Not seeking skill-ups with mining trade
Not seeking skill-ups with mining trade
I have been mining for about 3 days off and on with one character that has mine at amateur. I have not seen even one skill up and I am just wondering if the mining trade is intentionally set to be extremely difficult to level up, (And I am curious as to why that is if so) or if there is a bug in the system.
Seek ye victory? Ye shall eventually find defeat.
Seek ye defeat? Ye shall most certainly find it.
Seek ye nothing? Then all ye can find is victory.
Seek ye defeat? Ye shall most certainly find it.
Seek ye nothing? Then all ye can find is victory.
Re: Not seeking skill-ups with mining trade
It does progress slowly, but it does progress. Diligent mining will reward the miner.
"A man may die yet still endure if his work enters the greater work, for time is carried upon a current of forgotten deeds, and events of great moment are but the culmination of a single carefully placed thought." - Chime of Eons
Re: Not seeking skill-ups with mining trade
Skill increases are also affected by intelligence.
Mining can be a bit tedious. The real fun will begin when you learn to smith armor or weapons.
Mining can be a bit tedious. The real fun will begin when you learn to smith armor or weapons.
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights