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Re: Tempurian Gathering (event)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:10 am
by Dapher
Alright, this time there is not tournament. But after the last meeting the elders discussed a few changes that they thought should be implemented within the church. So, I am looking for as man people as possible to show up for this meeting. There will be a lot of information put out, a few changes to things that we have done in the past, we will also be discussing future events, and things we would like to see happen. This is your chance to have your voice herd, we would like to see a lot of good ideas, and we would like to see a lot of people have fun. I will be talking about diffrent feasts that we will be trying to have among other things. Here is the time that I am looking at, if there are issues with it please let me know and I will see what I can do ... c=0&p1=217

Re: Tempurian Gathering (event)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:12 am
by Lysha
Eyja shoooould be there......

Re: Tempurian Gathering (event)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:25 am
by Melian
The Church of Tempus requests that no armor be worn to this gathering, as we will be holding a Feast of Heroes ceremony followed by Song of the Fallen. Anyone wishing to participate further needs to contact Aubrey or Jarris in person to discuss the details.

Re: Tempurian Gathering (event)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:07 pm
by Algon
No armor.....well Algon was going to come. lol
Yeah I should be able to make that time no problem. :)

Re: Tempurian Gathering (event)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:56 pm
by Dapher
Thank you all for responding, I hope to see a large turn out for this event. This is the first formal Tempurian event that has been held since Jarris became the Battleguard, so this should be a big deal. As I said earlier, after the feasts, and the songs, we will be discussing further Tempurian business. Several higher ranking members has stepped up and offered to help with future events, and these events will become regular occurances. I do not want to give out details on here, but I think that whoever shows up will really have a good time. And as always IMM support is welcomed, and apriciated!

Re: Tempurian Gathering (event)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:46 am
by Dapher
Hey, just giving this event a bump. We are looking for a large turn out. We will be putting out a lot of information, and there will be a lot of new things put into place. So please, if you have a Tempurian please bring them out.

Re: Tempurian Gathering (event)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:30 pm
by Saranya
It's on the Events Calender now. Sorry I missed it before. :D

Re: Tempurian Gathering (event)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 3:08 am
by Dapher
Thank you everyone that came! That was such a fun RP. I think the turn out was great compared to the last time. We quadrupled our numbers. Two people showed up last time we had 8 this time. As I said in earlier posts lots of things changed, lots of new RPs will be starting. All of you that I gave tasks, if you cannot fullfill them that is fine, PM me or meet me IC and we will get it all taken care of. I will begin to hold these meetings regularly. We had food, we had drink, we had teaching, motivational speaking, and promotions! The more evens you guys show up to, and the more you participate the faster you will get promoted! So please lets make these regular appearances and make all of them just as much fun! Thank you for no bickering, I think everyone did a great job of getting along.