitted entrance into the city is welcome to attend any of these lessons regardless of content. In example, a fighter is more than welcome to attend a lesson on spell theory. Attendance is free of charge and the only requirement is that attendees be respectful to the instructor and hold all questions until questions are permitted by the instructor. Purposeful disruption of these lessons will not be tolerated and will result in the denial of permission to attend future lessons.
While this program will be sponsored and organized by the city, it does depend largely on volunteer instructors to be successful. There are a few more restrictions, however, that will be placed on potential instructors and their lessons.

1) The instructor must be in good standing with the city.
2) The instructor must understand and accept that they cannot refuse attendance to anyone that is permitted within the walls of Waterdeep and has not disrupted prior lessons. This means the instructor may be potentially require to teach a lesson with personal or faith enemies present.
3) Lesson content is subject to approval. A brief lesson outline will be required to be submitted prior to the lesson.
4) A brief overview of qualifications will be required to be submitted with the lesson outline. This can be as little as a few notes regarding experience or research done on the topic.

There is no limit as to how many lessons one person can teach, however, you may be postponed to permit others the opportunity to teach as well. Joint lessons between two instructors is permitted so long as the lesson is organized between the two prior and is kept neat. Research for lessons may be accomplished by as many individuals as you wish, but for the sake of ease and clarity, lesson presentation will still be limited to not more than two instructors. Should a lesson receive excessive interest, but many are unable to attend, efforts will be made to reorganize that same lesson again at a different time.

The city will be responsible for organizing and advertising these lessons. All volunteer instructors need do is make their intentions known, submit all requested material prior to the lesson, and show up and teach.

Any requests for specific lesson, applications to teach or any other questions should be directed to Takket Keppur.

This is primarily here to generate RP for anyone that wants to get involved so, please, PLEASE do not be afraid to approach me if you want to teach something. I'd prefer to keep topics limited to non-skill items that enhance knowledge of the realms, FK history or really anything else that might help enhance RP in other aspects of the game. The only code teaching I may allow for now would be languages and if you want to do a language, please make sure that you can teach it codewise.

Furthermore, while I definitely don't want to discourage evils from attending, I would ask that if any evils do attend they not be disruptive to the lesson. If it's not in your character's RP to sit quietly through a lesson that a faith enemy is teaching, please feel free to attend on a different character. As stated above, disrupting any lessons will result in denial to attend future lessons. Otherwise, attendance is only limited by whether or not your character can legally be in Waterdeep.

A few notes for potential instructors: I'm not going to be very selective at all about who gets to teach and who doesn't. If you want to teach something, chances are good that you'll get to. That said, enemies of Waterdeep being permitted to teach in the city doesn't make much IC sense, so those CHARACTERS (not players) may be denied. The required lesson outline doesn't need to be anything real in depth. The main purpose is to make sure the lesson will be long enough, is well researched OOC, and makes IC sense to be permitted in Waterdeep (A lesson on overthrowing governments is not likely to be accepted). The same goes for the character qualifications: They're just there to make sure you can talk at length on your topic. They can be in the form of past, related RP's or IC experience in the area. OOC research is not only acceptable here (you can claim OOC research as IC research for the purposes of submitting qualifications, though do make an effort to get a group together to do that IC research IF you can) it is encouraged. If you do use OOC sources, just let me know what they are and try to make sure they don't conflict with FK history. You'll also need to PM me the times you are available to teach the lessons since I'll be working around the schedule of the instructor.

If you're interested in teaching a lesson, here's what to do:
1) Contact Takket in game or PM me if you can't catch me online and let me know what you want to teach.
2) Submit a written lesson outline and character qualification (again, this is just to make sure it's long enough. We're looking for the event to last at least 30mins.). This can be either in game or PM. Either way, I also need a PM of when you are available to teach it. I'm looking for a time about a RL week later so we have time to get the word out.
3) I'll be advertising the lesson on this thread with the time as well as in game, but you are encouraged to advertise the lesson on your own in game.
4) The lesson takes place.

The times set for the lessons will be more or less rigid. If you can't make it to a lesson you really want to go to, we'll try to have the lesson again at a different time, though the original instructor is not bound to teach that second lesson (we will ask if you can though). The only instance in which we may change the time is if no one (or very few people) can make it and the instructor can change to a better time.

