Room Code/Prog check

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Room Code/Prog check

Post by Rhytania » Thu Apr 22, 2004 9:13 am

Just wanted to run this by someone to make sure it is valid and everything ws done correctly. i have a few more of these to double check as i work on the last tidbits.
here is the room in question:

Code: Select all

Drain Room~
{80}The current seems to pull heavy here as the water gets a bit deeper. As you
continue further south you come abrubtly to a stop as you see the water drop
over the edge creating a waterfall. Peering over the edge it looks like you might
be able to jump into the pool about 15 feet below. The dull roar of the ocean
grows a bit stronger here.
Pool of Sewer Water~
EX_XAUTO -1 QQ19 0
>intercept_prog jump~
if inroom($n) == QQ17
  mpechoat $n You take a deep breath and jump off the ledge into the pool below.
  mpechoaround $n $n takes a deep breath and jumps over the ledge.
  mpat QQ19 mpforce $n sit
  mpat QQ19 mpechoaround $n $n splashes into the pool and is pushed below the surface.
  if isaffected($n) == SPELL_LEVITATE|SPELL_FLY
    mpechoat $n You jump off the ledge and float safely down to the pool below.
    mpat QQ19 mpechoaround $n $n floats down and avoids the waterfall.
>rand_prog 30~
if dex($n) < 14
  mpechoat $n As you peer over the ledge, you lose your balance and fall over.
  mpechoaround $n $n Loses thier balance and falls over the ledge
  mpforce $n scream
  mptransfer $n QQ19
  mpat QQ19 mpechoat $n You are pushed below the surface by the power of the falls.
  mpat QQ19 mpechoaround $n $n splashes into the pool and is pushed below the surface.
  mpat QQ19 mpforce $n sit
  if isaffected($n) == SPELL_LEVITATE|SPELL_FLY
    mpechoat $n As you peer over the ledge, you lose your balance and fall, floating safely below.
    mpat QQ19 mpechoaround $n $n loses his balance and falls over the ledge, floating safely below.
    mptransfer $n QQ19
    mpechoat $n You jump off the ledge and float safely down to the pool below.
    mpat QQ19 mpechoaround $n $n floats down and avoids the waterfall.
this room is part of an underground river system that I have built the sewers around. the pcs stand on the ledge looking down below into the cavern and have to decide wether or not to jump into the pool below. i have an if check set up to see if the pc has levitate or fly in which case when he jumps he will float below, if not the pc will be pushed under the falls (simulated by the forced rest). The second part is a random prog that will check if your dex is below 14 and if it is you will lose you balance and fall to the pool below, unless you have lev or fly, in which case you will simply float down.
thanks for the help
Last edited by Rhytania on Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rhytania » Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:55 am

Heres another one I wanted to verify:

Code: Select all

Inside a Sewer Pipe~
{80}The inside of this pipe is dark, cold and wet. The rope seems to support your
weight just fine. A thin slime covers the inside of this pipe, and the barnicles
and oyster clusters makes you wonder for just a bit, about how high the water levels
rise. The bottom is lost in the darkness and you hope that the pipe ends before the 
rope does.
Sewer Room~
climb up~
EX_CLIMB -1 QQ10 0
Sewer Pipe~
climb down~
EX_CLIMB -1 QQ12 0
with the EX_CIMB tag, does it automatically assume when you press up or down that you are climbing or do you have to add in the special tag of climb up or climb down? also does it auto roll vs your climb skill or would that be a if check i have to add too? and lastly if that check fails, does it drop you to the next level or do you just not move anywhere?
Thanks for the help,
Last edited by Rhytania on Thu Apr 22, 2004 12:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Rhytania » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:59 am

Heres another one:

Code: Select all

Sand Bar Island~
{30}A path among the rubble can be seen here heading towards the east. Sounds of
feet scurring among the rubble can be heard and the harsh language of Goblins
can be heard whispering among the shadows. You feel as if you are being watched
as you pick your way around the rubble. Amidst the rubble, the path stops near a pile 
that looks to have been there forever.
Goblin Shanty Town~
0 -1 QQ41 0
Sand Bar Island Beach~
0 -1 QQ39 0
Tunnels of Sand Bar Island~
'trap door'~
trap door~
The door seems to be camoflagued with rubble and debris. There are no locks that can be seen, so it must open from the inside only.
this is a door that has been hidden underneath a pile of rubble. the rubble is actually attached to the door so as to not make it obvious it is a door. I wanted this door hidden, however a search will make it visible. upon realizing the door is their the pcs will be able to examine it and see that it has an inside lock mechanism. a rogue should be able to easily unlock the door and a fighter should easily be able to bash it, since it just a simple wooden bar, therefore the need for no keys.
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Post by Rhytania » Thu Apr 22, 2004 1:43 pm

