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Post by Janon » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:17 pm

With the help of imms, the Foregathering area is nearly complete and the specifics of the competition are being decided upon. There are a few things I still need to work out and make unilateral decisions on, but would prefer input from rangers and others before doing so. For those who do not know, the Foregathering is a gathering of the ranger community to share stories, engage in friendly competition with one another and choose a new Warden. The Warden is chosen through a series of trials and the winner is accepted as Mielikki's chosen voice to lead her guild. The Warden need not be a follower of Mielikki. I will post a date for the Foregathering once everything is complete.
  • 1. Who should attend? In the past, only rangers could attend. Should druids be allowed? If druids are allowed, should the shopkeepers/trainers be available to them; or, should those things remain ranger-only?

    2. Who should be allowed to compete? Rangers below L50 could compete in some previous Foregatherings because they proved to be excellent roleplayers and the position of Warden is not simply about being the most powerful combatant. When the Council was active, the intent was that only members of the Council could compete. Now that it no longer exists, what criteria should there be?

    3. I still have some small space to include new, non-magical items for sale at the Foregathering. What unique items, sold only during this event, would you like most to see? Please remember the nature of the event.

    4. I still have some room to add new pets for sale at the Foregathering. What unique creatures would you most like to see? Please remember the nature of the event

    5. What skills/spells/feats would be you like to have available? This is not a call to fill the area with trainers for every skill known to rangers, but a couple of the most-requested ones might not hurt.

    6. Anything I haven't considered that you might like to see at this type of event? Hopefully, it won't be so long between Foregatherings in the future and I'm trying to make a good prototype.
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Re: Foregathering

Post by Brar » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:45 pm

  • 1. Who should attend? In the past, only rangers could attend. Should druids be allowed? If druids are allowed, should the shopkeepers/trainers be available to them; or, should those things remain ranger-only?
    The first foregathering had druids as guests, but they would not participate, only be allowed on the ground but I think they should be able to have access to ranger's shop. (It is already ridiculously funny when a npc tell an ex-high druidess of Mielikki that he only trade with friends of the forest :P )

    2. Who should be allowed to compete? Rangers below L50 could compete in some previous Foregatherings because they proved to be excellent roleplayers and the position of Warden is not simply about being the most powerful combatant. When the Council was active, the intent was that only members of the Council could compete. Now that it no longer exists, what criteria should there be?
    I would say you can base entrance on multiple criteria, one can be combat prowess, one other can be wilds exploring (knowledge geography), animal loving (animal empathy), things like this.
    To have a broader range of people attending than just the combattants ones.

    3. I still have some small space to include new, non-magical items for sale at the Foregathering. What unique items, sold only during this event, would you like most to see? Please remember the nature of the event.
    Stones for staff sling... and pouches for sling stones that can be worn on different locations / layers.

    4. I still have some room to add new pets for sale at the Foregathering. What unique creatures would you most like to see?Please remember the nature of the event
    Mounts other than horses, like a mountable wolf or dire tiger for example.

    5. What skills/spells/feats would be you like to have available? This is not a call to fill the area with trainers for every skill known to rangers, but a couple of the most-requested ones might not hurt.
    Just one... Tree Stride

    6. Anything I haven't considered that you might like to see at this type of event? Hopefully, it won't be so long between Foregatherings in the future and I'm trying to make a good prototype.
    One unique item with absolutly no power other than reminding you of the event, like the waterdeep fair medallion, or the mage fair necklace.
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Re: Foregathering

Post by Gwain » Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:57 am

Ridable Ostrich for pets.
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Re: Foregathering

Post by Nysan » Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:05 am

1. Who should attend? In the past, only rangers could attend. Should druids be allowed? If druids are allowed, should the shopkeepers/trainers be available to them; or, should those things remain ranger-only?

- I don't see any reason to exclude druids from the area. To be perfectly honest, rangers and druids have gone hand-in-hand in FK for so long, it would just be odd to start excluding them now. They would not be involved in the competitions, granted. Most druids understand the purpose of the Foregathering and would likely be respectful of related rules.
- As for shopkeeper/trainers, hard to say without knowing the area honestly. I cannot think of anything a ranger would buy/train that would look out-of-character for a druid to have access to as well, but without seeing what is there... can't say for sure.
- No one else though, without an application or special situation. Druids make some sense attending this special event. I don't see everyone a ranger's ever met being allowed to wander around. *shrug*

2. Who should be allowed to compete? Rangers below L50 could compete in some previous Foregatherings because they proved to be excellent roleplayers and the position of Warden is not simply about being the most powerful combatant. When the Council was active, the intent was that only members of the Council could compete. Now that it no longer exists, what criteria should there be?

- Any ranger that is a ranger, far as I am concerned. By that I mean, anyone that has been a ranger long enough to build a decent RP reputation. Anyone can grind to L50, not everyone can RP a good ranger.

