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Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:00 am
by Vaemar
Duergar race description (when somebody polymorphs into the race):
This creatures resembles a dwarf but its skin is grayish and hangs loosly.

And to celebrate the Silverymoon event I rolled yet another alt, a gnome, so here it is a new typo in the very first room of Golden Oaks noob training temple:
The rounded caves themselve are about four or four and
a half feet tall and about five feet wide.
The same typo is present in all the other rooms of the area.

Also the apprentice rogue, has perhaps a small typo:
This small gnome has a sneaky look to his eye. He is dressed in
dark leather armour.
Perhaps "eyes"?

Also another random typo I found checking a log:
An Larrikins guild member lounges around the guildhouse.

Checking logs let me find also another typo, travelling visitor (to Darromar):
This elderly visitor seems to be taking in the sights of Darromar.
He is a very unassuming individual, nondescript, just an everage
citizen, by all appearances.

Planar shade, a kind of pet:
far larger than it
should be able to with the orofice. [...] The creature apprendages are scaled from fore-arm to hand, and midshin to
, and both hands and feet end in filth ridden claws.
Orifice. Appendages. I don't understand what the two to's mean.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:07 am
by Yemin
House invincible - Silverymoon
You close the *an iron reinforced door.

Black tentacles isn't gender specific on fail echo. it will always produce.
*** raises *his* hands conjuring bla bla but fail to take hold.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 6:57 pm
by Vaemar
Landwen in Tangled Trees:
Landwen glances XXX as her walks in, obviously a bit distracted.
Landwen says to you 'Oh, greetings! Please feel free to look around'
She. And also it shows to me the name of my character instead of showing "you".

Feywarden's quest in Tangled Trees:
The Feywarden says to you 'So you learned from Ellior about the standing stone,'
The Feywarden asks you 'and the pact that is stands as testament to?'

Above the Black Pony, in Triel:
There a makeshift tree stump
made to be a nightstand at the end of each small bed.
There *is* a makeshift...

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:26 am
by Yemin
All the dummies in the Westgate niewbie training area have incorrect articles as follows.

A simple wooden dummy that has been made to look a bit like *an giant.
A huge wooden dummy is in perfect health.

A simple wooden dummy that has been made to look a bit like *an kobold.
A medium wooden dummy is in perfect health.

A simple wooden dummy that has been made to look a bit like *an hobgoblin.
A large wooden dummy is in perfect health.

A simple wooden dummy that has been made to look a bit like *an goblin.
A small wooden dummy is in perfect health.

The tiny are fine.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:30 pm
by Vaemar
Somewhere on the black road, wilderness:
You can see the walls of a Zhenatrim fortress here.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:15 pm
by Raona
(4650) a crude longbow
This bow has the makings of a superior weapon, but falls too
short of the goal. The materials are good, horn glued with a
dead animal's fat to flexible wood, and the design is decent
but it looks like a child's imitation of a his father's work
and nothing more.

13657 - Wild path
N-Misty For54854 S-Wild path13654
Looking around, you don't see any sign of people living in this forest.
And yet, sometimes, you feel a hidden presence in the tall plants. You
blink at the image of a little man, moving silently between the trees,
and disappearing into a hollw tree nearby. The wind whispers through the
trees, carrying small bits of what might be conversation.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:30 pm
by Yemin
Auntie Glimbell *smile brightly at you, revealing a row of rotting teeth.


Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:40 pm
by Yemin
Guard at fellowship of undermountain - Waterdeep
This well-*musculed human wears a suit of mail armour embossed with the symbol of the City of Waterdeep. He also looks like he knows how to use the sword he carries.
A guard is in perfect health.


Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:08 pm
by Aticus
I just found this thread. I've seen some things, but I wasn't sure if I should mention them. I'll start posting here.

1) Two west exits listed just inside the northern gate of Bezantur:

The Northern Gate
N-Bezantur S-The High Road W-Pair of red oak doors W-Pair of red oak doors

2) Room name "in front Of A Mansion" should be "In Front Of A Mansion" to match description of exit from Market Town Slums.
N-Market Town Slums

3) From the shapechange help file - NPC's should be NPCs.
Ask yourself, "If I shapechanged into this race in this location, what
would the reaction of the NPC's around me be?" Just because we have not
coded the NPC's to react in a certain way does not mean that you should go
ahead and ignore what their reactions would be. Irresponsible use of this
ability can lead to it being taken away.

4) Yawning hole near the gypsy camp where diamong should be diamond.
Eastern end of a diamong-shaped hall

5) From the mining help file: Alot should be a lot.
Mining is the art of taking a pick to a rock face and finding the ore buried
within. It takes time and alot of patience and a willingness to spend alot of
time underground. In order to learn how to mine a PC will need to do a quest
to learn the skill. The skill is not learned with the train command but only
by quest.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:14 pm
by Yemin
Yondalla's copse in ardeep
A kind and tiny forest gnome, this quiet male halfling
has an affinity for caring for animals but not so much talking
to people.
Lielf is in perfect health.

