disarm/grip and related

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Re: disarm/grip and related

Post by Selveem » Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:46 am

Gwain wrote:Pvp should not be heavily reliant on the disarm skill in order to win. It might be simple enough to ask for a reevaluation of other fighter skills for balance or two ask coders to look at what makes the other 'melee combatants' so potent. I recently went against a fighter in combat whom used disarm, and won, I have no doubt that they still could have won straight hand-to-hand combat with me without disarming.
I'm going to leave this specific example alone, but I assure you: that was a fight you should not have lost.

That said, my response was to the suggestion that limitations be slapped on disarm. If you want to unnaturally limit disarm as a viable skill, that's fine, but at least balance it out; make combat regular melee combat more interesting and retain engagement for a class whose sole purpose is "fighting."
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Re: disarm/grip and related

Post by Vantaniael » Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:50 am

What if you keep the system as it is, but each time you get disarmed you 'learn from your mistake' and get like a temporary +1 against the next attempt for a short period or X amount of rounds, stacking so that eventually for areas or situations of spam disarm you 'learn from this sharp curve' and are not disarmed as insanely much. Unless of course your opponent is insanely better than you at it, in which case it just makes sense.

The idea is that it gets increasingly difficult to disarm you the more its spammed, up to whichever limit unless they are that amazingly better at it.

Ex: Five successful disarms are super spammed against you in a row, now you have a +5 temporary bonus to save against disarm, and so on.
Last edited by Vantaniael on Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: disarm/grip and related

Post by Kallias » Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:48 am

I like it, if possible. I'd lobby for +4.
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Re: disarm/grip and related

Post by Briek » Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:15 pm

I think grip might more accurately affect any warrior classes ability to hold his weapon correctly and be somewhat prepared for disarming.

It's already in place it would just need to be added to the class file, it's the simplest solution to this problem.
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Re: disarm/grip and related

Post by Zanven » Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:45 am

I think that the problem here is that disarming is "free" in which you don't have to decide if either attack or disarm, much as a cleric healing himself in a battle is "free" since they don't have to decide to either heal or attack. If FK took a a closer turn to D&D combat system, people would not rely as much in spammy techniques.
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Re: disarm/grip and related

Post by Selveem » Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:59 am

Zanven wrote:I think that the problem here is that disarming is "free" in which you don't have to decide if either attack or disarm, much as a cleric healing himself in a battle is "free" since they don't have to decide to either heal or attack. If FK took a a closer turn to D&D combat system, people would not rely as much in spammy techniques.
I would agree with you, however battle is not turn by turn in FK like it is in D&D. Everything happens fast and to stay on top, you need to rely on aliases and shortened commands. Bash Ythyllliamisn is pretty useless. By the time you type all that out, the fight is probably concluded. Also, if FK was turn by turn, it would make interrupting casters completely impossible without the most boring form of combat ever: "ready ifcast 'murder Ythyllliamisn'"

Likewise, distance is not easily imagined in a MUD while combat takes place. If you make everything round by round, casters would die unless they ran around spelled up at all times (which people used to [still?] get in trouble for).

My first thoughts would be round by round combat would be much better, but then when I take into other factors such as distance, formation, movement speeds, etc.... it becomes far less appealing (to me).
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Re: disarm/grip and related

Post by Hrosskell » Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:24 am

I'm a bit drunk and wrote a wall of text, so editing for clarity:

It is my opinion that slowing down the pace of ability use and making these abilities more meaningful would be a helpful addition to the fighter and other primarily martial classes (rogues come to mind). Our game is currently designed to be like tabletop; however, it is very much like contemporary video games in the fluidity of its combat system and this fluidity has not been taken advantage of. To do so would involve two steps:

Increase the impact of fighter skills.
I would propose adding effects to pre-existing fighter/warrior abilities. For example, make kick a short-duration silence or interrupt.

This raises a question of balance. To counter this, I would implement a cooldown system.
Increasing the time between moves--not all moves, but the same move--would prevent spamming and allow for warriors to add things to their routine without them being broken. This means a warrior couldn't spam kicks against casters or disarms against melee. It would, almost as a side effect, increase the impact of these moves.

While I think this primarily concerns PvP, I do not think that class balance or PvP (CvC) interactions should be taboo subjects. They are always going to exist, and not addressing them simply makes them a wound to fester. But that's another thread, I suppose. :B
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Re: disarm/grip and related

Post by Alitar » Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:05 am

So, I've read through the last page of this and figured I'd throw a quick handful of cents in. I think the best solutions would be either to give grip to all the warrior classes(to reduce disarm's brokenness) or put a longer cooldown on it. Lets say three rounds for realism since disarming someone is a bloody tricky thing to do to begin with.

tl;dr This player thinks disarm/grip needs some adjustment as well.
Thanks for reading!
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