Dual-Wield and Scimitars

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Dual-Wield and Scimitars

Post by Mingus » Sun Nov 30, 2003 4:54 am

I've always been under the impression that all drow knew how to dual-wield and perfered scimitars to other swords. For example that dual-mace wielding matron mother of house Q'Xor(something or other). So if a matron can dual wield, why can't all priestesses do the same?

I don't have a Scimitar example, except for Drittz(spelling?) but he was a fighter/ranger so inherently he is able to use scimitars. But why not can the rest of the drow be allowed those swords, with strict RP rules to allow the use of scimitars only?

Am I completely wrong with these two observations?
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Post by Llanthyr » Sun Nov 30, 2003 3:30 pm

Drows DO NOT prefer scimitars to other swords. Drows of Menzoberranzan, most notably noble drow, dual wield long swords. Long swords are a drow of Menzo's favourite weapon (Just like all elves). It is uncommon, rare even, for a drow to use scimitars.
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Post by Isaldur » Sun Nov 30, 2003 5:16 pm

Llanthyr is right, most drow use Longswords. It's rare for a drow to learn how to use any other weapon but it -does- happen. I'd say player characters could be the exception to the rule if they wanted because the PC is not your average drow fighter. As for Matron Mezbarris, the reason she dual wields 2 maces is because in 2e she is listed as a 13/13 Fighter/Cleric. That means in 2e she's a fighter of sorts and can do that, in 3e however anyone can take any feat they meet requirements for. It doesn't work like that in FK however for balancing and coding issues however.
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Post by Solaghar » Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:05 pm

I wouldn't say it's rare for a Drow to learn to use other weapons besides longswords, anymore than it would be rare for an Elf. The Drow are inventive, they're always looking for new ways to kill people. In the Drizzt books, especially during training in Melee-Magthere, Salvatore mentions in passing a number of weapons used by other Drow, polearms and daggers come specifically to mind, while no priestess of Lloth is ever anywhere without a whip, and noble Drow lizard riders use lances, with something else as an auxiliary weapon. And when Drizzt first chose the scimitars, remember that he was picking those weapons off of a huge rack, and could have chosen anything he wanted, although Zaknafein chided him, not believing anyone could use two of them without doing more damage to themselves than the enemy. So yes, the two-weapon style was rare back in 2nd edition rules, and Drizzt was only able to overcome it due to his amazing dexterity. It was not and is not the style of choice among noble Drow, if there is any prevalent style among the Drow, it is the average Drow equipment as listed in the Monstrous Manual, which is one adamantite longsword, one adamantite buckler, and a hand crossbow.
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Post by Isaldur » Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:05 am

Offical straight from the WoTC page.

Drow Fighting Styles -

http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=bo ... fightstyle
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Post by Cret » Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:55 am

Also keep in mind that in 2e rules you could only dual wield one long weapon and a shorter weapon, thus a dual wielding warrior could wield a long sword and a short sword, or two short swords. Not two long swords. Some how Drizzit gets arround this with the two scimitars. Both of witch are long.

Of course, that is just table top. A GM in dual wield and with a high STR on FK could dual wield two bastard swords with ease.

And unless I skiped the part on dual wielding 2 long weapons. Drizzit is A unique character, more so then being a popular good-to-do drow.
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Post by Solaghar » Mon Dec 01, 2003 7:54 am

There was a little known blurb in 2nd Edition that stated that if you had a 20 dexterity, which Drizzt had, you could dual-wield two medium weapons without penalty. But also, as you said, he is a unique character and they can make him do whatever they want.... I imagine Drizzt would have done a lot worse in a few fights if he was abiding by tabletop rules, most of my characters in real D&D have gone through a few resurrections...
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Post by Isaldur » Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:19 pm

True enough, funny part is I could design a pure level 16 fighter who could tromp Drizz't if you go by his 3e stats from Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.

He may be a special NPC but that by no means makes him immune to the splendid nerfing 3e has done to most major NPC's. Then again, those NPC's aren't exactly designed to be powerhouses but are explained so their stats/levels/feats make sense.
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Dual-Wield and Scimitars

Post by Alphonese » Fri Dec 05, 2003 6:16 pm

Normal drow fighters mostly fought with a shield and a longsword, but better ones(which actually makes up the majority...) fought with two weapons, and mainly of the same length. This case is true in Menzo only it seems. Other cities in underdark seems to prefer other style.

The books out there mostly depict drow fighters from Menzo wielding two longswords. If you read the fights of Drizzt with drows of Menzo, you will notice almost all drows he fought wield two weapons of equal length. Anyway Drizzt fought with a skillful shield bearer drow from Menzo before, another with a flail(or was it two) if I remember correctly...

Remember Artemis the killer, being among the best fighters on the surface was humbled when he was in Menzo. Though he's still among the top down there. Well the point is there's a part that mention his thoughts: He wonders how can the drows(Menzo) dual wield two weapons of equal length so well. Tons of evidence that drows(of Menzo) prefer dual wield bcos of their high dex.