Gnome or halfling?

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:55 pm
by Vaemar
Strawberry Song Armour:
This armour has been carefully embroidered with blue gemstones
on it's edges. Made of several blues and sizes the gemstones form a trail of shimmering

Auction house half-elf:
A snobbish half-elven man says to you 'In order to preserve the rarity and exclusivity'
A snobbish half-elven man says to you 'of our instruments each bard is only permitted'
A snobbish half-elven man says to you 'to buy one of our instruments for every two'
A snobbish half-elven man says to you 'bardic tokens turned in to the apporpriate'
A snobbish half-elven man says to you 'authority. Not me. Furthermore, no more than'
A snobbish half-elven man says to you 'three instruments and three instrument cases'
A snobbish half-elven man says to you 'shall be sold to the same bard, regardless of'
A snobbish half-elven man says to you 'how prolific they are with their artistry.'

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:32 pm
by Yemin
Gonder school in sword mountains

Looking out of place in the dirty forges, this elven woman somehow
stays impeccably clean, with the exception of her hands which have a few smudges of coal and soot on them. Her long *{B0 }golden blonde hair has been neatly piled into a tight bun ontop of her head, save for a few loose strands that hang down into her eyes. Though she does not look like your typical blacksmith, the resounding strikes of her hammer on the anvil give the sense of decades of knowledge and work.
Valarain, the smelting teacher is in perfect health.
Valarain, the smelting teacher is using:

*incomplete colour code I'm guessing.

Mine overseer Valaus sighs softly as *the looks through the box.

*As he looks through the box

A large *guards keeps watch over the entrance of the caverns.

*A large guard, or Large guards

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:36 pm
by Yemin
Gonder school of mining north of Waterdeep

Valarain, the smelting teacher smiles and steps away from *here forge, dusting her hands off on her apron.


Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:29 am
by Areia
In Waterdeep's school of combat, the quest to collect the weapons case, everyone interacted with during the quest addresses the PC as "sir", even if the PC is female.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:27 am
by Rycird
On the goblinoid creation screen, it says half-orcs and goblins can pay additional kismet to be neutral and/or lawful. For goblins, this is no longer true (as I saw when I was going through creation for mine while having the requisite kismet for a neutral goblin). Please alter that message as it's very misleading.

* Half-orcs and goblins have additional alignment costs. For
any lawful alignment, a half-orc must pay 50 more kismet and
for any neutral alignment, a goblin must pay 200 more kismet
points (a total of 100 or 400 respectively).
That specifically.

Edit: Unless it's meant towards the lawful or chaos side only? I guess that would make some sense, too.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 1:10 pm
by Xyanna
Debbn in Applehill, one of his smotes has a typo.
Debbn sneezes.
Debbn rubs his red nose furiously on his sleeze.
Sleeze should be sleeve, I hope!

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 10:43 am
by Yemin
The 11 tombs just inside the golden door.

Ruined tunnel
E-Collapsing cryp S-Ruined tunnel
Crumbled stone columns attempt, in vain, to support what remains of the ancient ceiling - giving way to a mass of densely packed sand, which spills freely into the crypt's tunnel. Long-faded murals decorate the snaking, uneven walls in either direction, depicting men, women and animals in scenes
of worship and sacrifice. Several stones of the floor appear somewhat more damaged than those around them, as though having been worked on with heavy tools. An enormous golden door bars the way to the south, which appears far too heavy to open by hand. *which appears far too heavy to open by hand - though a sturdy stone lever *it set into the floor beside it.

*dupplicate sentence
2nd*is not it.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:32 pm
by Anguin
In the fields of Hollow Hills:

This field is large and green. Grass peeks through the dirt that has been
topped with smelly cow and pig manure that the animals here seem to leave
behind. This field provides a good source of food when for the animals
when the grass is growing.Every once in a while the farmer will come here
to check on the animals and make sure now wolves are wandering around
searching for a meal.

*'now' should be 'no'

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 11:42 pm
by Alinor
I'm not exactly sure of the area name but in the cave with all of the illusions there is a typo on one of the death messages.

A tiny purple kitten illusion is DEAD!
The cat's ears flatten back against her head as her body begins to shimmer, loosing a mournful mewl before dispersing into the air with a sound akin to shatternig glass.

Re: Mega thread: Rainy day simple fixes

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:47 am
by Kelsey
Hello. Just a few typos:
help harpers
The Harpers
The Harpers organisation works as a force for good in the Kingdoms. Its
name is derived from the fact that many of its members are bards, but
they accept members from most other guilds. It is said that such famous
people as Elminster, Khelben Blackstaff and Storm Silverhand are harpers.
Rumour has it that their head quarters are somewhere in Berdusk.

