Point Blank Shot
Point Blank Shot
I was curious to the shooting of a bow at close range. When my Ranger uses his bow, usually he is two to three rooms distance from his foe. After around 25 shots or so, if the foe has not fallen, they will attack him instantly. What I was wondering is, I still 'Pierce' the enemy but I don't loose arrows once they are in the same room...Am I stabbing them with the actuall bow lol, or is this just something that wasn't done due to difficulty?
Most weapons when held at diffrent times. The bow when held becomes a stave. A polearm held while mounted become mounted polearms, A shurkin when held is a short blade. So in the point blank shot feat, which i have on an alt uses the staff form of the bow. Im not really sure on this but I think your accurate within 1-2 rooms away, and it still dosent alow you to fire in the same room.
Bows I have used in the past on this game in the same room without point blank shot use the crush attack. The point of point blank shot isn't to shoot accurately 1-2 rooms away. That should be easier just because it's not 3 rooms away. The point is that any shot close to you increases in damage and to hit code-wise (or at least is, according to DnD 3E) resulting in the RP wise version of say, someone pulling out a gun on someone who is attacking them with a knife IRL.
Odd comparison, but it's the truth.
Odd comparison, but it's the truth.
Heres my thoughts, yes point blank is like shooting someone a few feet from you. Never used the feat myself and have a very limited experience with bows in general on FK, but thats what it was elsewhere and I think thats what it is here. As for arrow loss, I think it is supposed to be the same as shooting far away, losing one arrow per hit. Why its not doing so, not sure. Does sound like a bug or something to me. But again, my experience in bow/crossbow in FK is lacking. So...I'm not sure.
-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-
You do not need to change the world, merely leave it a little better than how you found it.
You do not need to change the world, merely leave it a little better than how you found it.