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Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 1:07 pm
by Dalvyn
We did... As for the something shiny and sharp, well... it was in the forest, in a chest.

Now, I believe that we are ready for the last session. I thought you would have come a bit further, but... if you concentrate and actually discuss it out so that ALL of you know what you are looking for, what you plan to do, and what you have already learned, this should be possible to finish it after 4-5 hours.

I'd like to ask all of you for a special effort to concentrate on what is happening in the roleplay and not on Instant Messagers. Every time someone is distracted and we have to wait for them to give out coins to a mob, or move, we lose precious minutes that quickly add up to longer periods of time. That was especially visible last sessions, when you had to use the barges to wander around. I, for one, consider it very impolite to make the whole group wait on you just because you are happily chatting away during that time. If you are not interested in the roleplay, just say it and we'll find a way to get you out of it. If you want to be in, then at least respect the other members of the group and pay attention to what is happening.

That being said... for the last session, I would like to have everybody on board (at least those who remain interested in the roleplay even after the paragraph I wrote above :) ). Please post below if you can make it next Saturday. It is most likely going to be very hard to find a good date and time so that everybody can be there, so please try as much as you can to be free. See you then!

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:41 pm
by Jaenoic
As for the something shiny and sharp, well... it was in the forest, in a chest

As for me, I'm totally there! You mean this saturday, the 23rd correct? Because I'm not sure if I can promise anything on the 30th, but I can check.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 3:42 am
by Mele
Doubtful I'll make it. I live in a house with six people now and my room happens to be the place to hang, I just don't have the attention to fully give. I don't even have the attention to give to the dreaded Instant Messengers. Got a new job with nonsteady hours, so possibly working etc.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:56 pm
by Janon
I'll be there.

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:22 pm
by Lerytha
As shall I, unforeseen developments nonwithstanding.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:51 pm
by Dalvyn
Can I get one of you to post a summary of what happened, and those who were not there to try and read it before we start?

Several of you have not answered yet, so it's hard to say if we are going to be able to continue on Saturday or not.

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:19 pm
by Lerytha
I will post a summary, to my best ability, if someone else can't. With my computer playing up so much its difficult to know what exactly happened.

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 2:40 am
by Dalvyn
Well, that is it. The whole thing required a HUGE LOT of preparation and work, but it generated at least twice as much fun.

My main regret is that Maybel, who was along for all the previous sessions, could not make it to the last one.

Anyway, here's to hoping that you will soon get many bards come and pester you about the finest details so they can tell your tale in their books, up to the day when it rained down coins in Waterdeep. :)

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 2:50 am
by Maybel
OMG you mean i missed it? I stayed on all that time and tried to make all the sessions and i missed it and didn't even know about it! I was not able to get on the forums or anything since last session and i thought we were not going to do it this saturday because of christmas weekend...


I am so sorry to all of you... I really am... if anyone has a log of what happened... please e mail it to me... it would be kind of silly for her to not know the end of what happened

I feel so ... sad and depressed i missed the last session... i feel i missed out on the whole think...

oh well... hope it was a good one

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:11 am
by Janon
I am sure that I am not alone in conveying the following sentiments:

1. To every and any imm involved in the creation, design and implementation of this has been the MOST fun I have had since my stumbling across this mud, and that is a long time ago. Your work is beyond appreciated, it is treasured among many Saturdays well spent with good friends and a world away from daily real life. Your countless hours of work and creativity were enjoyed by all of us who had the pleasure of participating.

2. Maybel, we regret your missing the final session as you were at ALL the others despite our occassional infrequency. Do not think that your part in this is diminished or underappreciated.

3. At a time when the mud itself is undergoing large changes, I wish that others could know this level of dedication from imms to players and from players to their peers. Thank you all, imms and players alike, for the most online fun I have experienced in several years.

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:16 am
by Dalvyn
Saranya's player actually suggested to have a "wrap-up" "party" next week (Saturday, same time). I can be online then, and open the connection back to the Marketplace for those who have not had the time to shop to their leisure yesterday. That will also be a good opportunity to share memories, and explain what happened during the last session. Ian, we made several mud-wide call for people to try and contact you on Instant Messengers, but to no avail. Anyway, hopefully we'll make up for it next at week's wrap-up session.

I will also collect back the house figurines and "clean the House" after it.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 6:19 pm
by Maybel
I had no doubt that you did try to call out for anyone who knew me to contact me... I had no way of a computer or internet connection to play. The internet is down at my house and if it was up... the computer is down...

I will try to make it this saturday for the "wrap up" session so that I am not compleatly out of the loop on how it was done and what happened...

although i am quite sad... i am not upset at anyone for it going on without me... The RP was awsome (not like a hot dog) and the quests and areas were mind blowing... from the valcano to the ice realm... it was very enjoyable and I am with janon... the most fun i had in a long RP ever....

thank you all

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:11 am
by Jaenoic
Afraid I can't make it this saturday. I'll be... Somewhere. o_O Either skiing or on my way to Hiroshima for the new year. Sorry guys!

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:23 pm
by Dalvyn
Can you check whether we rolled back to AFTER your shopping spree in Zelatar, or BEFORE it?

We definitely rolled back to before the last session, so I'll re-load some of the items from the Counting House, as well as the items from the chest, and the rewards from Waukeen for each of you. Some of the items I had added on the spur of the moment, to ensure that there would be something for each of you though, and I do not remember what I have added exactly.

I suggest we gather OOCly next Saturday at the same time as usual, and work on fixing that so that the auction can still happen. It should hopefully not take too long.

If you cannot be online next Saturday, make sure that you PM another member of the group (one who can make it) and let them know the list of all the items you got.

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:04 am
by Jaenoic
Next saturday as in January 6th?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:15 am
by Mele
Before it. :(

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:49 am
by Dalvyn
Next saturday as in Dec 30th.

I opened connections from the Astral House to both Upper and Middle Zelatar, so you can go on a shopping spree if you want.