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Re: Domain Spells and Spell Levels

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:41 pm
by Athon
I definitely agree that domain spells should be casted at or near a GM level. They are your deity's preferred spells, it seems like they would be the strongest, right?

As for their power being tied to faith level? Definitely not. Some faiths do an excellent job of promoting their worthy members; others still do not even have a FM. It would seem like an unfair punishment to those that have faiths with inactive or no FM to miss out on casting their spells to their full potential while others can do it just fine.

Favor levels can be managed by all players and is more directly related to their actual deity. I like seeing favor levels affect your domain spell power, with 'loved' allowing one to cast them at GM.

Re: Domain Spells and Spell Levels

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 5:24 pm
by Nysan
Time to weigh in...

No, yes, no.

No: Domain spells should not be attached to something like faith ranks. My reasoning for this is faiths are run differently because they are run by different people. Faith A's FM may prefer most member to stay at lower ranks, reserving prelate and above for only the most active and dedicated members, while Faith B's FM might have 10 prelates because they are online alot. Wouldn't be fair to set a spell's skill level to a system that isn't universal. Deity favour levels, maybe. At least that is in the character's hands and uniform across all faiths.

Yes: Domain spells should be powerful, since they are granted by their diety. A domain spell going off at novice level just seems weird.

No: I am concerned about domain spells automatically being GM level for balance concerns. Thats a free GM level spell and considering some of the spells given to certain faiths, such as damage spells, that may be a bit much. Identify and Good fortune GMed don't sound so bad. Now, GMed wail of the banshee or flensing, especially since you can memorize lower level domain in higher spots, sounds a bit questionable for balance.

Re: Domain Spells and Spell Levels

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:25 am
by Isaldur
Domain Spells + Favor thread from a little over a year ago with a few ideas about domain spells and favor. Granted this is simply pimping out my own ideas.