I think that pretty much covers it. I'm looking to try to get a lesson every week, but we may have more or less depending on the level of interest shown. If there are any other questions, don't hesitate to PM me.
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Solaghar » Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:18 pm

This is a very cool idea and I will look towards contributing in some way though I don't really have any Waterdhavian-accepted characters who would teach people indiscriminately, I hope other people will stand up and both contribute and benefit from this, it's a great way to increase your knowledge of the rich rich rich backstory and history of Forgotten Realms if you don't have access to all of the books, modules, etc some of us do.
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Takket » Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:54 pm

After speaking with several citizens, the Lords have decided to revise the system slightly. There will now be a sign up sheet circulating for each lesson. Interested attendees will be asked to approach Takket and sign up for the classes they wish to attend. That sign up sheet will then be given to the instructor and that person can then approve or deny the sign up sheet. Should it be denied, a replacement instructor will be found. Furthermore, people not on the sign up sheet will still be able to attend, but permission to attend at that point will need to be granted by the instructor. This means potential instructors are no longer bound to teach faith enemies.

To get things started, I already have a request for a lesson on basic spell theory. Gesine Kueper has offered to teach this. Anyone interested in attending this lesson should contact Takket.

OOC: If anyone's interested in this, let me know either in game or via PM.

As for the sign up sheet, that is partly to help me better coordinate times and make sure there are sufficient numbers and to see if interested people would end up getting left out. So, if you see a lesson you want to attend, but can't make the set time, let me know anyway and we'll try to work out an additional lesson at a different time.

(edit: added in Gesine as instructor)
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Takket » Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:51 pm

First Lesson

Topic: Basic Spell Theory
Instructor: Gesine Kueper
Location: Fields of Triumph
Date: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... c=0&p1=197

Contact Takket to sign up.
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Damyanik » Fri May 01, 2009 11:17 pm

I would just like to thank Gesine for being so well organized and doing such a wonderful job of it. And Takket of course for his efforts in organising this.
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Alvirin » Fri May 01, 2009 11:38 pm

I would like to thank Takket for setting all this and Gesine as well, this has been a really good teaching RP and on the top of that a very good "lesson" about the forgotten realms lore.
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Aveline » Fri May 01, 2009 11:56 pm

A really big thanks to everyone that came! It was fun. And it was really nice that everyone was so involved with it as well. And an even bigger thanks to Takket, he organized everything. All I did was show up and talk.
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Peverell » Sat May 02, 2009 9:58 am

I really wanted to attend but
a) I got the time wrong by 24 hours
b) Something came up that put me in a bad mood. And when I'm in a bad mood, I can't RP.

I'm sorry I missed it, I hope I can come along to future lectures. I think the idea is wonderful and I fully support it OOC and IC :D

(Would anybody care to do a write up for the Good News? :D )
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Elke » Sat May 02, 2009 2:34 pm

I have just scribbled up a quick write-up, will hand it over IC
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Peverell » Sat May 02, 2009 2:36 pm

Much appreciated :)
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Takket » Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:26 am

After a long period of stagnation, I aim to get this program back up and running. To begin with, I will be holding two lessons for anyone that is interested.

Topic: Schools of Magic
Instructor: Takket Keppur
Location: Auditorium east of the Singing Sword
Date: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... c=0&p1=197

Topic: Specializing Beyond Profession
Instructor: Takket Keppur
Location: Auditorium east of the Singing Sword
Date: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... c=0&p1=197

Anyone interested in either or both of these lessons or anyone interested in holding their own lessons is encouraged to speak to Takket Keppur.
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Takket » Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:48 am

I've had something come up on Thursday so the first lesson posted there at this time http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... c=0&p1=197 will have to be moved. Could those of you who were planning on attending let me know if it would be better to hold this one hour earlier on the same day, or at the same time the following Monday?
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Re: Waterdeep Sponsored Education

Post by Takket » Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:03 am

The new time for the lesson on schools of magic will be http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... c=0&p1=197. The specializing beyond profession lesson will still be held on Friday as planned.
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