It automatically checks the PC's climb skill when the PC tries to go up. It does a roll to determine if they are sucessful at the climb or not. If not the PC falls back to the room they are starting the climb from. In this case QQ11. It will also hurt them. A PC can die if they constantly try to climb. If their climb skill is 0, then the PC will be stuck in this room unless there is another way out.
Ok this room is actually the middle section of the pipe with the previous room having a regular exit in with the 1 climb exit down, and the next room 1 climb exit up with a regular exit out, so if they dont have the climb skill they would not be able to enter. is there a way to set the dc of the vs climb check to relatively low, its a notted rope and i dont see one having to have a high climb to get by, but at least have the skill to use it...

also does the code require them to use the climb skill if they have fly or levitate casted or would there have to be an intercept prog added there?

and i dont want to get too deep into the numbers of hp that are lossed when you fall, but is it too high to risk and or is there a way we can set it so its not as brutal...or maybe even set it so the pcs does not fall but rather doesnot go anywhere until a success?

DDIR_Pool - will crash the game. Are you trying to make this a somewhere exit? If its just to be a regular exit, then you dont need EX_XAUTO either.
yes i was trying to make this a somewhere exit, though would it be better if it was just a simple exit where the pcs would "jump" off...
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Post by Caius » Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:00 pm

I think you should try to avoid the use of the word "you" to often in your room descriptions. It should be a description of the room not what you are doing in the room. Can't recall if this is a policy or just something mentioned on one of the links for how to make descriptions.

Post by Rhelian » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:17 pm

Code: Select all

>rand_prog 30~ 
if dex($n) > 14 
  mpechoat $n As you peer over the ledge, you lose your balance and fall over
Not sure about mudcode by going by my other coding experiences, wouldn't that echo if the dex was greater than 14, rather than less than? < instead of > ?
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Post by Talos » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:35 pm

I wasn't quite able to tell from the above discussion, and have always sort of wondered; what happens with climb exits in directions other than up? If I have a climb exit down and they fail, do they 'fall up' to the room they were in, or do they go down, but rather than arriving safely, fall there? Moreover, what if I want them to climb horizonatally along a sheer wall? Say there's four rooms with horizontal climb exits, and all have a down exit into a moat. If the fail the climb do they fall out the down exit, or fall back into the room, or does climb not even work on any exits other than up?
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Post by Rhytania » Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:43 am

Talos: Yes I am having that poblem too becuase the PC's will actually climb down when they first get there and probably not climb up at all, it would be kind of silly to watch them fall up...

What about if we simulate the use of the climb skill like an if check to see if they have the climb skill trained to a certain level, like maybe amatuer and we could set it to mp transfer them up or down depending on which way the go and another random prog, so if they dont if they dont have it to let them continue up or down anyway without the damage of falling...maybe something like this:

Code: Select all

>intercept_prog climb up~ 
if skilllevel(climb, $n) > 3
  mpechoat $n You grab hold of the rope and haul yourself up the pipe. 
  mptransfer $n QQ00 
  mpat QQ00 mpforce $n look 
    if skilllevel(climb, $n) < 4
      mpechoat $n You struggle with the rope as you almost lose your footing. 
        if rand(25) 
          mpechoat $n You struggle with the rope, but still manage to pull yourself up. 
          mpdrain $n move 10         
          mptransfer $n QQ00 
          mpat QQ00 mpforce $n look 
>intercept_prog climb down~ 
if skilllevel(climb, $n) > 4
  mpechoat $n You grab hold of the rope and lower yourself down the pipe. 
  mptransfer $n QQ00 
  mpat QQ00 mpforce $n look 
    if skilllevel(climb, $n) < 4
      mpechoat $n You struggle with the rope as you almost lose your footing. 
        if rand(25) 
          mpechoat $n You struggle with the rope, but still manage to pull lower yourself down. 
          mpdrain $n move 15         
          mptransfer $n QQ00 
          mpat QQ00 mpforce $n look 
an intercept on the command on 'climb up' and 'climb down' first it will check if you have the climb skill trained to at least amatuer which is 4 i believe and if it is it will let you pass on without hinderance, if not it will just echo that you struggle with the rope but dont go nowhere, in which you will still have a 25% chance to move but at a higher movemant rate whicjh i used the mpdrain(wasnt sure on the syntax of it but i figure a 15 point loss of movemant, didnt know exactly where the setable number went). this way those who have the climb skill wont get penalized and get through pretty easy but those who do not will take some time to get through and will slow the group down since only 1 person can be in the middle section of the pipe at one time, without the fear of falling 'up' to their deaths ;).
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Post by Rhytania » Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:47 am

Rhelian: Blah your right...fixed it...damn typo monkey on my back...hehe almost as bad as the S in the middle of my room exits
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Post by Rhytania » Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:44 pm

ahh ok thanks, sorry about the spacing after alot of cofee i tend think faster than i type and things start to get a little misplaced :P
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