Drizzt with two scimitars, Zafienkan(can't remember but drizzt's father) with two longswords, even Jarlaxle swashbuck with two longswords also. But remember well that they are from Menzo, it's their traits.

D&D is stating the general drows of underdark. Menzo is just one of the many cities down there. And (rules)it's meant to balance the game.
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Post by Solaghar » Fri Dec 05, 2003 6:43 pm

R.A. Salvatore has, by his own admission, never run Drizzt in a campaign, when he began writing stuff on the Drow, there was not very much information on them, it was only the second Forgotten Realms novel put out, and there was almost nothing on the setting at the time. So when he has all the Drow wield two weapons at once, it's just because he thinks it's an interesting style, he isn't worrying about the code. If you look at the differences between 2nd and 3rd edition NPCs, as Idaldur said, they give them classes based on justifying the attributes writers have given them, not on what seems more realistic. Drizzt went from a level 16 Ranger to a level 10 Fighter/1 Barbarian/5 Ranger. Some other NPCs are almost ludicrous in their assortment of classes to explain their various powers. As for Jarlaxle, he does not wield two longswords, he wields a rapier and a main-gauche, which is a dagger used for parrying rapier thrusts. I'd just say take all the stuff about all Drow dual-wielding with ease with a grain of salt, even Drizzt was extremely dextrous compared to other Drow. With 2nd Edition rules, Drizzt had 20 dex which was the max you could get without magical enhancement for a Drow.
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Post by Isaldur » Fri Dec 05, 2003 8:30 pm

There are no 3rd ed specs for Jarlaxle and his 2nd Ed stuff is outdated when it comes to keeping up with the dizzying speed Jarlaxle keeps changing his weapons.

2ed Box Set says Rapier and Main-Gauche as well as his throwing daggers.

Servant of the Shard shows off his incredible shrinking weaponry, a little hammer that grows to the size of a maul he keeps in his hat, daggers that elongate into slender longswords, and his amazing throwing daggers yet again.

I honestly forget the book, but it's one of the newer complimation books out with short stories, R.A. Salvatore of course doing yet another small story of Jarlaxle and Artemis Entreri's adventures. In this book Jarlaxle has a rather elegant cane that fires out poison needles faster than an M60 on full auto by the way it was described.

Suffice to say, Jarlaxle is the one drow you can't pin one fighting style, weapon, or anything on. He survives because he is constantly changing which means his enemies and allies are constantly guessing.

[EDIT] I was wrong on the 3e levels, I had just remembered the 3e Underdark book came out and figured there might be a vague referance to Jarlaxle within it. Lo and behold he's once again a Level 18 Fighter.
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Re: Dual-Wield and Scimitars

Post by Zilvryn » Fri Mar 12, 2004 3:46 pm

Mingus wrote:I've always been under the impression that all drow knew how to dual-wield and perfered scimitars to other swords. For example that dual-mace wielding matron mother of house Q'Xor(something or other). So if a matron can dual wield, why can't all priestesses do the same?
The Matron AFAIK was a dual-class fighter/cleric 13/13 (in 2e at least)... thats how she got the dual wielding abilities...
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Post by Nysan » Sat Mar 13, 2004 12:06 pm

Short swords, long swords, dirks, shields (and of couse those niffy one-handed crossbows). Any combination of those is the norm in Menzo for your basic male fighter type. Females tend to use maces and whips, the nice snake ones when able, or ignore weapons and use spells. As said, this is just what people have written. Its your character, not like you have to conform to every little written detail about your character's race. Use what you want, my male fighter uses dual shorts or a long sword/whip combo and I have yet to see anyone say anything about different combos being not allowed. Use what fits you best....

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Post by Belose » Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:10 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I read in the books, all of the priestess's of Lloth get a snake-headed whip, I guess it would be like a supplicated item or something in the game... and the more favored they are of Lloth, the more snakeheads they get on their whip.... 8)
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Post by Glim » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:23 pm

*grin* They dont only use whips, its just the preferred weapon because the snake headed whip can paralyse the person and also needs no room to strike as it is an extension of the priestess' mind.

Priestess' use maces, whips, and also a certain rod/whip thing that ive seen used by those who are not favored enough to use the whips. I think its basically some strange kind of leather featherduster thing with a cylinder handle and strips attached to the end, its magical and I beleive it paralyses with the same effect of the whips.
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Post by Zilvryn » Mon Mar 15, 2004 1:48 pm

Yeh the rods are pretty nasty from what ive read...

I was thinking of going for a longsword/whip combo a la Zaknafein (favored combo for taking out matrons i believe!)

Can you dual wield weapons of equal length that are not short swords eg. long swords?
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Post by Glim » Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:00 pm

Well, try and be origional and make your own character. I also serious doubt anyone is gonna be taking out a matron mother anytime soon (or ever?).
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Post by Zilvryn » Mon Mar 15, 2004 3:44 pm

yeh im not planning on doing anything like that, i just like the sword/whip combo, its not a very common one i think...
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Post by Legault » Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:46 pm

Yeah the only drow I can remember ever using scimitars are Drizzt and
Zaknafien then again, I havent heard of all drows
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