Player Status

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Re: Player Status

Post by Amira » Mon Nov 23, 2020 9:27 pm

As some of you already know, I managed to completely destroy my glasses. Sadly I don't have any kind of backup and so I am pretty much blind.

This means that until I manage to get my hands on new glasses (or contacts) I won't be able to play FK.

I can still chat on Discord (on my tablet, held close to my face) but in general my screen time will be very limited. If you need me to see something, make sure to tag me or send a private message.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Tyeslan » Tue Nov 24, 2020 5:59 pm

I am currently swamped with intake meetings for my son for the next four weeks, and experiencing massive information overload. Among juggling some RL stuff thrown my way that's kind of knocked me down some.

My time here will be minimized, but I'm still trying to log in, and be here, but finding my RP lacking. I'll be back to normal soon!
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Re: Player Status

Post by Harroghty » Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:37 pm

I've been locked out of the forums for a while, but I'm back in now. 🖐

I wasn't ignoring you on purpose, but I was working on a lot of the COVID vaccine roll out stuff, then I took paternity leave for a while, etc..
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Re: Player Status

Post by Skylar » Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:43 pm

Welcome back.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Ailyn » Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:11 pm

*You have all been poked by the Frosty Mystran*

Also, for the life of me, cannot find the Discord server info anymore.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Rordan » Thu May 13, 2021 3:54 pm

Life is kicking me while I'm down, working on getting back up again. Will be a tad mia for a bit (one to two days a week ish I should be around if I'm lucky)
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Re: Player Status

Post by Alitar » Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:05 am

I'm alive. Just got married actually, you should have seen her dress- it was beautiful!
Love you folks, and I want to be back, but I can't promise anything. Life's been tricky for awhile now and I over estimated my ability to play from work last year however I hope to be around some in evenings on weeknights to spend time with the people I grew up a dozen times in Waterdeep with.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Jarah » Sun Jun 13, 2021 4:19 am

Things are about to get super crazy for me for a little while. Seems like the weather has finally calmed down, but I have a contractor coming to work a couple of weeks earlier than anticipated on my house. I'm getting ready to move at the end of the month, as well as starting a new job around then too. No idea what kind of game time my girls will have over the next month, but if you need anyone, I should be able to make evenings work!
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Re: Player Status

Post by Ithrael » Sun Jun 20, 2021 3:00 am

Howdy everyone, I've been gone for a long couple of years, but I got a new computer and have d/l Zmud, just trying to remember how to set it up again. Hope to see everyone in the days/nights to come.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Jerrel » Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:40 am

On vacation for the next week and will be trying to avoid devices as much as possible! See you all in a week!
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Re: Player Status

Post by Algon » Sun Aug 01, 2021 3:55 am

In the middle of moving right now, no telling how long until I get internet again. So I will likely be gone for a while.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Lirith » Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:55 pm

Going to a wee island for a few days. I definitely won't be around much if at all.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Mouat » Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:15 pm

Well, it's that time of the year. Back to work. I'm a workacholic so not a lot of time for other stuff outside of work and coaching.

I'd like to thank the admin/imm/staff team for keeping things running and doing their best to answer questions/apps/concerns/bugs. I really appreciate their time that takes away from their own playing to do these things.

I'd like to thank Amethyst and Humfry for all their input to my PCs and general advice. Much appreciated.

I would also like to thank all those that I was able to group and RP with some of which I wish I could have RPed more. I'll be on here and there until next week and then after that, hopefully be able to do a group adventure once in awhile, but if not, Rynn will be there brewing with his fig leaf on at the gardens.

Cheers everyone! Have a great long weekend.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Lythos » Tue Sep 28, 2021 5:18 pm


I am studying for a certification so for the next 4-6 weeks I won't be spending as much time online. Feel free to send a PM/ Discord message for anything Mielikki related that require immediate action.

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Re: Player Status

Post by Jerrel » Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:14 pm

I will about to be out of town and with limited-to-no internet access until 1/15. If you have need of Derayn et al., please PM here or on Discord.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Dalgrim » Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:48 am

Life is a bit crazy for me, and will likely be for a while. My apologies for all the open ended rp threads. If you want/need to coordinate some rp for Dalgrim, Uthrand, or Medaus pm me here or reach out on discord. I can make some time with a bit a of planning. Otherwise, I will likely be scarcely about.
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
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Re: Player Status

Post by Amira » Mon Apr 25, 2022 5:49 pm

As you might have noticed, I have been rather absent lately.
I did some soul searching and have come to the conclusion that my time at FK is coming to an end. I have no more character stories to tell and while I would love to play a secondary/NPC like role in other character's stories that is just not an option.

And so I will leave.

Thank you all for the many years of rp and adventure, both big and small.

And so, we can assume that Laereth will continue his studies in Shadowdale, Amira will keep running the Westgate Purple Haze until she drops dead and Valfein will continue to curse the gods and haunt Menzo.

Should any of you feel like chatting about the good old times (or just in general), you can reach me on Discord (Username: Siria#7483).

Have a wonderful time and thank you again for all the fun in the last 1.5 decades.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Rordan » Wed Apr 27, 2022 5:28 pm

Hello all!

You may have noticed that I've been away once again for a bit. I've been dealing with a lot of health issues, both mental and physical, that have been quite demanding of my time. Also been working on some stuff with tech addiction and trying to get a better balance in my life.

Thus I am back for now! Though not likely as much as I usually am when I play, trying to not fall back into the 'play for 12 hours a day' habit.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Jerrel » Fri May 06, 2022 12:02 am

Going for a little R-and-R, so will be not around 5/6-5/15.
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Re: Player Status

Post by Dalgrim » Sun Sep 11, 2022 4:25 am

Bye For Now

I love this spot in the internet. However, after one too many storylines going awry, or character ideas not panning out, my favorite characters find themselves at crossroads or chapter-like endings. Myself as a player, am a bit demotivated and find I have less to bring to the table. Have fun, kill a dragon, or drink a keg for me. I'll be back at some point, I'm sure.


Dalgrim Stormcleave is lost in his forge work, hammering his soul into various pieces of armor. Just like his grandfather did.

Teegan Dawnleaf is locked away by the enemy in a cell he cannot escape somewhere in the depths of the earth.

Uthrand Mistwolf is sitting atop of Kelvin’s Kairn wondering what fate means, while Nuri complains about the cold.

An Oghman known as Medaus just stepped into a portal to the fugue calling out a name no one knows.


So long and thanks for all the rp.. until next time,

P.S. Remember, the cake is a lie. (Portal joke not a player jab) I have items for a few characters. I'll make sure they get to the right folks.
Between the ringing of hammers in the hallowed halls a chant rises:
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