Wisdom vs Intelligence

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Wisdom vs Intelligence

Post by Orplar » Mon May 16, 2011 4:22 am


Just curious as to some thoughts of the player base on what would be expected from a character with High Intelligence and Low Wisdom or High Wisdom and Low Intelligence. How are the two related in your opinion?
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Sword Bumbler
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Re: Wisdom vs Intelligence

Post by Talren » Mon May 16, 2011 7:09 am

My view has always been that Intelligence is basically book smarts, while Wisdom is more dealing with common sense/street smarts.

So, a high Intelligence low Wisdom character could be like an absent-minded wizard, can rattle of facts for days about the minute details of this or that spell, tell you the favorite color of the 3rd King of Cormyr, and that such-and-such flower only blooms on the peaks of the Spine of the World on the third day of the fifth month after the full moon...but, will not neccessarily remember to change his socks, or to eat, and might need someone to tell him that it is probably not a terribly good idea to release the elder eternal evil sleeping under the village just to study it. He might also be somewhat easily manipulated, not having the intuition/perception to notice or suspect ulterior motives in others.

On the flip side, a high Wis/low Int character might be like, a street urchin in a major city like WD. Probably not very well educated, if literate at all, but skilled at reading people/hard to be fooled, practical minded, making use of everything they have and planning ahead against harder times/mishap etc.
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Re: Wisdom vs Intelligence

Post by Orplar » Tue May 17, 2011 3:09 am

Wow, Thanks for that my friend. It really helped me differentiate between the two. Any other input from the player base?
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Re: Wisdom vs Intelligence

Post by Raona » Tue May 17, 2011 1:13 pm

I work with a slew of people with high INT and low WIS. They can think incredible thoughts, understanding the most complex things readily, seeing the answer to a technical question before anyone else...but be utterly foolish in how they spend their time, interact with other people, and view the world. They often have childish political views (which they can defend intellectually, no matter how crazy they may seem) and no sense of street smarts. Low WIS is often tied to a lack of follow-through and maturity, judgement and caution. Low INT often means difficulty understanding the technical - languages, concepts, puns and jokes, what have you.

I think Talren put it beautifully, and concisely. I don't think I'm really adding to what they said!
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