Story Council and YOU!

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Story Council and YOU!

Post by Mele » Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:35 pm

Hello Folks!

We are officially opening the doors of the Story Council! How can you contribute? It's very easy!

Step one: Formulate a "plot". A plot is a small-scale not world/area/life changing rp. It can be as simple as walking a dog, or as complex as a riddle treasure hunt. It should give no spectacular reward(IF it gives any at all!) nor require any amazing items or characters.

Step two: Write out your plot neatly! Here is an example of all the things you should cover.
Character(s): Victoria, Eldus, Marrianne, Keladar
Place: The wilderness map around Daggerford.
Plan: Victoria will tell a group she needs help filching Marrianne from her father Eldus to raise her out of her fathers Church, and in the groups Church.
Items needed: Victoria, Eldus, Marrianne and Keladar all need clothing. Some candy to use to help convince Marrianne would be nice but not necessary, and maybe a treat for the group!
Additional necessities: Eldus needs some starstones and an altar. Some lifeless mobs to represent members of his group would be nice.
This is actually an example of a recently run RP that went off without flaw, and was quite enjoyable!

Step three: Submit your plot to applications!

In the case above multiple characters were played by one person. It's better for the beginning that you stick to plots where you can use one character, or two characters who never have to be in the same spot. This way you are not depending on the attendance of other players and can run your roleplay in your own time.

What can a plot be about? Anything, really! We have found that focusing around a faith makes it easier to decide something that is actually fluid and meaningful. As said above anything that will change an area, character or any part of the world will be declined.

We know you may have big ideas for big roleplays and changes but it's better to start off small and get used to the swing of things!

In time the people who submit and perform roleplays steadily will be officially added to, and rise through the ranks of, the Story Council. If you're interested get those plots formed and drop them into the applications section!
Beshaba potatoes.
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Re: Story Council and YOU!

Post by Melian » Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:13 am

I just wanted to say a quick thanks for all these RP's that have been about in the past couple of weeks. I have had a chance to see a few play out in the past few days and it has added a fantastic element to the game. It has added a lot of new and interesting ideas to the game as well as brought people to work together when they might not have before. It has been fun and it has been much appreciated. Thank you. :D
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