wands staves, and scrolls

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wands staves, and scrolls

Post by Rhianon » Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:15 pm

Does anyone have good ideas for wizards to make coin? Can't sell our scrolls anymore, wands are worthless, and staves also. How are we suppose to make coin? Can't get anyone to pay for spellups. I am at a loss here, sure would appreciate some good ideas.
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Post by Elenthis » Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:31 pm

Hey Rhianon. I am going to post somewhat on your side, and somewhat not. First. Yes, please! getting people together to go 'hunting' without actually going to complete a quest is not an easy task...but that is an IC problem. The sales of staves, scrolls and wands would be GREAT if wizards had the coin to buy them from other wizards. That we are unable to sell scrolls, wands and Apparently staves means that we are left to the conventional means to get coin which, as we have discussed in other forums, has been growing more and more difficult. I do have one suggestion for you Rhianon...its not IC info, but it should help if you like :). "Money begets money". Something we all deal with IRL in one way or another, but in almoast every sense if you can scrounge and scrounge, you'll eventually have enough to start a busness, buy a house that matures in value, buy a car...ect, ect. None of these work EXACTLY like that In-game, but some of them have very similar parallells.
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Post by Nysan » Wed Apr 21, 2004 10:08 pm

Wizards and money together. A rare and almost laughable concept for the younger members of wizardry. But its not impossible. I personally keep seeing people say they don't have money except a few plat here and there. Always thought (to start out with) thats enough for wizards. Just because you don't have a few hundred plat in the bank like some folks, doesn't mean your broke. A few plat here and there is all a starting wizard really needs. Granted, spell training is a bit expensive and spell components are just about the same. But, starting wizards don't need all that right away. For the first few spells, you don't even need components and it was at least a week or two of gameplay before I even attempted to train new spells. And at least a week after that before I went to try to join a guild. A common thing I notice is that people think they need to join a guild right away, wrong. Take your time, work on the spells you got. Learn about your character. You don't have to be a necromancer or an invoker right out of the newbie temple.
Anyways, back to the point at hand, getting money as a young wizard. In my experience, my two wizards are packrats and scavangers, even in the mid to higher levels. I try to pick up anything and everything I think I could sell to NPCs or trade to players sometime in the future (armor, weapons, strange items that look interesting). I try to keep in mind that just because I can't sell it now, does not mean I can't sell it later too. Sure, it might only be a few copper here, a gold peice there. But by the time you get around to those higher spells, a continued practice of this turns into a small fortune. Someone might say, 'But Nysan, wizards can't carry alot!' Well, yes thats true enough but last time I checked a small mount did not cost a fortune to buy and theres your storage space. This is just the opinion and practices of a player of multiple wizards, take it as it is... Enjoy,

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Re: wands staves, and scrolls

Post by Stayne » Wed Apr 21, 2004 11:07 pm

Rhianon wrote:Does anyone have good ideas for wizards to make coin? I am at a loss here, sure would appreciate some good ideas.
I am going to make an assumption you are saving for a dwelling and have the blues :wink: If you do, I can understand, but its not that bleak as you think.
Firstly, most ideas for making coin are IC, so I am not going to give any, but - every type of char is in the same boat. What works for one will work for all in most cases. My money is slowly ticking over and up there so I know its possible, its not easy, but then, anything worth doing never is.
Rhianon wrote:Can't sell our scrolls anymore, wands are worthless, and staves also. How are we suppose to make coin?.
While shopkeepers may not take the above, its still possible to onsell them to players. Just be realistic in their worth (ie. sell them for what you can get :wink: )
Reliance on shopkeepers to take items would be nice, but is not the way of the world. Perhaps though there could be some MOB's made who take such items, but only give like 10% of their value and perhaps will onsell for 50% of value for what Rhiannon mention (like having an 2nd hand goods dealer). That is a side thought though.
Rhianon wrote: Can't get anyone to pay for spellups.
One of my personal bugbears. I don't need to get on a hobby dragon (Rhelian hogs the seat :lol: ) and go on about respect for wizards, but personally - charge them. And don't give in ;) Sure, your probably not going to make money at first, but that is because everyone is used to being able to walk up to a wizard and say "Hey spell me up" and the wizard meekly going "Yes master"....
If charging is not your thing, get them to take you along on wherever they go, you get the loot, or half the loot or something. Many times just joining a group and keeping them spelled is enough for you to earn all the coin from mobs and it adds up quickly (hmm...I thought I was not going to make suggestions, ahh well - this one did not seem IC).

Basically what I am trying to say is that it is possible to make money. It takes time and effort though, as does all things.

Hope this helps

ps. The hardest part I have of saving moeny....is not spending it ;)
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Post by Nysan » Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:54 am

I think I've ranted alot so far on the subject so I won't put too much more into it. Simply want to add something to Stayne's side thought. People, just because and identify spell or some wandering merchant says this or that is worth some much does not mean you should put that price in stone when selling to other player characters. You're here to make money, agreed. But if no one is buying, wheres the money? Enjoy...

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Charging for services rendered

Post by Selveem » Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:38 pm

Priests and Wizards are not alone in this great problem. Fighters and thieves also have this problem. Many a time I have had to help for free simply because I (and yes, my fault for having OOC emotion involve ICly..) did not want to see another character die and have to go get raised. Having been the victim myself of not being able to find someone to help (though I would have agree to pay _some_thing or indebt myself) and died. Thief and Fighter armor costs too. As well as the occasionally damaged lock picks that need to be repaired or replaced. Not to mention hazard costs.. Risking one's own life. The point boils down to consideration. There are many people who simply don't take into consideration (and I'm not saying everyone, nor saying that people simply are rude) the time and energy, as well as character resources, other players put forth for them.