Note you cannot have an alt char in the Zhentarim, Shadow Thieves,
or the Knight Masks if you have a harper character.
This includes any form of spying or interaction with these organisations.
help shadow thieves
The Shadow Thieves
The shadow thieves are a wide-ranging guild of thieves and spys who
perform particularily dangerous, evil-aligned, and lucrative ventures.
Their activities unlike most thieves guilds are not limited to a single
city, and they range the whole length of the Sword Coast. Their trademark
is a black silk mask impaled upon a stileto blade is is left behind at
the scenes of murders.

Note you cannot have an alt char in the Zhentarim, Harpers, Knights
of Myth Drannor or the Knight Masks if you have a shadow thief character.
This includes any form of spying or interaction with these organisations.
The above two should be Night Masks
Storm exclaims to you 'Well done!'
Storm says to you 'That book there can be very helpful.'
Storm says to you 'It is full of the help files for'
Storm says to you 'the game. Keep it around then take'
Storm says to you 'a look at it ("examine book") when'
Storm says to you 'you have some time.'
Storm says to you 'Here, you could use some pants too.'
Storm gives you a pair of plain under breeches.
Storm gives you a pair of breeches.
Storm says to you 'Wear them and then tell me when you'
Storm says to you 'are ready to go on.'
You get an Adventurer's Guide from a cloth pack.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
wear under
You slip into a pair of plain under breeches.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
wear bree
You do not have that item.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
wear breech
You do not have that item.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
wear breeches
You do not have that item.

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You are carrying:
a symbol of faith (perfect)
a cloth pack (perfect)
an Adventurer's Guide (perfect)

<100%hp 0m 100%mv>
You are using:
<worn as symbol> a symbol of faith (perfect)
<worn on body> a plain under tunic (perfect)
<worn on body> a cloth pack (perfect)
<worn on legs> a pair of plain under breeches (perfect)
<right hand> a diamond-shaped spear (perfect)
Remove that line. You aren't actually given a pair of breeches.
buy turnip
You buy a bowl of turnip stew.
Rathan says to you 'To eat your food, type "eat foodname".'
Rathan says to you 'To drink your drink, type "drink drinkname".'
Rathan says to you 'You can refill waterskins at fountains'
Rathan says to you 'by typing "fill skinname".'
Rathan says to you 'You can also drink at fountains.'
Rathan says to you 'Here is a waterskin for you.'
Rathan gives you a travellers water skin.
Rathan hands you a waterskin.

Rathan asks you 'Ready for me to go on?'
You're only given one waterskin, instead of the two it seems to imply.
A forge
N-The art of move E-The armoury S-The library of W-The weaponry
It is hot in here. There are several forges working in the room.
Smiths man them and work on armour and weapons. The floor is hard
packed dirt and the walls are made of stone.
A dwarven master smith is working a forge here.
The master smith says to you 'Here, ye could dae wi' a belt.'
The master smith says to you 'Its worn, bar ye could see'
The master smith says to you 'if the armourer kin repair et.'
The master smith says to you 'He disnae like tae admit et,'
The master smith says to you 'bar he's handy wi' a needle, jist'
The master smith says to you 'as he be wi' the hammer an' forge.'
The master smith gives you a corded belt.
The master smith gives you a worn belt.

The master smith says to you 'Ye'll find him o'er there tae the east.'
You're only given one belt instead of the two it seems to imply.
Choose your race
You see no way out.
Please choose the race of your character:

(A) Human ( 0 Kismet) (B) Half-elf ( 0 Kismet)
(C) Dwarf ( 0 Kismet) (D) Elf ( 0 Kismet)
(E) Gnome ( 0 Kismet) (F) Halfling ( 0 Kismet)
(G) Orc ( 0 Kismet) (H) Planetouched ( 0 Kismet)
I think all the races should reflect the lowest cost of a subrace within. E.g. 50 kismet for Half-elf or 700 for Planetouched. Seeing 0 kismet on the character creation screen is misleading.
The Great Mother by Pepe

Chapter one

Today all about Toril, the Great Mother, Chauntea, is worshiped as
the goddess of agriculture and She who ensures a strong harvest. She
is worshiped by those who plant and harvest, those who farm and
those who live off the land. Those who worship Her are expected to
help maintain nature's balance, and to return things to the Earth
when they die, as is the natural cycle. Those who worship the Grain
Goddess are not to destroy for the mere sake of desctruction, nor
are they to destroy without after rebuilding. They are to nurture,
tend, and plant wherever possible, and to protect living plantlife.
Should be destruction.