Illegal to and from?

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Illegal to and from?

Post by Elenthis » Wed Apr 28, 2004 2:40 am

I just noticed today that the set recall poiunt for 90% of the players is the market square...I had a suggestion/question. Is it 'illegal' IC to cast spells outside of the market square that affect the square? IE recall, Teleport/shadowwalk ect? and if it is...wouldnt it be neat if we had a special room somewhat nearby to recall to? Just an idea.
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Post by Rhelian » Wed Apr 28, 2004 3:33 am

It's not illegal to recall/teleport/etc into Market Square, as far as I know. The recall drops you back in the MS of your hometown, not just WD. I think it makes more IC sense to use the major centre of towns as a point to appear in than have a "recall room" created for each town.

Other spells used to affect MS are illegal though, at least in Waterdeep, for example ice storm, fireball, cone of cold, and the like.

A good idea, but I don't think I could find an IC way to accept a special room where all casters can return to.
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Post by Glim » Wed Apr 28, 2004 10:08 pm

Hehe, fireball. :lol:
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Post by Caius » Thu Apr 29, 2004 5:37 am

Rhelian wrote:I think it makes more IC sense to use the major centre of towns as a point to appear in than have a "recall room" created for each town.
Why does that make more sense? To me it would make more sense to recall to some place that is safe and discrete. If you're trying to escape something why would you want to suddenly appear in a public area? It could be embarrassing in some situations or give away your location if you're trying to evade a pursuer.

Post by Rhelian » Thu Apr 29, 2004 6:08 am

Because MS in WD is a *HUGE* place.

I can't see why the Lords would set aside a "recall room" for all casters to return to, and I can't see that it'd be safe - what if eight or nine wizards recall within a short time of each other? What if, knowing that that room exists, whoever the caster is fleeing from sets a trap or a few henchmen to attack the wizard when they appear?

Market Square, however, is a large, bustling place. A caster could appear out of thin air and by and large be overlooked. Only teleporters would really stand out, mainly because the flash like a lighthouse when they show up.

There's no safer place than a crowd if you're being chased, especially a crowd with guards wandering through it.

That's why I personally think it makes more IC sense to recall to MS rather than a set room. Players with targetable movement spells can choose wether they want to be there or not.
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Post by Glim » Thu Apr 29, 2004 1:10 pm

I dont think that they would recall to MS mainly because of the number of people that WOULD be freaked out if someone just appeared in the middle of them. Also, if they misjudged the recall or someone was standing where they recall, couldnt a pretty bad situation result? I would think wizards would have a nice place in their guilld, or their home, or their lab to recall to.
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Post by Algon » Thu Apr 29, 2004 2:02 pm

This does not really matter to me either way. But, just for arguments sake, say that a Wizard needs to recall from across the world back to WD. Now casting a spell is not something that everyone can do, you have to channel the weave and (for lack of a better term) bend it to your will. Would it not be easier for a caster of a Recall spell, if they had a source of magic in , say a transport room in a guild, to concentrate on? Now that being said, it is probably totaly wrong and does not even work that way. :?
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Post by Selune » Thu Apr 29, 2004 2:29 pm

I love this idea. Having people spontaneously appear in MS repeatedly is disruptive to RP and avoidable if we set a different recall room. True, it is supposed to be a big, bustling place full of people, but almost invariably when my mortals recall at least half the PC population of this "big, bustling" square turn around and look at me.

Recalling or teleporting in simply means someone wants to get "home" fast, not that he or she is running from something. Perhaps this person wants to get "home" and away from others because of personal RP? And perhaps this person is coming back to seek one specific person (because of RP)?

However, since magic is prohibited in MS, then spells that allow rapid transport to a specific, choosable location probably should be prohibited because the spellcaster sets the spell location. In other words, someone casting recall has no choice; that setting is automatic. Those teleporting or astral walking or gating or whatever into MS have to actively choose MS versus the automatic setting that recall is.

While it would probably be too difficult and time-consuming to code, I still think it is a fabulous idea and fully support it.
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Post by Stayne » Thu Apr 29, 2004 3:19 pm

I disagree with this idea, and in part with what Selune has stated. Though people recalling can be disruptive to RP I find that it encourages MORE RP that it actually stops. Who cares if people look at you. I look at anyone who walks past - most times simply out of habit for if we do start RP, what you are wearing, skin colour, hair, eyes etc. are all important to how my char will respond.
I personally come here to RP, and I like to maximize my opportunities for that. One of the best way is to stand your charecter in the central focal point for that city or alignment (yes, this thread only speaks of Waterdeep, but it must apply to all place). Many times I am online when only a few others are. If I want some RP I will hang out in Market Square, since, most people either pass through it, or, recall to it. At the same time, If I need to return home and can recall, I will do so as I get to see who is in Market Square and this gives the possibility towards further RP.
Makeing another recall spot means I now have to decide wether I should hang out in market square or the "recall room". I know it sounds stupid, but I believe it is true.
In places like Zhenthil Keep, where evil is scarce, elimiating the Square from constant travel will stop people from randomly meeting, something which I believe needs more encouragement as these random meetings in "the square" will keep people there RP'ing and encourage that point as a point for all things to happen, something that, while it may not be realistic, is needed in such a large game to encourage the interaction that makes the game successful and fun to play.

