Faith Leaders Requested for Official Meet with Open Lords

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Re: Faith Leaders Requested for Official Meet with Open Lords

Post by Casious » Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:44 pm

I was planning on attending as my Wizard, a high ranking faith member in a faith without a FM, but I am wondering who is going to represent Lathander. Casious is only an initiate in the church and not considered a high ranking member in any way. I would consider an initiate unworthy to represent their entire faith, but I dont think there are any non-initiates around. So, if Casious is asked to attend, please let me know here or in game, otherwise I will be on as my Wizard.

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Re: Faith Leaders Requested for Official Meet with Open Lords

Post by Eltsac » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:43 pm

Will someone be arround to represent Mielikki's faith?
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Re: Faith Leaders Requested for Official Meet with Open Lords

Post by Mele » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:48 pm

One of the Lords is a Mielikkian, and has been involved in all of the ongoings! :)
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Re: Faith Leaders Requested for Official Meet with Open Lords

Post by Eltsac » Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:51 pm

Alright, won't need to show up with Loren then :)
Eltsac, Loren Wildsoul, Gaymor, Heleyn Featherhand, Aminiel Emeraldeyes, Derissa Silvershield, Hova, Cal Nimblefinger, Cylistria Baenre
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Re: Faith Leaders Requested for Official Meet with Open Lords

Post by Athon » Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:21 pm

If the Tormish are welcomed, do we have any faithful to attend?
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Re: Faith Leaders Requested for Official Meet with Open Lords

Post by Briek » Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:32 pm

Oh just to mention Briek will be there to represent Tyr although may not be able to stay to the end if it goes on for more than say 2 hours
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Re: Faith Leaders Requested for Official Meet with Open Lords

Post by Piergieron » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:33 am

Citizens of Waterdeep,
I would first like to thank those Faith Leaders and chosen representatives who attended the meeting for doing so. I would also remind them to pass along all they heard to the members of their faiths and to the public in general. We look forward to meeting with you in the future.

Secondly, it has been brought to my attention that there were several people turned away from the meeting and have raised concern of favoritism among Waterdeep's faithful. Due to the overwhelming numbers we anticipated from an open invitation, we decided to make the meeting a closed one and invite only the leaders of the faiths of Waterdeep. In the case that a leader was unable to attend, it was expected that the leader themselves would arrange for someone else to attend in their stead. If you were turned away it was not due to any bias against you, but that that we wished to keep the attendance at a manageable level. Those who were not sent directly by their faith leader or interim leader were asked to refrain from attendance. I would, though, like to thank you for your enthusiasm and encourage you to stay abreast of the goings on.

For those who were unable to attend the meeting, I include below a brief summary of what was discussed:
1) The City of Waterdeep has seen an upswing recently in the frequency and intensity of crimes committed against the city and it's citizens.
2) In order to resolve this new trend, the Lords of Waterdeep have assigned the Grey Hands to the city's external security.
3) The Grey Hands will be requiring support in whatever fashion can be provided by the city's faiths and citizens.

Should you wish details of what was discussed, we would ask that you seek out someone who did attend the meeting. Should you have questions of your own as to what the Grey Hands are or how you may assist them, you may direct them to either Lord Redleaf or Lord Keppur.
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Re: Faith Leaders Requested for Official Meet with Open Lords

Post by Selveem » Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:54 am

Open Lords of Waterdeep,

The suggested unintentional bias was indeed present and to many others: obvious. Speaking from the Faith of Tempus, the requested diplomat was provided and declined audience.

I feel this slight rather acutely and believe even the cool-headed Marcus would have been angry that all his years of service as Commander of the Watch were so easily disregarded.

I cannot speak for other Churches, but if they had the same experience, it is appropriate response to be angry, lacking patriotism, and decline future assistance for Waterdeep and its causes.

I pray in the future more tact, diplomacy, and appropriate respect is granted.

Signed in his own blood,

Swordsmaster Selveem, Steel Fang of Tempus
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Re: Faith Leaders Requested for Official Meet with Open Lords

Post by Nysan » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:46 am


It was my understanding, from a quick discussion after the meeting with acting Lord Isaldur, that those repelled, as the gate guard phrased it, were repelled because they were not official representatives of their respect faiths. Though respected members of their faiths, they were not the faith's leader nor a member appointed by said leader to speak on the faith's behalf at the meeting... or at least their appointment was not relayed to the Lords prior to the meeting.

If this is in fact the case, it is an understandable course of events. However, speaking on behalf of those that were 'repelled', I strongly request earlier notice of these meetings becoming restricted access. Many of us rearranged plans, put off sleep, and disregarded other matters we could have addressed to attend this meeting for our faiths. The decision is not a concern, merely the matter of timing.

I trust this error will give all involved something to reflect on to prevent further mishaps in the future.

Be well,
Trilev Bluesquirrel, caretaker of the House of Plenty
-Gilain- -Trilev- -Siros-

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