Help with Bugs
Help with Bugs
Hi there! So I've been banging my head against a while for some time with my building project. I've tried various methods to try to find the bugs/errors in my area file. There is one that causes fkcheck itself to stop responding, so that I have to close and reopen. I have attempted taking various sections out of it and slowly replacing things to see how it responds, but even this hasn't given me any definitive answers. After much frustration and deliberation, I've decided to see if there might be a volunteer out there to check over the file, and see if they can see something my eyes are somehow missing. Sometimes fresh eyes see solutions that tired ones can't! The file is basically done aside from clearing out the errors. I have all the quests, mobs, items, rooms.. etc. It is to be a 50-roomed thieves guild in Skullport, but somehow it just isn't passing testing. (I did take out the Quests section while I was doing testing, of course).
I know I would be forever grateful if I could get someone to take a look anyway. Thanks in advance for any possible help.
I know I would be forever grateful if I could get someone to take a look anyway. Thanks in advance for any possible help.
Anastacia Syria, Truescar of Loviatar
Re: Help with Bugs
Sadly FKcheck has fallen into disrepair over the years, and isn't as canny as it used to be. The old uploading website is actually used to bug-check these days with the current and updated definitions - which should be able to give you an accurate line number for whatever problem's haunting you!
If you go to and sign in with the username 'builder' and the password 'funk42', you'll be able to upload your area and expose it some automatic testing. That's your first port of call.
If that doesn't help you crack the bugs, feel free to drop me a PM and we'll work something out!
If you go to and sign in with the username 'builder' and the password 'funk42', you'll be able to upload your area and expose it some automatic testing. That's your first port of call.
If that doesn't help you crack the bugs, feel free to drop me a PM and we'll work something out!
"This is General Lath'lain Dy'nesir, of the Ebon Spur. Walking Murder surrounded by a thin veneer of civility."
Re: Help with Bugs
If you need help for debugging, I would gladly help too
El & co
El & co
Eltsac, Loren Wildsoul, Gaymor, Heleyn Featherhand, Aminiel Emeraldeyes, Derissa Silvershield, Hova, Cal Nimblefinger, Cylistria Baenre
Re: Help with Bugs
This file is still in the "QQ00, QQ01, etc.." format. If she is going to go live for testing then we should give her a VNUM range.
"A man may die yet still endure if his work enters the greater work, for time is carried upon a current of forgotten deeds, and events of great moment are but the culmination of a single carefully placed thought." - Chime of Eons
Re: Help with Bugs
The uploader -should- still accept and check areas without a vnum range, but that's a very good point.
If you can't upload the site on account of the vnums (it'll tell you, if that's the case), please let me know.
If you can't upload the site on account of the vnums (it'll tell you, if that's the case), please let me know.
"This is General Lath'lain Dy'nesir, of the Ebon Spur. Walking Murder surrounded by a thin veneer of civility."
Re: Help with Bugs
It ran and checked for some bugs, but I do think it hates the QQ format. It gave me a paragraph of things, the end of which was: Unknown bitvector: QQ in numeric field !'
So it looks like I'll probably need those numbers whenever I can get those, and put them into the area.
Oh, and edit to say... Much thanks to everyone who's helped me! It is VERY so much appreciated.
So it looks like I'll probably need those numbers whenever I can get those, and put them into the area.
Oh, and edit to say... Much thanks to everyone who's helped me! It is VERY so much appreciated.
Anastacia Syria, Truescar of Loviatar
Re: Help with Bugs
I just tried uploading my file, Temple of Moradin.rtf to the site but got the following error:
"Which file do you want check? Syntax: /home/martin/projects/fkareas/svn/hooks/"
Am I doing something wrong?
EDIT: I renamed it to '.are' and it still didn't work.
"Which file do you want check? Syntax: /home/martin/projects/fkareas/svn/hooks/"
Am I doing something wrong?
EDIT: I renamed it to '.are' and it still didn't work.
~Vanguardier Athon, High Priest of Torm~
~Moranall, Fighter of Waterdeep~
~Moranall, Fighter of Waterdeep~
Re: Help with Bugs
The game doesn't understand RTF files - try opening it in wordpad and saving it as a plain text file, ie 'Text Document'?
If it doesn't look good when you open it in notepad, the game will be likely to reject it also.
First few lines of your file are:
If it doesn't look good when you open it in notepad, the game will be likely to reject it also.
First few lines of your file are:
Code: Select all
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Courier New;}}
{\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\tx959\tx1918\tx2877\tx3836\tx4795\tx5754\tx6713\tx7672\tx9360\f0\fs20 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\par
#AREA Temple of Moradin~\par
#AUTHOR Athon Eltsac Brar~\par
Re: Help with Bugs
I tried it again with a .txt file which appeared to look just fine, but still got the same error. All formatting was removed.
~Vanguardier Athon, High Priest of Torm~
~Moranall, Fighter of Waterdeep~
~Moranall, Fighter of Waterdeep~