As for spellcasting in Market Square, while it is Illegal (ie. The city watch WILL arrest you for abuse of the rule) it is not impossibel to do. If the code was changed to prevent any spells in the square, including the targeting of travel spells, I believe this would be poor RP. I do not think the Lord of Waterdeep have ever been so restricitive a to stop a person from breaking a law (or else the murder command would be impossible to type;) ). The right to break the law is very important to many charecters RP, as much as the right to accept or not accept responsibility for our actions is. Take away free choice and you eliminate an important part of RP.
At the same time, Waterdeep being newbie friendly, means that the constant RP at the recall point is important for those new players who arrive their, either from casting the spell cause they are in trouble, or through death, to get the help they need to rebuild or simply survive. Whats more disruptive to RP, everyone helping a person bleeding to death from dying, or someone in a recall room yelling out for help and people having to rush of in the hopes they make it?

I do think the idea has merit, but I believe that it will detract more from the interaction of the game, especially in less populated areas, than it will in helping it. I would suggest that since the Market Square (like the squares in other cities) IS a large area, the Lords could quite easily designate a (virtual) part of it for people to recall to. Wether your char noticeses these people is up to you and your RP.

Just my thoughts
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Post by Selune » Thu Apr 29, 2004 3:37 pm

I disagree with this idea, and in part with what Selune has stated. Though people recalling can be disruptive to RP I find that it encourages MORE RP that it actually stops. Who cares if people look at you. I look at anyone who walks past - most times simply out of habit for if we do start RP, what you are wearing, skin colour, hair, eyes etc. are all important to how my char will respond.
I do. I am sure I am not alone in this.
I personally come here to RP, and I like to maximize my opportunities for that. One of the best way is to stand your charecter in the central focal point for that city or alignment (yes, this thread only speaks of Waterdeep, but it must apply to all place). Many times I am online when only a few others are. If I want some RP I will hang out in Market Square, since, most people either pass through it, or, recall to it. At the same time, If I need to return home and can recall, I will do so as I get to see who is in Market Square and this gives the possibility towards further RP.
Please do not be patronizing. EVERYONE comes here to RP (or should). Saying that you do implies that the rest of us do not and is a huge insult. If you choose to stand in the square, fine. That is your choice. Most of my mortals do not. I seek my RP in places appropriate for my characters and not just where most people hang out.
Makeing another recall spot means I now have to decide wether I should hang out in market square or the "recall room". I know it sounds stupid, but I believe it is true.
I do not see this as a problem at all.
In places like Zhenthil Keep, where evil is scarce, elimiating the Square from constant travel will stop people from randomly meeting, something which I believe needs more encouragement as these random meetings in "the square" will keep people there RP'ing and encourage that point as a point for all things to happen, something that, while it may not be realistic, is needed in such a large game to encourage the interaction that makes the game successful and fun to play.
No, it will not. It will simply mean people do not appear there at recall. People who like the RP in the squares will still come. This will in no way, shape, form, or fashion eliminate that RP.
As for spellcasting in Market Square, while it is Illegal (ie. The city watch WILL arrest you for abuse of the rule) it is not impossibel to do. If the code was changed to prevent any spells in the square, including the targeting of travel spells, I believe this would be poor RP. I do not think the Lord of Waterdeep have ever been so restricitive a to stop a person from breaking a law (or else the murder command would be impossible to type;) ). The right to break the law is very important to many charecters RP, as much as the right to accept or not accept responsibility for our actions is. Take away free choice and you eliminate an important part of RP.
Wrong. It is forbidden to cast in the square. The city could easily put a ward in place to prevent teleporting/gating/etc specifically to keep people out. Take a look at Silverymoon.
At the same time, Waterdeep being newbie friendly, means that the constant RP at the recall point is important for those new players who arrive their, either from casting the spell cause they are in trouble, or through death, to get the help they need to rebuild or simply survive. Whats more disruptive to RP, everyone helping a person bleeding to death from dying, or someone in a recall room yelling out for help and people having to rush of in the hopes they make it?
People leaving the square to RP is perfect! That’s exactly the sort of thing we’re trying to encourage – RP outside the cities and the squares. WD is huge and where is 75% of the PC population at any given time? The square.
I do think the idea has merit, but I believe that it will detract more from the interaction of the game, especially in less populated areas, than it will in helping it. I would suggest that since the Market Square (like the squares in other cities) IS a large area, the Lords could quite easily designate a (virtual) part of it for people to recall to. Wether your char noticeses these people is up to you and your RP.
I absolutely do not agree. I think that it can only improve RP as I stated in the previous post and in my rebuttals to your points.
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