Improved memorization commands

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Sword Grand Master
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Improved memorization commands

Post by Isolrem » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:08 pm

Often when I need to memorize a specific spell that I have immediate use for, I have to delete all my unreadied spells in that spell level so that the new spell has priority. I think all spellcasting classes would find it really useful and time saving if the following methods of memorization were added

1. SYNTAX: Memorize at <spell level> <spell position> <spell name>
e.g. memorize at 2 1 bulls strength would memorize bulls strength at the first slot in my level 2 spell slots, replacing whatever spell was there before, and it would be readied before all my other level 2 spells.

2. SYNTAX: Memorize swap <spell level> <spell position> <spell position>
e.g. If my level nine spell slots currently looked like
Level 9 slots, (3/3) (Base:3, Item/Int Bonus:0)
timestop wails of the banshee astral walk
>memorize swap 9 1 3 would change it to
Level 9 slots, (3/3) (Base:3, Item/Int Bonus:0)
astral walk wails of the banshee timestop
Chars: Aryvael et all.
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