Charge away! If they won't pay, maybe they won't live to regret it tomorrow. :)

Post by Rhelian » Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:23 pm

I'm founding the AWACTU, or Amalgamated Wizards And Clerics Trade Union.

Members will be able to charge set rates, and anyone found giving freebies will be asked to move on to another city. People harrassing members for charging for services will incur the full wrath of the AMACTU and be blacklisted.

What say you, comrades?

BTW, this isn't a real thing ;)
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Post by Belose » Fri Apr 23, 2004 12:16 am

I agree on charging for spells.... the only problem is, most people who need healing will just sit and heal naturally, unless they're near death, and I really want to practice my healing prayers to get better at it... it's a shame I have to beg people to let me heal them just so I can practice.. which is why I want to get people to go EXPLORING! Or to help me in doing my quests.. I mean as in protecting and fighting, not helping me solve them, unless I'm having a real problem with syntax or figuring out something, I don't see why they couldn't make suggestions...but anyways, if I'm with people out ADVENTURING, they get my spells for free... I keep them healthy, they keep me safe. But if someone just comes up to me and asks me to cast a Bull's Strength, or something else while I'm not grouping, then I say, "Charge them!" :wink:
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Post by Rhelian » Fri Apr 23, 2004 12:51 am

I'm not commenting on your motives, but if I were a God and my priest encouraged others to go and get hurt so that they could use my power to heal them and practice their prayers..... bleh.

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Post by Nysan » Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:50 am

Wizards' Union... Sounds good Rhelian. You got my wizard's membership, but Nysan is not really a people person anyways, so just my wizard. :wink:

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Post by Stayne » Fri Apr 23, 2004 4:37 am

Rhelian wrote:I'm founding the AWACTU, or Amalgamated Wizards And Clerics Trade Union.

What say you, comrades?
Yes, and I encourgae you to make me leader of this Union! For under my guidance, not only shall we get the dues deserved, we shall become a true power on Faerun, as it should be.

My first order of bussiness will be a mass number of random murders. All victims shall be left with a 10% discount card for a raise at their local AWACTU office!
Those not involved in the raise can practice their healing spells. Should we need more practice, we can just kill them again! :twisted:

Join us - and reap the benifits!!


ps. Vote 1 Stayne for a better future....

pps. (I couldn't help myself:) )
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Post by Rhytania » Fri Apr 23, 2004 6:44 am

Hmmm I second that motion... vote 2 for Stayne! :twisted:
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Post by Rhytania » Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:20 am

hmm though i would like to propose a name change to
AWACTUATOD:Amalgamated Wizards And Clerics Trade Union And the Occaisonal Druid.
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Post by Glim » Fri Apr 23, 2004 1:03 pm

*sniff* But...but...I dont charge for most spells...

Ive had problems with it before but thats just the way I RP it...

Ahh well...I guess I cant join AWACTUATOD...(thats a mouthful)

P.S. Oh and by the way, Mystra, you wouldnt happen to be reading Temple Hill would you?
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Post by Nysan » Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:48 pm

After Stayne's inspiring speech, I think I will bring Nysan into the Union. :wink:

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Post by Belose » Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:58 pm

I'm not commenting on your motives, but if I were a God and my priest encouraged others to go and get hurt so that they could use my power to heal them and practice their prayers..... bleh.
I believe you misunderstood what I wrote, which seems to happen a lot in the game and these misunderstandings can lead to people getting really upset at each other for no reason. What I mean is, that when people come walking into the square all beat up and I ask if they need healing, they say they will just rest to heal, unless they are at 1 percent or 0. I have to work at it to convince people to let me heal them so I can practice my healing... and I don't spam with a lot of cure lights just to do that. I DO NOT encourage people to go and get hurt, just so I can practice my healing. I don't need to, there are plenty of people going out and getting sliced and diced without me saying anything to `em. One reason I like getting a group of people together to go adventuring is that it often DOES give me a chance to practice my healing, but it's HARD to get people to just go... not to mention the RP while just sitting around resting for one reason or another... I hope this helps explain what I meant.
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Post by Rhelian » Sat Apr 24, 2004 12:48 pm

No need to explain :) It was my mistake, sorry for that.

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Post by Rhianon » Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:44 pm

And now we can make wands and staves, and wizards can brew..... *looks around confused*
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Post by Rhianon » Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:21 pm

I am wondering why though? Those items don't do anything anymore, only wizards can use wands and scrolls, and you can't sell them for a profit. Just wondering why, maybe could have used something that might give them a better chance at making coin for instance or something everyone can use.
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Post by Tretch » Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:15 pm

Actually this reminded me of something....I had a priest alt who once saved up a TON of coin to actually buy a very, very expensive staff. When I tried to use it....it disappeared. Is this a way of limiting the staffs? Was it because the spell was not in my spell list? Can you not use a stoneskin staffs spells if you dont have stone skin on your list? Maybe that is what Rhianon is referred to. I have hardly ever seen anyone using some of the really expensive staffs in the game. (Non quest). I assumed others had gone through or heard about the same event happening.

A young male human looks at your claw, his eyes widen, "Wha-what is that on your claw?"
You look to the claw, stopping abruptly
You yell, "Git et off! Git et off!" and begin to hop up and down, shaking your hand,
voice turning to a girlish scream!
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