New Beginnings?

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Re: New Beginnings?

Post by Casious » Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:35 am

Good suggestions all over the place. Im interested in seeing a lot more IMM driven RP. In fact, a possible path towards player to staff advancement could be in the form of having them run an NPC for awhile. It would be interesting to see the local gypsi read your fortune once in awhile, or the local drunk to make his way to your table at the inn or etc... Little things here and there would add that extra bit of flavor in my opinion.
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Re: New Beginnings?

Post by Algon » Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:15 pm

I am a big supported of the IMM driven Rps. I know they are very busy with lots of other things, but some of my best RP memories in this game have IMM involvement. You guys are the best!
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Re: New Beginnings?

Post by Dapher » Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:12 pm

I have been reading this thread and keeping up with everything that is being said and soooo many good ideas. I have taken my time, to think out my response to this for a while. Really the things that always come to mind for me is the hard work that Dalvyn and Kelemvor put into this game. Quests and RPs with you always ended up being really fun, so thank you, and you will be missed. This last week on FK has been the funnest week I have had in a long time. I have personally had the chance to participate in two IMM run RPs, and I must say it was a blast. Each RP forced me to think, and change my normal RP, it caused me to ask for help, even on a character that normally wouldn't. It was fun to have to stick to a RP line, and try to hit the final goal. The ability to be able to interact with the people that gave you the quest was probably my favorite part. I like the way it was set up, almost like a quest with hints along the way. I think the help and iteraction was perfect. I was not given my goal, it was not clear cut. There was chance for failure and success on both occassions. And the interaction with oher players in these RPs was great too, I feel that the player base has a lot to learn from these. The way it looked in one of the RPs it gave a new player a better look at RP, and diffrent ways to do things. And anther good thing, one of the RPs did not require a high level character. Nothing had to be killed, a lvl 10 character could have been involved and been just as successful.
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Re: New Beginnings?

Post by Duranamir » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:00 am

New beginnings

First, I would like to add my thanks to all the others for the amount of time and effort both Dalvyn and Kelemvor have put into this game, without them it would be a far less interesting place. I am especially grateful to Dalvyn for helping so much as I started building areas myself.

In answer to the numbered points raised by Mask i am generally in agreement with others comments as far as openness and greater IMM involvment in RP.

Now, what would I do if I had full OOC power.

First. Annihilate every elf in the entire realm. :twisted: . (whoops went IC there )

Game changes

Implement a new group of RP helpers, people who can act to help along various RPs with the ability to animate various stock characters. I.e. Guards, shop keepers, guild trainers etc. Reserve the world shaking characters like Elminster and Blackstaff for higher level IMMs.

It would also be useful to give these players the ability to call up some kinds of minor opponents for example, code an item that calls up a fully armed and armoured orc or bandit so that the RP helper running a story can place suitable opponents if needed.

These players could then instigate mini quests and RPs. They should be able to submit there ideas to higher level IMMs for clearing for major RPs and story lines, but they would then be given full control on running that RP acting as the Game/dungeon master would in paper and pencil game.

You would need to have a secure forum where any ongoing RPs are described so as to hopefully avoid collisions. This forum could potentially also store a simple BIO for any animated Mobs so that those who animate them can add bits of information to help anyone else may do so at a later date. i.e. recording the fact that this MOB told player A to get them item X for reward Y. This would allow some continuity of character even when different people animate the same MOB.

Realm Changes

Allow players to rise to the top of various organizations. It is great having Elminster and such around in the background but in the end the players should be allowed to be the real heros and villains of the world.

Make the whole process around faiths and faith managers and organizations more dynamic, there is very little more annoying than belonging to a faith with an absentee FM.

The other thing I think we lack in the game is any large scale conflicts between different groups. Almost every book in the realms I have read has one or more groups acting to take over the world (or at least a piece of it) these large scale conflicts act very often as the backgrounds to the characters both heroic and villainous and give a reason to interact rather than just sitting around chatting. This is something the game lacks, all the evil organisations seem asleep and there is no real sense of being in a dangerous world.

There are two possible solutions, neither of which excludes the other. First, the IMMs take on more of a role running evils. For example have the armies of Zhentil keep march and threaten Cormyr (I know at least one knight who would love trying to raise an army to stop that !).

The second solution is to allow and encourage the players of the evil races/groups to cooperate more to form a grand alliance for the destruction of for example Silverymoon. Allow this alliance to have members from all evil races/groups and establish its own plots and schemes.

I would also suggest, as I have done before that Orcs and such be allowed limited access to the Underdark areas as this will give them more areas to play and make being a mid level orc far more interesting. They might even bump into some Drow making there life more fun too.

I am going to be boring and add my usual plee though, let the Drow out of there current prison, as far as baddies go they have a fair degree that they can add to the overall RP. And given our current playerbase there is no way they can manage as a self sustaining sub realm.

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