Mental State Echos

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Funny, but not at the moment

Post by Arathin » Thu May 13, 2004 8:14 pm

Hilarious to me now, but not when I was dying via incurable poison...

I'm all hopped up with poison, squirming and shivering, all feverish and whatnot, and I go into my pack to get coins...yes, coins!...look what I find...

a figment of your imagination
a sword
something interesting
something that looks cool
a cloak of flowing colors
a stick
a swarm of insects
a swarm of insects
a mystical flaming sword
a cloak of flowing colors
a deathbane
something shiny
a nifty thing
your gravestone
the long lost boots of Ranger Thoric

....Now, everything but "your gravestone" made me laugh...the latter just made me sad that it was a sign that I would die...oh yeah, and who is Ranger Thoric?

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Post by Cret » Sun May 16, 2004 7:51 am

Im partial to:
a dancing nymph
a miniscule brown monkey
several black dots
a part of Cret's consious
several dancing nymphs
your own hand
OH! something pretty!
the nose of a gnome
a golden egg
a <random diety symbol>
a potion of cure gender
a potion of cure race
several pretty pink prancing pollymorphed pixies
the word: at
a bub... POP!

Ive got plenty more if you want...

Oh yes.. one last one

a dictionary
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Post by Mele » Sun May 16, 2004 5:30 pm

Some longs from the world of meeee. :) :

Someone pinches you, ow!
Your skin is tingling.
The ground is swarming with bugs.
A large camel walks by.
The sky is yellow.
You can't see anything!
The words of a song float in front of you.
You touch your hand to your head and notice your hair is falling out!
A sharp pain rides up your left leg.
You touch the ground and burn your hand, ow!
Your clothing is making you so itchy!
Something in the bottom of your pack is all sticky.

Okay, babbling, done. :)
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Post by Talos » Sun May 16, 2004 5:51 pm

It's been awhile since I've been delerious. Do these suggestions have to make sense both in the inventory and in the room? Does the pc get the long echo when the item appears in their inventory? I offer the following ideas, in the format of the item that you see in your inventory, followed by the echo you first see when it appears.

the head of <the pc>
You notice your own head lying at your feet!

a golden goose egg
A goose in a diamond tiara lays a golden egg!

the Hand of Vecna
The Hand of Vecna scuttles across the floor toward you!

a thong of elf ears
You find you're still wearing your thong of elf ears!

the best song in the world
A shiny demon appears and demands that you play the best song in the world!

a certificate of avatarhood
The god Amaunator appears and declares you his avatar!
(If the pc is faithed, have the pc's own god appear and do this)

a fuzzy tail protruding from your backside
You realize that you have a fuzzy tail sticking out of your rear! Huh.

a pair of bat wings grows from you back
Suddenly a pair of bat wings sprouts from your back! It tickles.

an large animate mug of ale
An animate mug of ale the size of a ham hock dares you to drink it!

Elminster's hat
You notice Elminster's hat lying here, and quickly seize it as your own!

grassy palms
Blades of grass suddenly spring from your palms!

a lich's phylactory
You realize that that mundane looking object right by you is a lich's phylactory, and grab it!

Manshoon's Day Planner
You find that The Day Planner of Manshoon has been in your pocket this whole time!

your conscience
Suddenly your conscience appears on your shoulder and advises you against doing what you were just thinking of doing.

a birthday hat
Laerl pops by and wishes you happy birthday!

the Tarrasque
You glance in your backpack only to find that the Tarrasque is lairing in it!

your chocolate arm
Suddenly a chocatrice pecks your arm, turning it to chocolate, before flying away!
A goblin, a trickster, a warrior? A nameless terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. A most feared being in all the cosmos. Nothing could stop, hold, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
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Post by Andreas » Sun May 16, 2004 6:31 pm

You're late for your basket weaving class.

Rumour has it Blackstaff wants your hide for a doormat!

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Gnomes are making off with your treasured thingamabob!

Death awaits with big, nasty, pointy teeth! Run away! Run away!

A giant whale just swallowed the sun!

You are invincible!

Elminster's pipe is talking to you. Pay attention!

Little white mice want you to help them conquer the world.

Your nose sprouts a bouquet of roses!

Your feet run away without you!

It's going to eat you!

You feel the sudden urge to howl at the moon.


That's about all I can think of for the moment. If I come up with any more, I'll add them :D
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Post by Ellian » Sun May 16, 2004 9:23 pm

Herbs are sprouting from the tips of your fingers.

Smiling children are coming after your lucky items.

Your hair is falling out in big clumps.

Wow, that is a really large beanstalk. Someone should try to climb it.

You hear the jingling of metal objects inside your head.

A hailstorm is centered right above you.

The world is suddenly full of leaky faucets that only you can fix.

Your arms seem to have been switched with your legs. Time to handstand.

You are suddenly wary of all the pointy things around you.

You hear singing coming from your stomach.

When did that giant soup bowl arrive?

Your shins are content... for now.

I love the "best song in the world" one, Talos. One and one make two, two and one make three, it was destiny. :wink:
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Post by Belose » Mon May 17, 2004 1:12 am

What? No pink elephants? I'm surprised....

I'd like to see something about streaming hands, colors have switched... or they can hear colors and see sounds.... they feel their nose where their ear is, things like that....smell tastes, and taste smells

Oh... and either have a sock that isn't theirs or a clump of non-matching socks.... you gotta wonder where all the missing socks go, perhaps they've finally found them...just some ideas.. if you need it as an echo...uhm... echo....echo....echo...
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Post by Tyr » Mon May 17, 2004 1:52 am

All these ideas are very interesting but let me focus this discussion a little more so that I can actually use more of them :)

These hallucinations are things that will replace object short and long descriptions. So these are things that you would see when looking in your pack in place of what you expect to be there.