- Leaving the rest of the questions to fresher minds. Hope this was helpful.
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Re: Foregathering

Post by Gorwin » Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:31 pm

1. Who should attend? In the past, only rangers could attend. Should druids be allowed? If druids are allowed, should the shopkeepers/trainers be available to them; or, should those things remain ranger-only? I think it would make sense to have druids there, especially if there is going to be sparring or dangerous combat. Ten rangers all trying to heal each other would be very time intensive and would break up the flow of the rp. I could also see perhaps centaurs and sylvan races being allowed to attened, and perhaps the immeidate family or child.

2. Who should be allowed to compete? Rangers below L50 could compete in some previous Foregatherings because they proved to be excellent roleplayers and the position of Warden is not simply about being the most powerful combatant. When the Council was active, the intent was that only members of the Council could compete. Now that it no longer exists, what criteria should there be? Rangers only to actually compete. I do not think you should have to be level 50 but should be at least lvl 35-40 and have put in alot of rp. Would not really be fair if someone who just made their ranger a week ago to be the new warden.

3. I still have some small space to include new, non-magical items for sale at the Foregathering. What unique items, sold only during this event, would you like most to see? Unique quivers, maybe some fletching and skinning knifes, staff sling bullets, and perhaps some new feathers.

4. I still have some room to add new pets for sale at the Foregathering. What unique creatures would you most like to see? I think giant eagles would be nice personally also like the idea of mountable bears dire wolfs and tigers. Perhaps even a pegasi though i have trouble actually imaging one be sold.

5. What skills/spells/feats would be you like to have available? This is not a call to fill the area with trainers for every skill known to rangers, but a couple of the most-requested ones might not hurt. Hmmm would agree with loving to see tree stride. Also think perhaps maybe greater two weapon fighting or two weapon defense and perhaps a few of the archery feats.

6. Anything I haven't considered that you might like to see at this type of event? Hopefully, it won't be so long between Foregatherings in the future and I'm trying to make a good prototype. Hmm not that i can think of. I mean Foregatherings are also a catch up on old friends reunion aside from the competetion itself. Also a chance to make new ones, gather information and training from others. Learn about new paths and other rangerly things. I guess really depends how long your thinking the event to go on for. If it will be an all day sort of event then may want to add in a small scavenger hunt or perhaps a hunt in general to help provide food for the gathering. If it is only going to be for two or three hours then might wanna forgo that so the choosing of the new warden isnt rushed depending on how many competitors. All in all think will be a great event, and just want to say thanks ahead of time for it.
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Re: Foregathering

Post by Harroghty » Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:30 pm

Not a ranger, but I am considering it. And so, from an outsider:
Janon wrote: 1. Who should attend? In the past, only rangers could attend. Should druids be allowed? If druids are allowed, should the shopkeepers/trainers be available to them; or, should those things remain ranger-only?
Recommend both druids and rangers, but limit competitions to rangers.
Janon wrote: 2. Who should be allowed to compete? Rangers below L50 could compete in some previous Foregatherings because they proved to be excellent roleplayers and the position of Warden is not simply about being the most powerful combatant. When the Council was active, the intent was that only members of the Council could compete. Now that it no longer exists, what criteria should there be?
All rangers. I believe that the competition will draw out the worthy ones.
Janon wrote: 3. I still have some small space to include new, non-magical items for sale at the Foregathering. What unique items, sold only during this event, would you like most to see? Please remember the nature of the event.
Sling staff bullets. Quiver worn in _OVER position on the leg wear location (for horseback archery). Foregathering pattern arrows (special Foregathering color scheme or something, similar to Brar's memento request).
Janon wrote: 4. I still have some room to add new pets for sale at the Foregathering. What unique creatures would you most like to see? Please remember the nature of the event
More birds (raptors).
Janon wrote: 5. What skills/spells/feats would be you like to have available? This is not a call to fill the area with trainers for every skill known to rangers, but a couple of the most-requested ones might not hurt.
Recommend a number of the ranged combat feats be trained.
Janon wrote: 6. Anything I haven't considered that you might like to see at this type of event? Hopefully, it won't be so long between Foregatherings in the future and I'm trying to make a good prototype.
Some kind of event for young, would-be rangers to attend to pique their interest.
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Re: Foregathering

Post by Enig » Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:04 pm

Janon wrote:1. Who should attend? In the past, only rangers could attend. Should druids be allowed? If druids are allowed, should the shopkeepers/trainers be available to them; or, should those things remain ranger-only?
Heya! I don't have much to add to this discussion, but I think it'd be neat to allow warriors interested in becoming rangers to attend strictly as observers to meet and greet folks, with no access to trainers, shops, or the ability to compete.
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Re: Foregathering

Post by Brar » Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:39 pm

Another thing I could imagine there, high ranger oriented stat trainer (I think Dex here to be honest)
By high stat, I mean trainer up to 19 (as a true specialization in 2 weapon fighting requires 19 Dex) and having that in a one shot event would be suitable I think.
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Re: Foregathering

Post by Selveem » Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:59 pm

I agree; it'd be nice to have more of those in general in the game. But I wish they were more accessible. Only one (or two, for maybe one of the stats) are in-game and multiple race/class/aligns/faiths are unable to access them.
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