MH: Old Rules Still Apply

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Sword Grand Master
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MH: Old Rules Still Apply

Post by Nysan » Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:51 am

I am addressing this issue IC, but a thread can't hurt to drive the point home.

Just because a rule is old, does not mean it is void.

We have long standing rules regarding certain Mithril Hall goods being sold to non-dwarves. Dispite this, I have seen several NPC sold items out and about and recently made aware of some more.

As I said, I will try to address this IC, but I wanted to bring this back up to the forum front page so people considering new dwarf characters will try to find out details of this rule IC before they FUBAR themselves and get banned from MH. It really, really sucks to be a dwarf that cannot go home again. Talk to your elders, mail a letter, PM someone, or something. Don't shoot yourself in the foot, if you can avoid it. :wink:
-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-

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Sword Bumbler
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Re: MH: Old Rules Still Apply

Post by Galdim » Wed May 19, 2010 1:21 pm

I would also point to something that is not a rule but a friendly behavior.

I know that the way mine is coded now, you can't have what you want when you want. But if it would be possible for high level (in term of skilllevel) miner, not to set all the areas around the mining trainer to high level metals, it would be nice.
On two occasions, At novice level, it was impossible to mine anywhere in the Halls (tunnels included) and had to go to somewhere else. Once it was not that dramatic as we were two level 50 dwarves so it was just a loss of time, no big deal.
But on the other occasion, it was me and a low level dwarf, which means if he don't have a high level to take him along, he could not mine at all. Perhaps we can arrange for one area close to the trainer to stay low level ore and at least give one place for any dwarf wanting to learn to be able to.
Likewise, it would be unfriendly for high level but low skilled dwarves to go to hardly reachable area and mine there, setting a hard to find zone to low level metal.

I would not like to set up a rule, it is more of a willing behavior that I am asking.

Just my thought,
Sword Grand Master
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Re: MH: Old Rules Still Apply

Post by Nysan » Wed May 19, 2010 9:23 pm

Thank you for bringing this back up. I was not aware it was still an issue.

This is not an official rule, merely a player influenced guideline: If you are experienced, stay out of the rat tunnels and work other areas instead. (Anyone who has visited MH should know the rat tunnels, but if you don't here's a tip: If you see rats, mine elsewhere. )

Far as I am concerned, the rat tunnels should never be anything besides copper or tin to ensure at least 1 place even inept miners can work. There are plenty of other areas to mine that we can leave at least one tunnel system for the new miners. Yes, yes it might be tempting to take a swing at the area and see what you can get, but don't. We were all inept miners at one point. We all remember what a pain those echoes about higher level ore can be. Be respectful, not greedy, and leave the rat tunnels alone.

Trust that there can be IC consequences for poor judgement, just a thought. :wink:
-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-

You do not need to change the world, merely leave it a little better than how you found it.
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