The long ones are in place of long descs you would see walking into a room with objects on the ground.

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Post by Talos » Mon May 17, 2004 2:32 am

Thanks for clarifying. Moreover, are they necessarily paired? i.e. does every short have to have a long and vice versa? Or could we, say, do 'A horse in a a green tutu' for a long, and not have a short paired with it, since having a horse in a green tutu in your inventory would be
A goblin, a trickster, a warrior? A nameless terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. A most feared being in all the cosmos. Nothing could stop, hold, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
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Post by Ivaldi » Mon May 17, 2004 3:06 pm

a chest full of amulets / A treasure trove of rare artifacts is here.

10,000,000,000 platinum coins / An emperor's ransom has been left here.

a Tablet of Fate / A small clay tablet carved with glowing runes looks somehow familiar.

a not-so-plain cape / A length of fancy cloth is disintegrating as it touches the ground.

Newt the faerie dragon / A memory from your past floats before you.

a dragon's egg / A large, steaming dragon's egg shakes, preparing to hatch.

a simple gold ring with fiery letters / A golden ring lies on the ground, somehow tempting you to wear it.

an invisibility cloak / A shimmering cape looks like it could hide you from view.

a giant chess knight / An animated horseman of steel charges toward you!
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Post by Tyr » Mon May 17, 2004 8:16 pm

Currently in the code it seem to be paired but I dont see any reason it needs to. Post pairs if you have em but if not post singles. I will probably pick the ones I like most and add them reguardless of pairs.

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Post by Algon » Mon May 17, 2004 8:24 pm

Andreas wrote:What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Hehe, I love it. ;)
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Post by Sune » Tue May 18, 2004 1:45 am

Andreas wrote:What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Hooow do youuu knooow soo much aboout swallooows?

Post by Gwain » Tue May 18, 2004 3:02 am

Only one I could think of for now....

scheming hamsters / an evil pack of minature giant space hamsters bent on world domination plots here
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Post by Tandria » Tue May 18, 2004 9:35 am

The Knights of Ni / The Knights of Ni appear and demand a shrubbery!

I think it would also be funny to have and actual DEITY in your inventory . . . for example. . . .

Loviatar / Loviatar is here with a large whip and anger in her eyes!

Or, this is another idea, but I think it would take some coding if it's doable.

I think it would be funny to have other PCs' short descriptions changed to make them look like someone else. For example. . . .

Your mother / Your mother is here with a batch of your favourite cookies.
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Post by Glim » Tue May 18, 2004 1:03 pm

Tandria wrote: Your mother / Your mother is here with a batch of your favourite cookies.
Aww...but what about those people with some tragic RP about their parents...would be kinda heartbreaking (though a fun RP).
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Post by Algon » Tue May 18, 2004 1:17 pm

Glim wrote: Aww...but what about those people with some tragic RP about their parents...would be kinda heartbreaking (though a fun RP).
They already have one that says "You hear your mother crying."
To me that would be worse than seeing her with a nice batch of cookies. :)
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Post by Nearraba » Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:46 am

Probably have enough but I couldnt resist.

Angry Griffon\ An angry griffon is here, glaring at you.

Berries\Some berries fly by almost hitting you square in the forehead.

A priest of Loviatar\A priest of Loviatar is sitting here laughing at you.

A fish\A colorful fish flops at your feet.

A light\A blinding white light shines down on you.

A boulder\A giant bolder is rolling right for you!

A howl\You hear the howl of a wild animal nearby, wait that was you!

Singing Pixies\A group of high-pitched singing pixies sit on your shoulder.

Ribbon\A strand of colorful ribbon blows by in the wind.

Ants\Giant red ants march along.

That’s all I could think of.
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Post by Zilvryn » Wed Jul 21, 2004 11:00 am

A rabid ferret / A rabid ferret shoots up your leg...
What matters the most is how well you walk through the fire.

Post by Anson » Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:28 pm

the symbol of Beshaba / "insurance, insurance,, life, and death. Are you covered?" a seemingly concerned female voice emanates from this symbol.
the symbol of Loviatar / "Oh, how delightful! A large, large donation is in order. I mean huge!!!" a laughing female voice proclaims to you...from the symbol, if that makes any sense.
The symbol of Talona / "Did you get the, then tell me how would you rate the ambience? Most importantly, was it good for you?" boasts the excited female voice projected from the symbol.

:idea: I know, probably too wordy, but what fun to be so desperate as to think your life could possibly be of such interest to the gods. And of course each hallucinatory visit would have to depend on the 'cause of the affliction' or, given the propensity for persons not knowing how they are afflicted, would it? Surely, some other gods of the kingdoms could have a morbid/foreboding and hallucinatory (for the victim) reaction to delerium as well. :twisted: Or is it a requirement that these things be visual and or vocal - without spoken dialogue?

then, how about...animated meat / decidedly rancid meat is dancing a jig
...the voices of many / a thousand-thousand prayers of supplication to (any goddess listed above) assault you, or
...syntax< you see: the smell of Dwarven song, or
...syntax< you see: the first conscious thought of an golem's grandchild.
... " < you see: your concepti.... on second thought, there's no point in making the game that ugly.
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